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Posts posted by auntsuger

  1. We'll it's not like I haven't heard that one before .. and just because I choose how to spend my money doesn't mean I can't afford them. It's call priorities .. 6 kids will teach you all about that. ;)



    Before I get blamed for something I didn't say - I wholey support that you have a big family AND I think it's great that you homeschool.


    ps. check the name changes - you'll know I'm not too much of a beotch

  2. Nobody is saying you suck .. you are the one bashing other parents for not doing what you do. My kids age from 3 to 17 .. You have no idea what I do all day long. I am up at 6am and don't stop until midnight. I volunteer when I can .. but I will be damned if someone is going to make me feel guilty because I don't go along with " their " cause. My daughter volunteers to help homeless animals .. a lot of days .. she is the only volunteer that bothers to show up. I go and help her ... does she complain about it ? No .. and why ? Because she volunteered and she loves what she is doing. Not everyone shares her passion for animals and she understands that. We all have our passions in life .. and judging others because they don't share yours is wrong. My daughter is the one standing outside Petsmart every Saturday .. Freezing her arse off in the winter and sweating it off in the Summer. Trying to get people to adopt homeless animals. Do people offer to help ? NO ... Why does she continue to do it ? For the animals .. she loves them .. plain and simple. Live and let live .. stop beotching about it. -_-


    I don't complain that parents don't volunteer- I understand that. I think it's pretty crappy to EXPECT the room mom to do everything. I don't have a cause. ;) PS you don't know what I do all day.

  3. Nice name change.........I was about to go crazy. I was like WhoTH is this?





    B is just coughing a little and nose started to run this morning so I think its just the normal cold weather stuff for him but hubby wanted to make sure :wacko:


    Jasper's been listening to Ray Stevens on youtube ^_^

  4. How many children do you have ? I have 6 .. do you really think I could volunteer for all of them ? Or even 1 ? And if I did for 1 .. then the other 5 would be .. well what about me ? I can't be everywhere at once. And btw .. this is one reason why I .. Homeschool :p Everything I do is for MY kids. And if that makes me selfish .. so be it.


    You know me I have four - I'm room mom in two classes and tag the 3 year old with me everywhere I go.


    Doesn't the Where busy and have a busy household apply to everyone? Doesn't every household have the same responsibilities regardless of how many parents work? Doesn't every parent want to spend the Fall festival having fun with their child? How do y'all think that happens? magic fairies? NO Parent VOLUNTEERs. Yeah we suck.


    Now she is gonna tell you that you shouldn't have had 6 kids if you can't afford them. :rolleyes:



  5. You signed up for it .. others didn't .. plain and simple. Don't complain if you asked for it. I never volunteered .. so there :p And why ? Because I am a busy beotch ... with a full plate. Enjoying my family .. that is my choice. Life is wonderful .. full of choices .. if you don't like yours .. don't go blaming others. -_-



    But it is for the benefit of YOUR child! I'm just floored. I volunteer for my child and the teacher not for other parents. I do room mom stuff beyond what is expected but where is it written that the room mom does everything that other parents should do? Lord I'm glad I have GREAT parents who want to help and give to their own children NOT selfish beotches.

  6. Yep, I was one of the parents enjoying myself with my child. And if you want to call me selfish, go ahead. I don't feel even a little guilty. I have been room mom for the last three years. I have done that job. If I didn't want to do the job I wouldn't have VOLUNTEERED to do it. This year I didn't volunteer because I wanted to enjoy it with my child. I am glad you are sorry for your judgements. I am thankful for the parents who help and I will pray for those who choose to judge. It is expected that those who volunteer to do a job will get it done. When I volunteered, I did the job and didn't complain about it!


    Being room mom does NOT mean you do EVERYTHING it means you ORGANIZE the other parents. How selfish is that to think that a room mom should do everything. Yes I have judged you.

  7. If you didn't watch last night don't look :)



    I'm so glad Cut throat *itch got fired. I really didn't like her. 13 is my favorite. I love the way House works Cutty. I was like what.. both guys. I should have had faith that House would have it all worked out.



  8. YES! We have porcelain ornaments and larger plastic ones - I'll post a pictures and prices in a moment. We do have the mugs as well and wish jars and coin banks and puzzles and mousepads and bike tags and dog tags and dog bowls and the list goes on and on! Check out www.morethanbuttons.com and see what we have!


    Oh and we now offer: CANDY WRAPPERS perfect for baby showers, baby announcements, birthday parties, Christmas parties!








    :ninja: Sorry for not responding earlier I was scrubbing toilets!


    Yes, Yes.. I'll be needing you too .. Do you remember what I was asking about at the playdate for Tee-shirts?

    Now I've gotta get a good picture of the kiddos.


    Yes sorry I couldn't make it on the 19th (Jasper had mono and Abi had strep) but we can meet up sometime this week - Thank God school is back in

  9. You people kill me on this website, so damn judgemental. First of all, being that it was near Augusta means it was a pretty good chance it wasnt even a Cobb S/O Unit they may have mistaken it for one. Alot of S/O agencies have the same looking vehicles. That being said, you still have no idea what the circumstances were at all. All I'm saying is usually there is more than meets the eye, dont be so quick to judge. And I'm not just speaking about the incident near Augusta, I'm talking in general most people get so upset when a patrol vehicle goes by them going pretty fast. But what most people dont understand is that there are most likely (not all the time, I recognize that) responding to a call (maybe somewhat urgent) but it isnt proper to run code but they need to get there faster than normal. As long as they operate with due regard for safety of others, then thats fine. And thats where I was referencing them responding to help a family member or friend!


    Please tell me where I JUDGED the officer? I was just correcting an assumption/judgement on your part. IF it was a cobb county officer (and believe me I drive that way at least once a month and I've seen officers from all around go through there) and the probability is that they WEREN'T responding to a call. I've worked with police officers - I know they can be crooked, naughty, just plain dirty old men. They can also be the greatest folks EVER.

  10. Lisa You are just NOT RIGHT :lol:


    Ok well he flew around the house a few times and instead of letting him bang into the walls we finally just caught him and let him go outside. I held him for a moment outside with my palm open and he looked at me like WTF then he flew up to the top of the Dogwood tree.


    I think he'll be fine.

  11. A cardinal apparently flew into our back glass - was stunned by the impact and the dogs decided it was a toy. They succesfully pulled out it's tail feathers before we even realized what had happened. We have saved this little fella from the dogs but what now? He has slowly come out of his shocked state - when we first saved him he wouldn't move and had his mouth open like he was panting. Now he moves around a bit and shut his mouth and blinks (big difference from earlier). Can he survive without his tail feathers? Is it best to keep him inside because it's cold and rainy out?


    Please help!

  12. You have know idea why he was going that fast or where he was going, you wouldnt complain if he was going to help you or a family member of yours! Before you complain, know whats going on first! And before you say if it was an emergency he should have had his lights on, they dont always run code for many reasons. So, you to can get over your self!



    I just wanted to comment on this one little thing - Augusta is TWO HOURS AWAY and that's if you are doing 90 mph ( :ph34r: believe me I know) So if my family is in trouble in Cobb county and a cobb county officer is near Augusta doing 95mph it's still gonna take over an hour for him/her to show up - I seriously think that me and my family would be dead by then.


    {end hijack}

  13. dunno. but i'm going to be listening to the archives here in a few.. I just had to call in a suspicious vehicle.. :angry: :angry:


    I'm so over this neighborhood!!


    :o Oh my gato!

    dammit Freebird you can't not listen to the scanner 24/7!


    Yes man get some Priorities


    Remember he had to start drinking last night :p He may still be on his binge, after all he said his typing was going to deterate (sp)? :lol: :lol:


    well there ya go maybe he's one of the calls

  14. Happiness is - Sitting in the living room drinking hot cocoa watching Charlie Brown with all the kids



    Life is - Siting in the living room drinking hot cocoa watching Charlie Brown with all the kids when the youngest accidently spills hot cocoa all over her sister's legs. I jump up grab the injured party, Yelling "get to the bathroom", ripping of pants turning on the shower and checking for burns (thankfully cocoa had cooled some so her legs are just red). Hubby in the mean time is wiping up the hot cocoa (thank God for laminate floors), being the man that he is though he just cleans up the part that he can see so today there is this big sticky mess under the couch that I get to scrub. <_<

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