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Everything posted by InterestinglyBoring

  1. IB most excellent, thank you for asking?
  2. Watching all and seeing all. LMAO. Just kidding!!! How U all B??????????????????
  3. For real? Drunken Monkey knocking a few back? I'm stunned.
  4. Hope the majority of you are sleeping in, but still wanted to shout out and say Good Morning!!!!!!!!!!
  5. When we feel the need to change others, take the time to look inside yourself, find the mirror and the message. Our perception of humanity as a whole is, to a large extent, dualistic. We paint people with a broad brush—some are like us, sharing our opinions and our attitudes, while others are different. Our commitment to values we have chosen to embrace is often so strong that we are easily convinced that our way is the right way. We may find ourselves frustrated by those who view the world from an alternate vantage point and make use of unusual strategies when coping with life's challe
  6. You never know where I might show up hun.... And Audrey's is absolutely wonderful!!!!!!!!! Love them!!
  7. Ok, so I didn't taske the time to read all of these, but the ones I did see....made me
  8. Ok, here's my solution to that......when I wear contacts, I can't see close up...therefore...all of that is gone. When I wear glasses, I take them off to put on make up and all of that is ignored. See how easy that is? Oh I've found this is true for my girls too....years of experience that they know more than I do. Go figure.
  9. I've had good luck with BB&T. Just sayin'
  10. That would actually require me to be awake prior to 9:30.
  11. Each of us is on our own path and we all learn differently. Because of this it is important to not interfere with another’s path of growth. When we care about people, we want to save them from pain by offering them the benefit of our experience. Sometimes we feel like we know what is best for them. Sometimes, like when their safety is involved, we need to step in, but those times are rare. More often we find ourselves becoming frustrated when our close friends or family members do not use our relationship insights or follow our dietary advice, and this is where we find our challenge. We
  12. Good morning everyone, hope it's a great Friday Eve!!
  13. You know where I live, so come fish anytime!!! We need to Q soon!!!!! Miss you and Shelly too.
  14. Yeah well I didn't read this entire post....lol...I only post when I have the time to sign on and whether it's important to everyone or not..I apologize in advance. Just me though.
  15. We can only see so much from where we sit in our particular bodies, in the midst of our particular lives, rooted as we are in the continuum of space and time. The divine, on the other hand, is not limited to the constructs of either space or time, and its wisdom and workings often elude us as we try to make sense of what is happening in our lives. This is why things are not always what they seem to be and even the best-laid plans are sometimes overturned. Even when we feel we have been guided by our intuition every step of the way, we may find ourselves facing unexpected loss and disappointmen
  16. Hopefully just the select few that can't drive in the rain and has traffic backed up.
  17. Congrats on the Grandbabies!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh, and they know, they are already plotting revenge and going to change their names to characters off of 90210.
  18. To all of you in p.com world who wished me the best. 40-60 stitches in my neck, but she was able to remove all of the cancer. Life is good!!!!!!!!! :hugs:
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