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Everything posted by zoocrew

  1. Could it be a lack of concern on your part for those being bullied? Why do you dislike the people being bullied? Why pick on the downtrodden? No. I think you dislike the poor and needy and downtrodden. You know, the people who don't have much education and work minimum wage and low paying jobs. And have no health insurance. No resources. The people we should have some compassion upon. Why do you dislike them?
  2. And yet you comment ... apparently it is interesting to a number of people, including yourself. The medical community thinks it is an interesting topic. But yet you don't. Wonder why the informed people consider it news worthy but your don't?
  3. Does anyone wish to discuss the article? Or just attack the messenger?
  4. Whoa. Very mature and intelligent discussion here. What is there about the extreme Right Wing that wants to tell other voices to stop talking? Isn't that what the Right Wing in Nazi Germany did? Similar, no? So you didn't read the article and yet you commented on the veracity of its content. Very telling. And you assume I care what you have to say. Bollocks. And I asked about YOU talking to Jesus, not me. He knows if you read the article before commenting. Hmmm. Got caught in another little lie, did we? What does the pesky little 9th commandment say?
  5. The article discussed it. Did you read it before you read this post? Be honest! Jesus knows! And what is my agenda, pray tell?
  6. Oh. So you cannot defend your position so you get into name calling. Very mature. Again, I gave you the information to discuss the definition of bullying if you want. The article describes bullying as a working definition. If you cannot read the article, did not read the article, or are incapable of understanding the article, that is not my problem but I can give you resources offline that may be of assistance to you.
  7. I couldn't begin to imagine that! May the gods bless you!
  8. Good. You need to move on because reasonable people read the article and understand the context, since bullying is discussed in the text. Again, if you want to discuss particulars, I gave you the information for the authors. This is part of my field of expertise and I deal with it on a daily basis, so even trying to have a conversation with someone who is not going to discuss rationally is pointless Thank you for moving on to another thread.
  9. Most reasonable people understand what bullying means. If you want further clarification, I gave you the infomration for the authors of the studies. I look forward to your exchange.
  10. It's not just the telly but the furniture on which it stands. The design is such that the least amount of tipping will result in a dangerous situation. We have an SOP in all our facilities that they have to be secured to prevent such an accident as per our insurance liability coverage and common sense to prevent lawsuits.
  11. Then you should contact the authors to get their definition, if that is your intent. I think most reasonable people will understand what bullying is after reading the article. After all, if you want to discuss the details of the article, you should contact the authors. Most rational people understand the general jest of the findings.
  12. That is exactly what my husband says and we always wait until the after Holiday sales to get the best prices. This year we are looking for a new set of cutlery and a 60" TV for the sun room.
  13. It was all Tom Foolery to begin with. We've known for 20 years there were no problems but in the FAA's zealotry for caution, there have been no changes in policy.
  14. Buying more in the after Holiday seasonal sales!
  15. This year we celebrate the holidays Christmas night. So far, both my boys have enjoyed playing a spirited match of soccer with the neighborhood youngsters at the pitch nearby and we will have our exchange of holiday gifts after the celebration meal at 6:00 PM. As much as they love boarding school, they enjoy being home and horsing around, too! So far the only gifts I know of is that my dear, sweet husband surprised me with a couple of trips for 2013: a cruise next December and a trip to Europe in the summer. I love Europe! This is after we just returned from a trip to Honduras for the pre-
  16. I would suggest you contact the authors of the studies to engage them since they produced the scholarly work. I would very much enjoy reading your exchange of discussion so I've included their emails addresses for your convenience. Dr. Mark Schuster My link Dr. Eyal Shemesh My link Dr. Rebecca Puhl My link
  17. As usual, you fail to understand what the other "side" is saying and paint with a very broad brush. Sigh. No one is saying there shouldn't be any personal responsibly Nor is anyone saying government should necessarily be involved. But you don't get that. There is no use in trying to explain it any further because your mind is made up..
  18. At least that is what 2 new studies would indicate. Being bullied as a child can lead to problems far later in life. One more reason why bullying must be stopped. My link
  19. This has always irked me, since we've known for a long, long time that there was no safety concern from phones or other electronic devices. The push is on for the FAA to lift the restriction during take off and landing. It's about time. My link
  20. More good news! Despite the fiscal cliff stand off, the economy continues to improve. Let's hope 2013 sees more improvement, although we know there will be ups and downs and some of those will be extended periods. The overall trend is slow, steady improvement. My link My link 2 My link 3
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