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Everything posted by MeWhoElse

  1. My favorite final two would have been Jordan and Michelle, but oh well...
  2. Hey now, it is not just her's...
  3. So no one know if Gnat won anything other than designer clothes?
  4. Exactly!!! I thought the same thing...
  5. That is definately worth being excited about!!!
  6. So far Gnat has only won some clothes, right? Did she win anything else? I can't remember...
  7. I think it depends on who does the highjacking more than anything else... So about those Raiders.
  8. If the final two are Jordan and Kevin, Kevin should win. As much as I like Jordan and think needs the money, I still think Kevin played a better game and deserves to win. I can't stand the thought of Natalie winning anything...
  9. As long as Natalie doesn't win a dime, I don't care anymore...
  10. What are her hours? This will be an important factor...
  11. I get PMs from someone here to clean out my box!
  12. Mine pretty much stays full...
  13. You are doing GREAT then. Hang in there! Just think of all the money you are saving!!! I need to do the same thing...
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