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Posts posted by audioslave

  1. Thanks .I see you have been digging.I have one for you.


    Warren Haynes has secured his place in guitar history with his incredible work both as a member of The Allman Brothers Band and in his solo career.



    Warren is one of my favorites. I love Gov't Mule and his work with the Allmans. I have had the pleasure of seeing him live a few times. I have a CD that was cut of his performances at Bonaroo a few years back...one of the most amazing CDs I own.

  2. Mine is [was] the best. But for the past year and a half, we have been shut down for cooling pizza in our wood fired pizza oven. When the developer BLASTED 630 pound of dynamite, 285 feet from our house May of 2006, our pizza oven was cracked.


    We have been in litigation since then, but still no settlement. Our suit against the developer, as is our suit against the county commission for zoning fraud is just being litigated to death. Their lawyers have blank checks from the county [YOUR tax money] and the developer and just keep prolonging the litigation to keep us from getting to court.


    We used to have pizza dinner fund raisers for Relay for Life and HeartWalk, but since our pizza oven was cracked we cannot do any more dinners for these organizations. And there is no end in sight.


    We actually had the commission chairman help us cook pizza for these dinners, until we had to sue one of his ROBBER BARON MEGA DEVELOPER friends. No more help from the chairman, and no more pizza dinners till we get the pizza oven reparired or replaced.


    But none the less, this was the BEST pizza around. Ask TBAR..............



    I DO miss the pizza at your house.....good stuff.

  3. Credit card rates are affected by the Fed rate.


    No, they aren't. CC rates are disclosured to the point where CC companies can pretty much, literally, change rates any time they want. I don't think anyone is going to see their 19.99% rate do anything. CC companies set the rates, period. For you to sit here and say CC companies are going to set their rates according to the fed rate is misleading.


    Mortgage rates will fall.


    Maybe they will, maybe they won't. Mortgage rates are not affected by the fed rate. Mortgage rates are affected by the bond market. If there is any effect on mortgage rates by the fed rate, it is usually due to money leaving wallstreet and being sunk into bonds.

  4. WASHINGTON (AP) -- The Federal Reserve has cut a key interest



    rate by one-quarter of a percentage point to 4.25 percent, the



    third rate cut in three months.



    Does this mean Mortgage Rates will go down? Or is this just credit cards?



    Neither of the two are set by the fed rate. Credit card rates are pulled out of someone's proverbial at any given moment in time. Whatever is going to screw you the best, usually.


    Mortgage rates are reliant on the bond market...


    The fed rate is the overnight rate banks charge each other. It is normally used to set the rate at which they will loan you money (non-mortgage loans).

  5. kick A. You have great taste, dork.




    I have been listening to Dave Hole since about 15 when my uncle introduced me to Alligator Records. He is also responsible for my blues addiction. I was going through his vinyl collection around 10-11. I came across 'Hound Dog Taylor and the Houserockers'. He was my first taste of true-grit-slide blues. I have had an affinity for slide since. There is nothing like it in the world. I would listen to a song on that album called 'Roll Your Moneymaker' over and over and over. Good scratchy vinyl.





  6. I have a couple songs with him and Jonny Lang together.




    Collins was a mack on guitar..good singer too...I just wish I would have lived in a time to have seen he and a few others live (Freddie King, Hound Dog Taylor, Lightnin' Hopkins, etc.).

  7. Ide love to know how my question was biased.


    I asked if people could determine the sexual preferences of their children from birth if they would.


    Actually, no, you didn't ask anything about wiring the 'sexual preference' of a child. You asked, and I quote, "If You could choose to make your kids Hetero would you?", also, "If you could change your kids "wiring" when they are/were born to guarantee theyde bve straight would you do it?". Both times you pose it, it refers to 'hetero' or 'straight'. The presentation of your question is the essence of bias. It infers that 'hetero' or 'straight' is the 'right' answer or the choice folks would want to make if they had the choice to make in the first place.


    Its called a "Hypothetical Question"


    What does that have to do with any of this? The substance, conjecture, or structure of your question has nothing to do with whether it is hypothetical or not. I am still puzzled at this statement.


    if it were biased i would have asked if they would make their kids tight wadded straights or raging flaming rainbow gays. but i didnt ask that now did I?


    First, not bias. That would be stereotypical, distasteful, and a bit demeaning...among other things. However, it is structured in a non-biased fashion; there are two choices...you aren't 'pushed' toward one side or the other--I think you made them equally as distasteful.



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