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Posts posted by winston1972

  1. Did Beverly work for Jerry for 8 years?


    Did Beverly get fired by David


    Did she sue the county


    Does she have an ax to grind



    If it walks like a duck & talks like one what do you think?


    My understanding is that Bill Carruth hired her and she worked for him during his term. Jerry saw that she was a capable employee and kept her and didn't see the need to clean house and bring in all his cronies like David Austin who I beleive brought in four employees within 2-3 months after coming into office from a local engineering firm specializing in water and sewer work.

  2. A round table discussion is also scheduled for today on P.com between all commissioner candidates, I wonder if Beverly and Tony will show up for this discussion?

    Surely they have no objections to discussing the issues that they are running on!!!!!!



    David Austin did not show up to at least one debate with Jerry Shearin. If I'm not mistaken, he didn't show up for the big one at Chathahoochee Tech.... :drinks:

  3. !] The investigation against Shearin 2 years ago was a full fledged Ethics Commission investigation. There was indeed sufficient evidence to mount an investigation into various activities including donations from companies doing work for the county.


    2] Shearin was cleared, this time, by the Ethics commission. The previous investigation ended up with him paying fines and giving the money back.


    3] This is, by the way, the exact same Ethics Commission Panel who "grilled" Glenn Richardson....i.e.:


    "Mr Richardson, Did you have an affair with the AGL Lobbyist who you were sponsoring the gas line bill for ?"


    "No I wasn't!"


    WHOOPS.......Next thing you know we have the Ex Mrs Richardson on Fox-5 telling us all about the affair her ex-husband had with the AGL lobbyist who he sponsored [and passed in the House] the bill for.


    To make a long story short, the Ethics Committee has never done anything to any of the Republican politicians in anyway associated with Richardson and Company.


    So to sum it up, Yes indeed Shearin was investigated by the State Ethics Committee, and like Richardson, they believed what he said and looked at no other evidence,.......case dismissed.


    LOL! The rumors about Jerry I was referring to were much more unsavory than that..

  4. I find it more than suspect that the OP says that a "campaign worker" told them of something so potentially damaging and so scandalous that they would not use or potentially pass along this supposed "tidbit" to their advantage in a very public manner. Additionally, the OP is either contradicting themselves or it is extremely coincidental that a family member of the implied counterparty contacted them also in regards to the alleged "incident".


    I call BS and it appears to be a typical whisper campaign seen in smear campaigns towards the end of many races. OP-- put out (details) or shut up!!


    Also- OP, I'm sure pubby would love to get your story so he can research and report the results!!

    • Like 1
  5. With a 54mil budget I'm not sure what that's worth. I heard that stunt was nor well received last night.


    I heard about this. They did mention they would forgo the salary but keep the benefits. Insurance for County employees is VERY REASONABLE and would be a considerable cost savings vs. the premium they are likely paying. The big question for me is how would they be benefitting financially in this position???

  6. There will always be people that game the system or that take advantage of a program whether its a program such as this, Christmas programs, etc. The reality of the situation in GA is that 50% + of school age children are from households that qualify for free or reduced lunches. Children and the elderly ARE deserving of our empathy and help. One of the major issues I have with Republicans is a lack of empathy- but that's besides the point. If the program feeds one child whose parent is gaming the system so be it if 10 children who need it are getting a meal.. I personally would rather my tax dollars going to feeding hungry children than funding ketchup flow studies, the war in Iraq and Afghanistan and $1000 toilets.

    • Like 5
  7. Wasn't Beverly Cochran the one who Jerry Shearin gave a check for like $49,995 as a consulting "fee" just under the $50,000 threshold that would require a majority vote from the commissioners? The folks here in Paulding County booted out Jerry. I would think his executive assistant wouldn't stand a chance.


    That was Pat Crook, the County Administrator that got the juicy check.

  8. I completely agree. I went to a race a few years back and was totally bored. It was just cars going around and around a large oval hundreds of times. Best part of it was watching the drunks as we were stuck in traffic trying to get out of the place.


    Nascar has certainly degenerated from what it used to be. My grandfather is in the pioneer hall of fame at Talladega. He'd be appalled these days.

  9. Doing some cleaning and found some Kyle Petty and Bobby Allison T shirts. The Kyle Petty are in new condition and one is signed. The Bobby Allison has been worn. If anyone wants them, let me know.

  10. I will probably get a bullet for this but it will be very worth the pain!


    REDNECKGIRRRLLL IS AWESOME! She has been taking donations at her Church all weekend and they have had such a great turnout, word is they will continue it through out the week. She is doing a fabulous job with sorting and helping those affected by the recent floods. The problem is, they need food. Non perishable for those without. People need food. We all need to take some nonperisable items to her Church next week. PM her for hours...


    The Church is Calvary Baptist and they are located at 4780 Flint Hill Road.


    Can you provide some basic directions? If they are still taking donations early next week I can drop some things by.

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