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Will and Paulette debate

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While talking to Will Avery last weekend the subject of debate has come up,he welcomes the chance for the public to hear his stand. Now with Paulette,that is another ummmm story. We need this to happen, for the canidates to take questions from the audience. Then people can form there own Idea of who would be best this November general. Now Paulette if your scared say your scared,dodge this and remember november.clapping.gif

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While talking to Will Avery last weekend the subject of debate has come up,he welcomes the chance for the public to hear his stand. Now with Paulette,that is another ummmm story. We need this to happe

Challenge accepted on my behalf.

Darn surepip - are you still not over your infatuation with Jerry yet? He has moved on with his life and doing well - kudos to him!

Ok this is clear,Paulette can you hear us now? This could be the main event of this whole year. Someone please contact the Paulette campagn,let's get this on the way. Pubby can you help us out here,we can spread the word and set the stage for debate.clapping.gif clapping.gif clapping.gif clapping.gif clapping.gif clapping.gif clapping.gif yahoo.gif yahoo.gif

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While talking to Will Avery last weekend the subject of debate has come up,he welcomes the chance for the public to hear his stand. Now with Paulette,that is another ummmm story. We need this to happen, for the canidates to take questions from the audience. Then people can form there own Idea of who would be best this November general. Now Paulette if your scared say your scared,dodge this and remember november.clapping.gif



You got a (-7) from them just by mentioning a debate. Now that is funny. Also very telling. It probably seems like a smart move to keep Paulette hidden away until after the election, but are there going to be enough uninformed voters to get her elected?

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You got a (-7) from them just by mentioning a debate. Now that is funny. Also very telling. It probably seems like a smart move to keep Paulette hidden away until after the election, but are there going to be enough uninformed voters to get her elected?


I gave a (-1) for the bolded portion below. He can't seem to make a comment with some smart-ass attached to it. glare.gif


While talking to Will Avery last weekend the subject of debate has come up,he welcomes the chance for the public to hear his stand. Now with Paulette,that is another ummmm story. We need this to happen, for the canidates to take questions from the audience. Then people can form there own Idea of who would be best this November general. Now Paulette if your scared say your scared,dodge this and remember november.clapping.gif

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I gave a (-1) for the bolded portion below. He can't seem to make a comment with some smart-ass attached to it. glare.gif


Yep. That's Animal. I fought with him for years and just met him last week. When it comes to politics he is an Animal. He is one of the hardest working campaigners I have ever known.


So what do you think about a debate between the two? Is it important to you to see how the two of them field questions and elaborate on their actual platforms and not just a bunch of hearsay on p.com?

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Personally, I've talked with both of them. Would an open discussion/debate be okay with me? Sure. Would I want Animal to have any part of it? No way in hell.


By the way, my animals act much nicer. I don't really give a rat's butt about Animal's opinion of anything.



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I think if Will Avery is a smart man he will do something about the "people" who are talking for him. If someone would act like they have some respect and manners maybe then it would be worth wild to set up a debate. The problem is insults are NEVER the way to show you have class and would truly like to engage in a meaningful debate which would be good for the voters. after the OPs post I would not suggest anyone attend such a low class thing. Being I have no idea who at this time I will vote for...Will Avery by not correcting the OP just went down a notch in my book. Mr Avery if you are really serious about this I say act like a gentleman and surround yourself with the same.

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I gave a (-1) for the bolded portion below. He can't seem to make a comment with some smart-ass attached to it. glare.gif





I gave him one for the same thing.dry.gif


Personally, I've talked with both of them. Would an open discussion/debate be okay with me? Sure. Would I want Animal to have any part of it? No way in hell.

By the way, my animals act much nicer. I don't really give a rat's butt about Animal's opinion of anything.




I agree with you. Think he needs to learn some manners before we let him out in public.ninja.gif

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I think if Will Avery is a smart man he will do something about the "people" who are talking for him. If someone would act like they have some respect and manners maybe then it would be worth wild to set up a debate. The problem is insults are NEVER the way to show you have class and would truly like to engage in a meaningful debate which would be good for the voters. after the OPs post I would not suggest anyone attend such a low class thing. Being I have no idea who at this time I will vote for...Will Avery by not correcting the OP just went down a notch in my book. Mr Avery if you are really serious about this I say act like a gentleman and surround yourself with the same.



I gave him one for the same thing.dry.gif


I agree with you. Think he needs to learn some manners before we let him out in public.ninja.gif

I'm sure you could have said it much nicer than I did, but he has ticked me off. pardon.gif He has been extremely rude to me personally (as I'm sure you recall). And why on earth would someone agree to a debate based on his OP?

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I'm sure you could have said it much nicer than I did, but he has ticked me off. pardon.gif He has been extremely rude to me personally (as I'm sure you recall). And why on earth would someone agree to a debate based on his OP?


I actually know him and he is much nicer in person. I don't know what happens to him when he gets behind a computer screen.ohmy.gif feelip is correct he campaigns hard and I am wondering if it drives him a little wild!laugh.gif Right now my advice to Paulette is to avoid this at all cost. The Animal is out of his cave.diablo.gif help.gif

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I actually know him and he is much nicer in person. I don't know what happens to him when he gets behind a computer screen.ohmy.gif feelip is correct he campaigns hard and I am wondering if it drives him a little wild!laugh.gif Right now my advice to Paulette is to avoid this at all cost. The Animal is out of his cave.diablo.gif help.gif

Why would you want Paulette to avoid an open and honest discussion of the topics, state fiscal challenges, and other policies that the voters of district believe to be important? I don't understand how that would be of benefit to the people trying to pick the best person for the job.

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Why would you want Paulette to avoid an open and honest discussion of the topics, state fiscal challenges, and other policies that the voters of district believe to be important? I don't understand how that would be of benefit to the people trying to pick the best person for the job.


I think the issue at hand is whether or not Animal has a hand in the debate setup. I say he is a wild man and it is not a good idea. Other than that it is totally her decision if she wants to take part in one.

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Why would you want Paulette to avoid an open and honest discussion of the topics, state fiscal challenges, and other policies that the voters of district believe to be important? I don't understand how that would be of benefit to the people trying to pick the best person for the job.

Because we all know there are debates and there are ambuses...when people like the OP have anything to do with it I see no way for it to be a real debate. I say she needs to avoid anything to do with this OP.....no good comes from something like this....for anyone.

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I was actually thinking about voting for Will Avery but now that I've seen the animals he aligns himself with my family has decided to vote against him.


I believe you will find that Animal adopted Will Avery, not vice versa.


I don't know what happened with the local Paulding GOP and Animal, but someone or some group REALLY, REALLY, REALLY must have pulled his chain to have him come roaring out of his cave and go after Beverly and now Paulette. He was, for years, the quintessential diehard Paulding Republican. You know, one that would vote for Satan over Jesus if Jesus was running as a Dem.


There is a tremendous backlash and conflict within the local GOP which is in essence a power struggle of I assume the old group who has controlled things for years, and the new group voted in the past 2 years.


Don't hold Avery responsible for some of his more ardent supporters like Animal who just have a hard time being civil.

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I can say that I did not ask Animal to post anything about this. Do I think that voters in District 19 need to be able to compare the two candidates involved? Yes. I am all for a respectful debate, moderated by an outside third party connected to neither one of us. When people are able to directly compare responses to the exact same questions, they are able to make informed decisions about the topics that affect us all.


I think that we should all be respectful of all candidates (keep in mind that some in here have not always said the nicest things about me, ex: being told I am only running for office to get my wife a raise, and being condemned for being a former smoker). I just ask that we all remain respectful and be willing to listen to both sides. I come in here to hear points of view, listen to what is important to people, and to take criticism, both constructive and destructive. I always try to give respect and want to receive it in return. When other people were slamming another candidate's character and being disrespectful, I was one of the first to speak against that kind of behavior, and I plan to continue to respect all parties involved.


I think the issue at hand is whether or not Animal has a hand in the debate setup. I say he is a wild man and it is not a good idea. Other than that it is totally her decision if she wants to take part in one.


I don't want a debate set up by animal, it is obvious he is one of my supporters, and therefore would not be a fair situation. I want it set up and moderated by outsiders. The Chamber of Commerce, the Paulding Business Association, or other groups in and around the county.

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I believe you will find that Animal adopted Will Avery, not vice versa.


I don't know what happened with the local Paulding GOP and Animal, but someone or some group REALLY, REALLY, REALLY must have pulled his chain to have him come roaring out of his cave and go after Beverly and now Paulette. He was, for years, the quintessential diehard Paulding Republican. You know, one that would vote for Satan over Jesus if Jesus was running as a Dem.


There is a tremendous backlash and conflict within the local GOP which is in essence a power struggle of I assume the old group who has controlled things for years, and the new group voted in the past 2 years.


Don't hold Avery responsible for some of his more ardent supporters like Animal who just have a hard time being civil.

Which do you peg me for since you think you know so much?

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I believe you will find that Animal adopted Will Avery, not vice versa.


I don't know what happened with the local Paulding GOP and Animal, but someone or some group REALLY, REALLY, REALLY must have pulled his chain to have him come roaring out of his cave and go after Beverly and now Paulette. He was, for years, the quintessential diehard Paulding Republican. You know, one that would vote for Satan over Jesus if Jesus was running as a Dem.


There is a tremendous backlash and conflict within the local GOP which is in essence a power struggle of I assume the old group who has controlled things for years, and the new group voted in the past 2 years.


Don't hold Avery responsible for some of his more ardent supporters like Animal who just have a hard time being civil.





Sounds like he thinks he is controlling this election. =@

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I can say that I did not ask Animal to post anything about this. Do I think that voters in District 19 need to be able to compare the two candidates involved? Yes. I am all for a respectful debate, moderated by an outside third party connected to neither one of us. When people are able to directly compare responses to the exact same questions, they are able to make informed decisions about the topics that affect us all.


I think that we should all be respectful of all candidates (keep in mind that some in here have not always said the nicest things about me, ex: being told I am only running for office to get my wife a raise, and being condemned for being a former smoker). I just ask that we all remain respectful and be willing to listen to both sides. I come in here to hear points of view, listen to what is important to people, and to take criticism, both constructive and destructive. I always try to give respect and want to receive it in return. When other people were slamming another candidate's character and being disrespectful, I was one of the first to speak against that kind of behavior, and I plan to continue to respect all parties involved.




I don't want a debate set up by animal, it is obvious he is one of my supporters, and therefore would not be a fair situation. I want it set up and moderated by outsiders. The Chamber of Commerce, the Paulding Business Association, or other groups in and around the county.


I take it you are referring to my comment about you being an ex smoker? Why is the world would I condemn you for that? I am one too after all. I think I complemented you for that. I think if you are taking exception to a comment like that we have bigger issues than I thought.

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I think the issue at hand is whether or not Animal has a hand in the debate setup. I say he is a wild man and it is not a good idea. Other than that it is totally her decision if she wants to take part in one.

Do you think that Animal will have his hand up Wills butt making Will's mouth move and making Will's statements by throwing his voice? If not than Paulette Braddock will be debating Will Avery, not Animal. What difference does it make who arranges the tables and chairs. I'm sure that their campaigns could come to some sort of agreement on when and where to hold a public forum if both candidates want to get the word out on why they are the best person for the job. I agree that Animal's comment was a back handed slap, but Animal has nothing to do with who I or anybody else will choose to vote for, particularly if the candidates are allowed to speak for themselves in a public forum. I think that a debate is the best way to know the candidates. There is no way to hide behind a slick campaign, lots of money, or purely partisan rhetoric. They have to answer the questions that are asked.

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Thank you Mr Avery.Your terms sound like you are interested in a good debate.


You aren't really OK with his slap at a female candidate are you?unsure.gif

"A" female candidate???? It has been one than one. Seems to be a pattern in the making.

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Do you think that Animal will have his hand up Wills butt making Will's mouth move and making Will's statements by throwing his voice? If not than Paulette Braddock will be debating Will Avery, not Animal. What difference does it make who arranges the tables and chairs. I'm sure that their campaigns could come to some sort of agreement on when and where to hold a public forum if both candidates want to get the word out on why they are the best person for the job. I agree that Animal's comment was a back handed slap, but Animal has nothing to do with who I or anybody else will choose to vote for, particularly if the candidates are allowed to speak for themselves in a public forum. I think that a debate is the best way to know the candidates. There is no way to hide behind a slick campaign, lots of money, or purely partisan rhetoric. They have to answer the questions that are asked.



Not touching that LTD. I have my reasons for my comments and Paulette will decide where, if, and when she debates. Not me! I have nothing to do with her campaign.

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I take it you are referring to my comment about you being an ex smoker? Why is the world would I condemn you for that? I am one too after all. I think I complemented you for that. I think if you are taking exception to a comment like that we have bigger issues than I thought.



I think it was one of those nights when you were running out of reasons not to vote for Will other than he was a Democrat and he used to smoke. :D


But to get back on track here, is there anyone who doesn't want to see the two candidates engage in multiple debates of different formats? This is the first REAL election for this seat we have had. I am enjoying the old time politics and banter from both sides. It seems like we have a couple of candidates that have worked themselves to the top and this should be good for everyone in the county.

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Why would you want Paulette to avoid an open and honest discussion of the topics, state fiscal challenges, and other policies that the voters of district believe to be important? I don't understand how that would be of benefit to the people trying to pick the best person for the job.


That rules out P.com... :nea:

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You aren't really OK with his slap at a female candidate are you?unsure.gif



Careful, don't hurt your back reaching.........


PS, when PEOPLE put on the candidate pants, we no longer see their plumbing. If she can't stand the heat, stay in the kitchen.


That rules out P.com... :nea:



There is a word for someone that hates something but spends all their time there.

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I think it was one of those nights when you were running out of reasons not to vote for Will other than he was a Democrat and he used to smoke. biggrin.gif


But to get back on track here, is there anyone who doesn't want to see the two candidates engage in multiple debates of different formats? This is the first REAL election for this seat we have had. I am enjoying the old time politics and banter from both sides. It seems like we have a couple of candidates that have worked themselves to the top and this should be good for everyone in the county.



Never slammed him for that and I take offense that he has accused me of it. If that is the way he twists things I know I would not want to debate him. I still have the very cordial pms that he sent and that I sent in reply about that subject. He knows good and well there was not a slam.

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Folks ... First off, it is too early to schedule a debate.


When a debate or discussion happens, it will happen at the behest of Pcom, the Chamber or possibly the PBA ... or all three. These are the groups that have arranged for these types of events.


Mrs. Braddock has been very gracious in appearing on PCOM and I fully expect her to be on pcom talking, if not with Will directly, possibly with folks like Nathan Deal, Sam Olens or even Casey Cagle or David Ralston (or other state officers).


That said, what Animal says about a 'debate' ... whether he wants one or not ... whom he thinks will win or not ... is what Animal says. You can think and say pretty much whatever you want about Animal says but to deny him the right or opportunity to say what he thinks is really not kosher. You know, like trying to invoke some kind of censorship on his thoughts and beliefs.



In other words, Paulette went toe-to-toe with Daniel Stout and came out just fine and Daniel, IMO, was good at debate and public speaking. He knocked them dead in the first debate to win the office and did a good job head to head with Paulette just a few weeks ago. Bottom line, I don't think Paulette is scared or seeking in any way to dodge a debate with Will.


Further, rather than reacting negatively to Animal, if I were a Paulette supporter I'd be out there saying just that ... that she has not only has the conservative family values that you endorse but that she is an articulate and effective voice for those ideas and ideals.


You do believe that, don't you Solo? News Junky? Georgia Dawg? Madea?



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Folks ... First off, it is too early to schedule a debate.


When a debate or discussion happens, it will happen at the behest of Pcom, the Chamber or possibly the PBA ... or all three. These are the groups that have arranged for these types of events.


Mrs. Braddock has been very gracious in appearing on PCOM and I fully expect her to be on pcom talking, if not with Will directly, possibly with folks like Nathan Deal, Sam Olens or even Casey Cagle or David Ralston (or other state officers).


That said, what Animal says about a 'debate' ... whether he wants one or not ... whom he thinks will win or not ... is what Animal says. You can think and say pretty much whatever you want about Animal says but to deny him the right or opportunity to say what he thinks is really not kosher. You know, like trying to invoke some kind of censorship on his thoughts and beliefs.



In other words, Paulette went toe-to-toe with Daniel Stout and came out just fine and Daniel, IMO, was good at debate and public speaking. He knocked them dead in the first debate to win the office and did a good job head to head with Paulette just a few weeks ago. Bottom line, I don't think Paulette is scared or seeking in any way to dodge a debate with Will.


Further, rather than reacting negatively to Animal, if I were a Paulette supporter I'd be out there saying just that ... that she has not only has the conservative family values that you endorse but that she is an articulate and effective voice for those ideas and ideals.


You do believe that, don't you Solo? News Junky? Georgia Dawg? Madea?




I am going to think about Will's twisting of my words some more before I answer that Pubby. You make some very good points.

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I believe you will find that Animal adopted Will Avery, not vice versa.


I don't know what happened with the local Paulding GOP and Animal, but someone or some group REALLY, REALLY, REALLY must have pulled his chain to have him come roaring out of his cave and go after Beverly and now Paulette. He was, for years, the quintessential diehard Paulding Republican. You know, one that would vote for Satan over Jesus if Jesus was running as a Dem.


There is a tremendous backlash and conflict within the local GOP which is in essence a power struggle of I assume the old group who has controlled things for years, and the new group voted in the past 2 years.


Don't hold Avery responsible for some of his more ardent supporters like Animal who just have a hard time being civil.




I think he has a problem with women.

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I think that Paulette would really like to debate Will Avery. I watched her at the Theatre and the debate on P.com and, she handled the incumbent Stout pretty good, and I am quite sure that she would be able to debate Will Avery very well. An open fair debate is always good for both the candidates and the voters.

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