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Everything posted by glassdogs

  1. If we could only find a tribe of cannibals somewhere....we have an oversupply of fat-azz Democrats we could export.
  2. No. Insurance is to provide financial protection in the event of an accident. Intentional school shootings aren't accidental. Someone who has an established pattern of negligence wouldn't be insurable, so what's your point?
  3. If you go to posts around #250, there were several people who answered COWArd's question. He's merely regurgitating some nonsense that Pubby threw out a couple of weeks ago. Clueless drivel.
  4. That's an insult to pre-pubescents everywhere. Convenient. I guess if I had come up with a half-assed idea about forcing insurance coverage onto gun owners and then realized how totally stupid that concept was, I'd probably want to hide behind the fallacy of "I asked you first". If your idea had the slightest smidgen of credibility, you'd be TRUMPeting it from the rooftops. (pun intended). And the bottom line is that you and the rest of the liberals only want to do something to "feel good".
  5. And, you'd be an absolute expert in impulsive, half-cocked, and uninformed replies. Explain your concept about insurance. You've been asked 3 times now, and all you can do is tap dance and call names.
  6. Why don't you give him a try? he couldn't do a worse job than what you have now.
  7. Has anybody ever seen a new law proposed and said "Wow! That's a great idea! Why hasn't someone thought of that before?"
  8. If liberal arrogance were a virtue.... you are in line to become the next Pope.
  9. Every time you post something, I think "he can't possibly say something more stupid than what he did the last time." Damned if you didn't prove me wrong. GD: "How stupid can you get?" CC: "Hold my beer and watch this!"
  10. I guess you missed all the lib women dressed up like vaginas and parading down Pennsylvania Avenue?
  11. The only thing gun owner's insurance would accomplish would be to provide a handy database of all firearms to make it handy for door-to-door confiscation.
  12. Speaking of a big ass.....have you looked in the mirror recently, Tubby? errrr. Pubby?
  13. Sort of like the last Democrat primary for Post 2 Commissioner?
  14. Strawman? Pointing out that the existing laws and regulations aren't being enforced is strawman? I'm not complaining about anything, nor have I proposed any "new" ideas. The very fact that the looney left wants MORE regulations is enough to convince me what we have is adequate. Because, there are NEVER enough laws to suit those lame-brains. When you get it through your thick skull that you can't legislate morality, get back to us.
  15. And you are so dumb that you don't know a cricket from a grasshopper. When all the brilliant legislators and regulators have created 22,000 rules, laws, regulations about gun ownership that haven't "worked" in your opinion, you are just SURE that one more law will make the difference. Just "maybe" had the FBI not been so involved in the witch hunt about Trump and Russia and actually done their job in Miami, the latest shooting could have been averted by enforcing the laws already on the books.
  16. Were you looking at yourself in the mirror when you wrote that?
  17. Yeah.. You stay focused on all that. Meanwhile, in the real world........
  18. Save your effort. When you support a party whose "mouthpiece" is Stormy Daniels and David Hogg...you ain't got much.
  19. AW!!!! ....Pooooooor Pubby. Sniff. Did yer source of poo just dry up?
  20. Ha! When Komrade Kain, COWA, and Peaches all blow up at my post...it tells me I hit a raw nerve. These whiney-azz little snowflakes are barely potty-trained and being the gullible little twerps they are, fall right into the lefts' clutches. "What you think matters"....as long as you think the way we tell you to..
  21. When they graduate from school, get a job, and pay taxes, then their opinion matters.
  22. Putin was able to win an election that was rigged in his favor. Hillary couldn't even do that.
  23. Yeah....all the "Pubbies" out there aren't through spewing their made-up theories and BS. It should only take another $25million or so to sort through all of them.
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