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Posts posted by overit

  1. I had a little girl (about 10 years old) who comes from a family who has it tough and has very little...they do have PRIDE and tons of LOVE...she saw me in a local drug store a bit ago and came running down the aisle shouting "Chief, Hey Chief How are You, I just love you" and then gave me the biggest hug...I did something very small for her and her family awhile back...frankly I had forgotten about it...while hugging me she said "Thank you for being our Police Chief and Thank You for what you did for me when we didn't have any money"...I simply told her she was "welcome and would always be my special child"...I have to admit I had to think about what I had done in the past but her comments and her hug were worth a million dollars and made my day regardless of the fact it was very small...It is often the small things that make the biggest impact in someones life!


    Feel Good (true) Story I know but it made me feel good.


    Yall have a GREAT DAY, Always Think Positive and Be Safe!


    Ken Ball



    I love happy stories like this!


  2. A blonde was shopping at Target, and came across a shiny silver thermos.

    She was quite fascinated by it, so she picked it up and took it to the clerk to ask what it was.


    The clerk said, "Why, that's a thermos ... it keeps hot things hot, and cold things cold."


    "Wow, said the blonde, "that's amazing ... I'm going to buy it!"


    So she bought the thermos and took it to work the next day.


    Her boss saw it on her desk. "What's that?" he asked.


    "Why, that's a thermos ... it keeps hot things

    hot and cold things cold," she replied.


    Her boss inquired, "What do you have in it?"


    The blond replied .. "Two popsicles and some



    Good one! :lol:


  3. Well, overit. I think that I'm NOT going to go to the mailbox today. That will make me happy! Also, my children are happy and healthy. I got to hug them today and they both told me they love me. :wub:



    I feel ya, I don't go to the mailbox some days either.


  4. Got to meet [OVERIT] today was a very nice lady and [very pretty too/] Has a very sweet baby also.It was nice meeting you .



    AHH, shucks now I am blushing! It was very nice meeting you guys too!

  5. I don't know if anyone has posted this b/c I haven't read through all three pages yet, but I wonder why JPR hasn't stepped up to help Covered w/ her stray dog? She needs immediate medical attention and is worthy of rescue. It's odd that even though these two had a potential home, JPR snatched them up, but hasn't mentioned anything to Covered about helping her stray... Just odd.



    I am so glad you posted this! Again I will say I agree, and wonder why?


  6. I dont think anyone denied they needed immediate care did they :huh: BUT, I can assure you, just like so many dogs people find, the same uproar would not be taking place if they were just "muts" :nea: They WOULD be handed to the first person that raised their hand or probably taken to the shelter! And a Stray is an abandoned or escaped domestic animal.



    I agree, how much will it cost to adopt these 2 dogs from JPR?


  7. I cried a little on the inside when Target hauled out their school supplies last week. -_-




    :lol: I have really enjoyed having mine home this summer. Believe it or not it has been less stressful, then him being in school.


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