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Everything posted by zoocrew

  1. Does it really matter what their religion is? A terrorist is a terrorist. This guy in Norway was crazy and his religion was his justification for his action. He was crazy. A madman. Sane people don't just start shooting up places. I'm sure you would agree, right?
  2. I can't believe I am actually in agreement with you. I've got several browsers. Opera, Google, and Mozilla display it. All you have to do with any browser on the Explorer platform is right-click on the link and the properties button shows it. Not very hard to determine where the link goes. With that being said, that whole argument was an excuse to not admit the hypocrisy. Now, pending the private message I just got from Boss Hogg, I won't keep this line of defense up. Too easy anyway and my point was certainly made. And for all the other private messages thanking me for standing up and
  3. Second, this thread is not about Obama or the spending. Once again, this thread has ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do with Obama - please be respectful of everyone else on this site and start your own thread in the political forum. This thread concerns a [tragedy] and has nothing to do with Obama. My Link What browser are you using? All of them do show the address of the link. Let me know what browser you use and I can tell you where it is because the link shows on all of them.
  4. All browsers show it. Yes, your browser does show the link, too. Sorry, but it does. Naturegirl already tried that ruse and I showed how she was simply not using accurate words. My Link Ok. So you don't care what others have said in the past. No worries. I have it bookmarked and will remind YOU what YOU said in THIS THREAD about it being a matter of a crazy person, not ideology. Oh, I will certainly remind you. It was what I said in that other thread and, amazingly, it was about ideology when it had to do with a Muslim. Now, it is a Christian and someone on the right, but suddenly it is ab
  5. Yes, your browser does show the link, too. Sorry, but it does. Naturegirl already tried that ruse and I showed how she was simply not using accurate words.My Link See? You STILL won't admit the hypocrisy. Is there a reason you won't say Foxmeister was silly in his posts? I said the same thing he did to show the how silly his statements were and you slammed me for saying it but not a word for him? Hypocrite. Plain and simple. Hypocrite. I was very clear in those links that one day something like what happened in Norway would happen and I would remind of the hypocrisy. Well, it is here.
  6. If you understand how links work, all you have to do is put your cursor on the link and your browser will show what the link is too. You're now BACKTRACKING because I said several times the link was to what Foxmeister had already said and you had to know that was a paulding.com link. Again, you're caught in more hypocrisy. You knew the link was a paulding.com link and your browser would show it. That is a ruse of an answer that everyone can tell is very weak since you click on OTHER PEOPLE'S links and I have never given a link to anything other than a trusted site. Again, more hypocrisy. N
  7. Of course he was nuts! If you read the links in the other thread, I said that anyone who would do such is crazy. Is there a reason you didn't follow the link? The guy is CRAZY and that is why this happened. My Link[/color] Now, I would naturally ask you to call out Foxmeister on his statements like you are doing for me here. Will you do that? Will you say that he was WRONG for saying one couldn't make such a statement without an evaluation? Will you?
  8. I asked the same thing to Foxmeister in that other thread and said that couldn't be said because there was no evaluation yet. I agreed that the guy at Fort Hood was nuts but Foxmeister said that was a no-no. I'm just repeating what he said. Is there a reason you gave him a pass on that? I'm just pointing out the hypocrisy. It seems he was fine with that position when he could slam me with it, even though it is indefensible. Still, it didn't matter since his whole point was to make a political statement, not the essence of truth.
  9. No. That's not what I said. Please. If you cannot understand composition, perhaps you shouldn't be in this conversation.
  10. So questioning a person's sanity equates to being insane? Give me a break. He has yet to be diagnosed as being legally insane prior to and during the shootings. My Link Already been down that road before. Is there a reason why Foxmeister was given a pass on that? I'm just point out the similarities and how the position of some people seem to shift with the politics.
  11. Then don't read my posts. It is of no consequence to me if you do or not. Where has he been diagnosed as being insane or not in control of his faculties while he was shooting all those soldiers at Ft. Hood? Your comments would indicate everyone who commits a murder is insane and that's not the case at all. My Link By your own definition, most Europeans are socialists. That is left leaning in your book. Neo-Nazis are Right Wing in all places.
  12. Actually, Right Wing in most European countries is more left of the scale than we use in The States.
  13. Sorry. I left out the link. Already been down that road. My Link
  14. Real Muslims wouldn't kill like that either, but many claim to do so in the name of Allah. It is a COP OUT to say only real Christians wouldn't kill innocent children because that gives you an out. It it then very hypocritical to then not allow Muslims to say the same thing about REAL Muslims. I take it you mean by him being crazy that he's insane. Are you now a psychiatrist? You're not qualified to make that decision. I'm sure this guy will go through several psychiatric exams before he goes to trial. Lets let those who are qualified make the diagnosis.
  15. No different than the Right Wing Muslims who have done the same thing. Come on. The only difference is that one do so in the name of Jesus and the other in the name of Allah. Their politics are the same. And there are millions just one charismatic religious leader away from being just like this guy or the guy who shot up army base in the name of Allah. Most never get to that point but millions are close at any given point. The Nazis were the same way except they did so with the hatred and bigotry of a certain religious group, blaming all the problem in the Jews or gays or Gypsies or other
  16. I am going to say this VERY SLOWLY in hopes it can get through that little blue bonnet of yours and you can understand it. No one is saying the teachers did the right thing. No one is saying the teachers shouldn't have reported the cheating. No one is defending what the teachers did. No one is saying the teachers who participated in the cheating are of high moral standing or character. DOES THAT FINALLY COMPUTE? You are, once again, making this about your political agenda to denigrate the public school system. That is NOT what this is about. Let me repeat it again. I am not de
  17. The Congressman with little understanding of the economy but with a lot of ideology is setting the world economy up for a serious downturn. My Link
  18. Some teachers don't have the luxury of seeking employment outside a district. Then there is the loss of grandfathered tenure. Just saying.
  19. You're missing the whole point. Again. I give up.
  20. The whistle blowers would never have worked in a school system again and would have taken years to get their back pay. The whistle blower would have won the battle but lost the war.
  21. Because they would be fired if they had.
  22. Nor privatized education. Nor vouchers. The whole "test score" and "merit pay" is a backdoor design to remove public education.
  23. You have character and a job. I think the problem with these APS teachers is they didn't have character or they were in fear of losing their job, either by having the low test scores or the wrath of administration coming down on them.
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