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Everything posted by Rotticollector

  1. Hey does anybody knows who house this was? I have several friends out on Honeysuckle Lane, and I used to live in Union Station subdivision. Hope everyone is ok. Please let me know if anyone knows anything...
  2. Dads that pay are not deadbeats....I am married to one. But its the ones that don't give a crap about financially supporting their kids that are the problem. He thinks that b/c he does see them he shouldn't have to pay....interesting concept. So does that mean that when I am gone from my house that I don't need to pay the electric bill for the fridge that keeps on running, or the water that makes the ice....I wasn't here...so why should I pay.....stupid logic....... OTOH: My hubby includes why should he be paying to raise my ex's kids when the ex is not. These stellar guys out there
  3. LOL I like the way you think!! Oh don't forget: Sports fees Sports gear/practice clothing Gas to get to and from games, b-day parties, team parties, scouting events, campouts.....
  4. I am a mother of 3 and I don't understand your statement, it actually really makes me mad. Why should I be the only one to have to pay for the raising of my kids?? Why should their deadbeat of a father be allowed to spend his $$ on booze, strippers, and crap while I have to scrounge to make ends meets. I work, I pay my bills, I raise my kids...but should he not be responsible too? I did not make my babies on my own..I am rasing them on my own due to his stupidness....why should I have to be the sole financial backer of my children? I have been divorced for 2 yrs and he has paid 3 whole mo
  5. There are tons of cops sitting on both E and W bound off ramps. They have been sitting there for several hours..... Anybody know what in the world is going on???
  6. ...or triple... my computer is goofy......
  7. Hands Down-- Montana Check out this view..... I have never seen a more beautiful landscape in my life...I did not want to come home and now I can't wait to move!
  8. Reflections off of Ridge Rd is also awesome. Kelly and Susan are the best! They run a grat daycare and my pre-K child loved going there. He was very upset when he found out that he wouldn't be going anymore after he finished pre-K and would be going to regular school next year.
  9. My heart goes out to this family. Prayers will be said by my family that God may wrap you both in his arms and hold you tight during this time in your loves. God Bless you both and all of your family and friends. Rott and Crew
  10. RIP sweet boy....prayers abound for this family
  11. WOW!! Any more info...that's my sub and that rd is not to far away! SOOOO glad I have dogs..BIG DOGS...think I will put hte biggest one out front for a while
  12. Prayers to this man's family and friends.......to the female's family and friends too
  13. One of my pups got out yesterday and I called AC to see if they had gotten any calls about a Rott. She told me about the one chasing the meter reader and asked if I was off of Ridge. I am but that is a loooong way from my house. I told the AC person that that was no way that could be my dog...she is so lazy that she wouldn't chase a bone....even if she was starving!!
  14. I am so sorry HWAM. Prayers to you and your family and herr family and boyfriend :(
  15. Okayyyyyy...it is now THURSDAY and they are just NOW wanting to make a report
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