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Posts posted by overit

  1. Exactly. Adults should be able to move on and proceed with their own business. Go to the next aisle, buy your milk first and move the opposite direction across the store. All kinds of adaptations can be made to any situation if the adult is mature enough to take them.


    I just might have to make me some phone calls and arrange a whole bunch of "field trips" for all kinds of groups of people with differing abilities and give some people in Paulding County a lesson i or two in tolerance, diversity, loving one another , and walking a mile in each other's shoes.

    So if yall happen to see vanloads and buses loaded with all kinds of kids and adults with all kinds of different problems walking around in the stores, look for meeee; I might be smiling at ya :D



    I can see it now............ :lol:



    :clapping: Well said ... it should never be used as a crutch! Is it our responsibility as parents to prepare our children for adulthood. When they are grown .. people won't care if they have a disability or not .. they need to learn to adjust and blend with society. Never tell a child they can't do something, teach them how to do it. Don't make excuses for them. I honestly think that most parents just find it easier to use it as a crutch than to actually deal with the problem and get past it. -_-



    I agree in some ways.......but are you talking about children who will never mentally make to adult hood too?


  2. So someone is a "brat" or insensitive because they don't want to deal with anothers inability to control their child? It is the parent’s responsibility to control their children in public places. I'm seeing a trend of complete selfishness from some of the posters here. Your child having a condition doesn't exempt you from having to be respectful of those around you. Expecting me or anyone else to simply ignore or remove myself from where I want to be because of your poorly behaving child is ridiculous.


    I agree with Savage in part because I think many parents look for an excuse to why their children act the way they do. A quick spanking will fix the majority of the attitude problems out there. I believe a large number of parents now would chose to drug their children instead of raising them.


    I have compassion for those struggling to raise a child with disabilities. However, that compassion quickly dies when some tries to force it out of me or portray a sense of entitlement for it.



    I honestly don't think parents of severe austic children feel they are entitled to anything. So what if the children scream in a store....I look at the mother or father's face and they have a look of defeat. Do you have any idea of how hard it was for them just to get to the store? If you truly had compassion you wouldn't be bitching.


    As for ignoring the children, come on, you are an adult if you can see the child has problems why not remove yourself. Go over to next isle, wear your ipod, ......... :rolleyes:

  3. Thank you, you realize that not only can behavior be disruptive to others and at the same time realize that probably the best thing is to remove her form what could be causing the stress. And there is also the other aspect, do other children have to become upset by another child's behavior. Does an autistic child need to become upset, because a brat in the same aisle wants a toy, and the parents don't want to tell the kid to shut up?


    I do know the difference between behavior that the child can't control, and behavior that a child uses to control others. And if the parent can control the child to where it's only momentary issue, as opposed to 15 minutes later 8 aisles over you can still hear the kid, that's something else entirely.


    Some children are more severe and will melt down in stores. I guess they should take the kid home and forget buying the groceries for the week. :rolleyes:



    That would entirely defeat the purpose. If the kid is acting out in a store (for whatever reason, even autism), the last thing they need is more commotion. Not to mention that if the kid really is 'just a brat', witnessing a parent 'bitch slapping' somebody is only going to make it worse.


    Children are a product of their environment...and learn from example.



    HUMOR......LGM.....sense of humor....


  4. Hijack--

    Have you ever had the Chocolate Lava Cake thingy at Chili's? I think it should be illegal--it's like a rich chocolate cake with this hot chocolate sauce that goes in the middle and 'leaks' over the edges..you take a bite and swear that's heaven...... :pardon:


    No, but I am adding to my list as we speak.


  5. All us rich people got it: We were advised to not take our jets to, or out of McCollum, but to park or fly them on our private runways instead. We were also advised to not mix it up in traffic with the riff-raff, but to cruise the parks and run over them instead.



    TEEHEE, that was funny! :lol:

  6. Sadly, this is the reason why many people get 'turned off' from going to be a part of a chuch. It happens all too often--- -_-

    Being that you're in a funk-can I get you some chocolate or something? I stink at cooking, but I know places that sell it! :D






    I have a hersey bar I have been saving, just for a day like today. :lol:

  7. I know one that's at the top and cant seem to understand why no one wants to associate with them anymore..........I feel bad for them but - sometimes you have to let them dwell in their own making.



    So true, and when I made the comment "you did it to yourself", it got a little ugly. Oh well.........


  8. I hope PsychoMom makes an appearance here, but my two cents is that you are way off the mark with your above statement. -_- A bruise can heal, a broken arm will mend, a broken spirit lives with you for years and years to come. I have volunteered for years with children from abusive homes. The emotional scars that some of these children have will rip your heart out. They are devastated by what was "said" to them. They work monthly,weekly, daily, to work through what you are saying they choose let harm them.


    I am very sorry that you had a rough childhood, but to call BS on emotional abuse is just wrong. ;)


    "Emotional abuse is often played down by other people because there is no physical contact but emotional abuse usually causes more damage to the person than physical abuse. This is not to say that physical abuse isn’t distressing, but many survivors of physical and emotional abuse say that the emotional side of it was worse.Emotional abuse will affect the way these people deal with different situations for the rest of their life. This can be overcome, but after someone has been emotionally abused it is very common for that person to have low self-esteem and problems trusting people."



    I am not PM but I do agree with you.......


  9. hypocrite a person who pretends to have virtues, moral or religious beliefs, principles, etc., that he or she does not actually possess, esp. a person whose actions belie stated beliefs.







    I have come to realize that putting on a show for the world, earns you points.....but are you truly happy being fake? Is it lonely at the top after you step on everybody to get there? Will you ever believe that your not perfect at everything?




    Something to ponder on..........................................

  10. Brand new modem, no router, and my computer is always clean of any malware, spyware, or adware due to me being just as much of a neat freak with my PC as I am with my house. ^_^


    I'm using DSL Xtreme 6.0, so I just expect to have some blazing speeds. I'm not saying it doesn't get the job done, but having used computers and the internet excessively since a child, I've seen much better speeds. I'm not a huge fan of cable internet either, but when I lived in Florida for a year and used Comcast, it worked at a moderately faster pace and with far less random boots.


    Thats what I had was the extreme 6.0, crap never worked right, and if I had one more tech person telling to unplug everything and wait 5 minutes, I was gonna scream!


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