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Everything posted by auntsuger

  1. I just went down laird - there was a police officer and several other vehicles pulled to the side - they appeared to be looking in the woods - when I came back through they were moving on and I saw the Helicopter very low over Ridge.
  2. WOW - if I wasn't already part of a team I'd join up but I'll be walking with my brother's school!
  3. click post new entry
  4. When I'm heading that way in the morning I make it a habit to let folks out - especially the ones turning left on to poole to get to the school - HELLO PEOPLE if they move then that lane can move and the world will be a happier place! - I HATE turning right off of poole - I got through the school parking lot and get the light at Bethel Church
  5. There are accidents there ALL THE TIME - Friday someone rear ended another car - I swear people need to realize thats a school zone and slow the heck down!!!
  6. THANK YOU!!! I was timed out several times while trying to get on!
  7. Nope it was from one bar/tattoo parlor to the other though! We stood on the corner by the "Golden Gate Lounge" - Oh the memories!
  8. If my kid mis-behaves so much that he gets KICKED OFF THE BUS - then heck yes he's walking to school. I may be walking with him, but if he did something so horrendous that he got kicked off the bus, he better learn to follow rules and live with the consequences of his actions. Would I follow in a car? No I'd walk with him and he'd be hearing me gripe the entire way. This is why the country is the way it is, too many people sticking their nose where it doesn't belong! This is why todays kids don't "fear" the punishment, they know some on will come along and stop their parents. And even labe
  9. And here I hadn't re-entered this thread cause I thought it had died. . . tsk tsk - that'll teach me!
  10. I'm just gonna Say You're An IDIOT and save my time linking post - thanks and have a nice day
  11. Amen to that - just this morning I was attending to one child (i'm babysitting a child today) went to look for my own two and found them jumping on the trampoline - had we a pool in the backyard this very well could have been me Prayers said for the children and parents.
  12. I've got a blog. . na na boo boo hehehe
  13. I never realized how influential my father was in my life. I mean yes he helped give me life. His views helped shaped me, his leaving really gave me a very strong foundation of what I wouldn't do to my marriage and my kids but I'm talking about just his demeanor when I was growing up. I don't want to say my father was abusive - because he wasn't, he was just stearn and hot tempered. When my fathered encountered a problem it became everyone's problem and everyone was to blame. If he scraped his knuckles while working on the car my brothers who were sitting next to him heard a string of curses
  14. I called my in-laws but they hadn't heard anything. And I said it was really old because although new homes are being added at the entrance when you ride through (we use to do halloween there) the homes are on the decline FAST!!!
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