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Everything posted by LtD

  1. Morning. Headed to the doc this morning. DD has sore throat and ran a fever ALL Monday and part of Tuesday. She's still punny. Bet its strep. And to add insult to injury, I think she given it to me ;(
  2. RIP Mr McMahon. You seemed to be one of Hollywood's few good guys. On a side note, I wonder how many babies were made while Ed was on the air? At one time the Tonight Show was listed as the TV program that the most people made love during.
  3. Good to meet you too.Sorry I couldn't visit much, was thinking of what i has to do next. Funny....Southern Scarlett was surprised to find out I"M A GIRL!!!!!! She had always thought i was a dude!! Too funny. Well, now my secret is out!! Thanks for the donation SS! After totaling the $ amount, we did better than I expected with the low turnout! Thank God! The praise and glory got to Him!!
  4. Pulling together the raffles now, feel like I'm gonna puke!!!! I hate the minutes leading up to the event.
  5. We NEVER turn down $$!!! We raise money year long. Just the March is our biggest event withthemost attendance...at least I hope it does.
  6. 'Cause that's how I feel, kinda sick to my stomach, holding my breath to see if anyone shows up, can't sleep cause my brain is spinning trying to remember all the last minute details that have to been done....
  7. So tomorrow is the March Against Meth, our largest event all year. I hope the economy doesn't kick our butts and keep folks home. I know the economy hadn't put a dent in Meth use!! Alot of planning and work has gone into this Pray for us!! 3rd Annual March Against Meth Hiram Silver Comet Trailhead 7am registration 7:30 25mile Bike ride starts 8:00 5k race 8:05 5k March 8:15 Paws (dog walk) 8:30 Wee K toddler ride 'ems After the event - yummy food vendors and cool craft vendors Bounce houses and puppets show for the young ones A GREAT EVENT FOR EVERYONE!!!
  8. Welcome aboard!! Get it? A message board pun!
  9. And salt water doesn't turn blonde hair GREEN!
  10. Our loss is the military's gain! Best of luck and prayers for a SAFE return!
  11. A super cool way to introduce youself is to donate a raffle item to the March Against Meth coming up soon on June 13. Its for a great cause and will really get your name out there as a business with a heart for the community! Meth has destroyed too many lives and we need everyone's help to stop this deadly drug! Good luck with your new business!
  12. Any kind of food that will keep on a shelf is acceptable.
  13. I am soooo jealous!! Wish I could have gone.
  14. Today's the day. RSVP quickly if you want to atttend!!!! Or plan on Wednesday evening's class at EPHS. Make sure to RSVP.
  15. The Old Path's are scheduled for 6pm. Hope to see you there!!! Look for me. I have short red hair and I'm sure I'll be running around like a chicken without a head!!
  16. This is a fantastic opportunity for parents to learn what's out there that their kids can wander across while on-line. I strongly encourage everyone with children to RSVP and plan on attending one of the locations for some valuable FREE training!!
  17. This Saturday the Meth Allaince of Paulding in cooperation with The City of Hiram is sponsoring a great famliy event! Spring F.L.I.N.G. Families Learning In Neighborhood Gatherings April 18th from Noon to 7pm GREAT FAMILY ENTERTAINMENT featuring The Old Paths, Jeff Eberhart, The Garretts God's Warriors, Breaking Twilight, and others. GREAT FOOD featuring Hot Doggity Dog, Baba's Roasted Corn Bruster's Ice Cream, Smoked Chicked plates Cake Walk and more GAMES AND ACTIVITIES FOR YOUR CHILDREN CHILD SAFETY INFORMATION FOR PARENTS Admission is free. Contributions will be
  18. Come on Commerce Members!!! I know y'all wanna help us out!! And there are lots of golfers out there. We have such a great time every year!!!
  19. after you drop off the kiddos, come on over to the Meth Alliance Dinner Dance catered by the Ragsdale Inn. Yummy and no lines!!
  20. Denise was such a fun person! She had the kind of personality that just drew you to her. She will be so saddly missed.
  21. I am so sorry to hear this! Prayers for this precious family.
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