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Goober Pyle

Mayberry Sheriff
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Everything posted by Goober Pyle

  1. COBB COUNTY ROAD WAYS: http://www.paulding.com/forum/index.php?s=...t&p=2921053
  2. Thank you 1novella. This is excellent information for the community to know.
  3. We understand that WTA. If we don't try to keep a handle on the amount of topics in the Cafe, then it's going to get really out of hand. SO - area DAM/lake information, please post in this topic. Thanks.
  4. I think LPPT said it had something to do with boats going out for rescue/etc calls. Not 100% sure.
  5. PLEASE post your roadway questions in this topic! Update roadway information when you receive it in this topic!
  6. PCOM is LIVE on PcomTV: http://www.paulding.com/forum/index.php?s=...t&p=2921095
  7. PCOM is LIVE on PcomTV: http://www.paulding.com/forum/index.php?s=...t&p=2921095
  8. Child found safe, and sound. Going to close this topic now. Thanks.
  9. These were posted in a forum that even guests can see. Why not just post a link to this thread instead?
  10. To bad you didn't have video so we could have heard that! Thanks for sharing. Everyone, be careful out there. PCSO is advising to STAY HOME, and OFF THE ROADWAYS unless absolutely necessary. Residents are encouraged to check on their immediate neighbors, and otherwise stay high and dry.
  11. That is an amazing picture. In all my years I've never seen that place flow like that.
  12. Be safe out there folks! PCSO is advising to please STAY OFF THE ROADWAYS and STAY HOME, if at all possible. They currently do not need volunteers, and urge people to check on their neighbors or those very close by.
  13. When responding to someone's post please snip out the photos. This will help with loading this thread. Thanks.
  14. Trying to merge topics into one so that we don't end up with 100 about the same thing.
  15. Please post road questions in this topic. Be sure to check the Paulding website for listed road closings as well. http://local.nixle.com/paulding-county-sheriffs-office/
  16. Prayers said. And with that -- PLEASE STAY OFF THE ROAD WAYS AND STAY HOME!!! PCSO is urging people to not go out and try to help, to not travel road ways unless absolutely necessary. Be safe.
  17. PCSO is urging people to please STAY HOME and OFF THE ROAD WAYS if you do not have to be out. They do not need more people out there in harms way. Stay safe Pcom.
  18. Emergency workers are urging people to STAY HOME, and to STAY OFF ROADWAYS if at all possible. Be safe out there everyone, you too LPPT. Pcom needs you!
  19. Hang in there. More rain coming. Emergency crews are urging people to stay home, off the road ways, if at all possible.
  20. http://www.11alive.com/video?maven_playerI...ject=1269193679
  21. THANK YOU CC for this update. Good information. Mods will try to pass this info along when people ask.
  22. Have him call the non emergency # above. PCSO will be able to let him know if, and what kind of, help is needed. Thanks for caring. We have more rain on the way folks. Stay safe.
  23. Good suggestion LR. PCSO Non-Emergency Dispatch Needs: 770-445-2117
  24. Post questions and updates about road ways in this topic please. Thanks. Travel safely yall.
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