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Posts posted by DentalChick

  1. As my husband answers calls every work night in this county he has a heavy burden that weighs on him. I would like to get your opinion on this idea.


    "SAVING GRACE" his dream center.


    It would be a "rehab Shelter" for people who have lost there homes, lifes ect... He sees many families with children that are homeless living in the woods due to layoffs or loss of jobs. This shelter would be a "short" stay shelter. He would like for employers to post job openings and some trade training classes to be offered. They will have a specific time limit on the stay. This will make it a must to find work. It will allow the kids to attend school and be clean and have clothes as needed (that he hopes we will get from donations). This will not be a DRUG rehab center! It will also be for domestic abuse victims to have a start with the same benefits.


    Any ideas or suggestions? I would love to see your ideas and what the long time residents have to say. THANKS.

  2. Hi everyone, I try to stay out of the hurt feeling parts and just give you updates. I think we should feel safe on this one. It was very easy to figure out if you had all the details as I suspected. I know some of you red between the lines and figured it out too. May this man rest in peace and may we have a few less worries about things that may be harmful to our children and families. I will let you get back to the argument that was at hand about " Trash" or something. Have a wonderful day!


    JK Rogers,


    I don't really worry as long as only my feelings are expressed and not my husbands. I think things have really improved to be honest. I was very undure a few years ago and made a A** of myself on day by calling a member of our leaders at his house and told him or his wife to help patrol the streets due to lack of funding for deputies.My husband was answering calls alone that should have had two officers. After making it clear it was not going to happen things were fixed. Maybe just putting your 2 cents in helps sometimes. I can tell you that nothing bad happend to my husband due to may phone call. I know they worry as I do and are trying to make it right for our guys. Things are improving on a daily basis and this has alot to do with Walker backing his mean. Our sherrif listens to his suggestions and helps to make it better for our men.


    I do encourage you to run for sheriff if tht is your dream. I do think you would get more support by making suggestions instead of downing the current system. We don't need another political bashing like the other elections. I would love to hear your ideas and I think others would too. A good clean debate and or conversation on this forum is always nice to see. Maybe you can look at Ken Balls comments a few years ago. I very much respect him and it was a clean way of handeling things. Best of luck to you!

  3. Pubby,


    Thanks for making it know how stretched our dept. is. MY thought is that there is a history with this house and it is a shame a man is dead but maybe this will keep some things out of this county and away from my kids. You can read between the lines on this one. I know our Sheriff would make a statement if he felt we were in any danger. If he thought we needed to worry he would come out or send a rep out to give a statement. He is concerned about all of us as a member of his area.

  4. THANKS EVERYONE! You all are so wonderful to pray and support us! Please keep all of our department in your prayers daily. It is easy to forget they are out there every moment of everyday for all of us. It is easy to remember them in times like this but the everyday danger is real. Have a wonderful night. ( I hope i don't have to do this again anytime soon).

  5. My husband just called. He went to get a new battery for the radio. Man is upset due to losing his job and wife leaving. He wont give up. Does not look too good. Keep this man in your prayers! Sometimes people think there is no hope. He needs our prayers for calmness and a piece of mind right now. Our guys will only shoot if fired on again. Walker is a very patient man with extensive knowledge on how to wait things out.

  6. This is news to me. I am building a new dental office in that plaza. I hope no one blows it up!!!!!! I was wondering why all of the workers were outside this morning. I went to check on construction and saw everyone headed for the far end of the parking lot(near the gas pumps). I guess they were not thinking about that.

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