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Everything posted by eym_sirius

  1. He admitted to having sleep-overs with young boys, where he would sleep in the same bed with them. If your'e the dad and discover a 40 year old man in bed with your 11 year old son -- you don't think that you're going to call the man a pedophile - a "child-lover"? Now, as you know part of the sleep-cycle involves a physical feature associated with REM sleep. A grown man IN BED with a [physical feature associated with REM sleep] and a young boy? How is the perversion mitigated by his being a celebrity? How about if this is a boy scout leader who crawls into the sleeping bag of a young boy
  2. The Dead People Server got it right. They refer to him as an "Acquitted Child Molester". http://www.dpsinfo.com/dps/2009.html#latest
  3. It IS for me to judge him, since I don't believe in Supernature. His star needs to be appropriately tarnished, if for nothing else, than the things that he admitted to! Speaking of him like he was a god that transcended human judgment is repulsive to me. Here's how I'll remember him:
  4. Yeah, now the hyperbole starts. Comparing him to Sammy Davis, Jr.??? Sam was great singer, dancer and tap dancer. He did comedy, he acted in movies, he did impressions. Sammy Davis Jr. was the whole package! Michael Jackson had talent, to be sure. But so did O.J. And now, they're saying that he (M.J.) was a druggie and that possibly contributed to his death. His children aren't biologically his. They were concieved by artificial insemination, the product of someone who wasn't black. Remember that Michael Jackson was black when he was younger!
  5. I don't need an icon. My life is in no way defined by the celebrities whose performances I enjoyed. Nah, not trying to push you over the edge. I just have zero emotional connection with celebrities of his ilk.... I wouldn't be that disturbed to hear the same news about O.J. Although I enjoyed the movies that he was in and thought that he was a great football player.
  6. Only because he had fame and money was he able to stay off the sex predators' registry. It's only the power of the pedestal that allows people to overlook his pedophilia and dismiss it as "wierdness".
  7. If "The Rule" is that 3 die in one week (what other two died the week of David Carridine's death) then EVERYONE in Hollywood can breathe a sigh of relief! Since it can't be four in one week......
  8. Two to go! I'll go to TMZ first next time!
  9. How about a marginal celebrity? Would he or she count? I'm just not up to speed on the rules of this "old wive's tale". Not saying that you're an old wife....
  10. I just can't bring myself to put people with talent on a pedestal. I know you're feeling old and sad. And the things are related, but it's probably more about your life heading toward that day than it is for the loss of someone already gone. Don't you think?
  11. Sorry, the "rule of 3" must prevail, even at Ed's expense.
  12. They're saying that he was in a "deep coma" when he was discovered. In other words rigor mortis had already set in.
  13. You can bet that he was strange(Possibly insane) for a long time before the general public knew about it.
  14. How about David Carradine? Doesn't he count?
  15. I suppose this gives a good bit of credibility to TMZ - They scooped everybody on this one.
  16. I say, let's wait and see. If they got the inside scoop, then the answer is absolutely, yes!
  17. They're eulogizing him at MSNBC. A Coma, they're saying. But usually they break the news slowly. He was probably dead when they got to the hospital. They're just buying some time to get press reports consistent.
  18. "For the BEST - Come To WEST Metro Produce and Meat"
  19. Here's a place to start. It shows different knots to use, as well as a wealth of other information: http://www.fish4fun.com/knots.htm
  20. Oscar - I know fishing. And I have references! Ask Subby. And check out the avatar.
  21. Which explains why I'm still around!
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