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Posts posted by cecily79

  1. If he's all powerful and whatnot...how can anyone keep him out?




    If not talking about him negates his presence, then he must not be very powerful to begin with


    He gives us the choice to believe in him or not. Those of us who choose him are promised eternal life with him in heaven. Those who reject him will spend eternity in hell.

  2. I have not seen this, but I can hear it from my living room right now. What the heck is wrong with that lady?? I can hear my 3 year old asking my husband what is wrong with her. Her voice sounds like she needs an exorcism!

  3. I am interested. What do I need to do? Can you give me a little more details?


    Edited to say: I have been trying to find a new base to use and I could REALLY use some help!

  4. A dog had followed his owner to school. His owner was a

    fourth grader at a public elementary school. However,

    when the bell rang, the dog sidled inside the building and

    made it all the way to the child's classroom before a

    teacher noticed and shoo'ed him outside, closing the

    door behind him.  The dog sat down, whimpered and

    stared at the closed doors. Then God appeared beside

    the dog, patted his head, and said, "Don't feel bad fella'....

    they won't let ME in either. :(


    Girl, you gave me the chillls. When I was in elementary school, God was allowed in school and things sure were not like they are today. I can remember my first grade teacher saying the blessing everyday before we would line up for lunch. My ten year old asked me the other day if he would get in trouble for taking his Bible to school and talking to his friends about Jesus. I told him, "No, but if one of your teachers did, they could be fired." Thanks for posting that.

  5. I wasn't trying to be funny. I really want to know what the big deal is? I try to stay out of the religious posts because I usually just end up getting upset (I suppose that is why I am out of the loop on this one). So, what is the deal? If you don't want to post it, PM me.

  6. Ok as a Christian, you are supposed to forgive others as Christ forgave you right??


    Then how come when Christians slip and do something wrong, others look down on you, leave you out, condemn you, etc....


    Can't say the exact reason I'm asking, but isn't it true??


    No, I don't think that they/we all look down on people. Christians are still human afterall. If someone who calls themself a Christain treats you badly because you make a mistake, they are also making a mistake or maybe they are not who they really claim to be.

  7. OK, OK, I do it alot. I can't help it. If I am about to go in public and my kid has a dirty face and I don't have anything to wipe him with, I just have to! The sad thing is I can remember my mom trying to do it once and I gagged and she never did it again.

  8. And another thing...if you smoke dope you are just as much a druggy as if you shoot heroin.  You are killing brain cells either way. One may be more addictive, but they are still ILLEGAL substances.  I don't care if you are strung out on meth or just smoke the occasional weed...you are in violation of the law and you are killing your brain.


    I can always count on my sister to back me up!!!

  9. I gave my dog one a while back and she acted stupid over it. She is very loving and lets my three year old just do whatever to her, but when she had this treat, she would growl and snap at him when he came near her. She never acts like that about any other food or treat. I asked the vet and he said dogs just love them. They love choclate too and will go after anti-freeze if it is left in their reach, that doesn't mean it's good for them!

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