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Eddie Bennett

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Everything posted by Eddie Bennett

  1. Maybe you have some Russian in your background, sd, that influences you toward Trump! Not that that is a really bad thing, though! I'm just not a fan of Russians.
  2. At least none of it came from Ruassians, Lo! They like Trump.
  3. The people who don't like this topic, and reported it, were probably conservatives. I'm more Moderate, and like to delve into the reality of things.
  4. The liberals, Lo! are saying, "Hell No DNC; We Won't Vote For HILLARY!"
  5. We're going to take care of all the controversy, starting next year. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OJ5ufy3Oiww#t=478
  6. I'm not a Liberal, Lo! If I were I would have voted for Burnie Sanders; I didn't. My next choice would have been Burnie Sanders, because he didn't get campaign funding from Russians. And, forinsic science has proven that e-mail passed around by Democrats, were hacked by a Russian!
  7. Being a narcisist, he will trade with himself, becauuse like CC says, "How quickly do you think our trading partners will line up to cut their own throats?" ~ CitizenCain
  8. Getting drunk is known to cause erratic, irrational, and, overall, thoughtless behavior -- public urination, bar fights, tears in the streets. Now, go ahead and add political conservatism to that list. A new study, published in the Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, tested whether low-effort thought promotes political conservatism, and part of the study measured alcohol's effects on political positions. Researchers found that the higher the blood alcohol content, the more conservative the views on sex, education, and political identification became. http://www.alternet.org/news
  9. His vote is unoffical, Lo! VOTE - The official choice that you make in an election, meeting, etc., by casting a ballot, raising your hand, speaking your choice aloud, etc.
  10. He is upset that his friend Muammar Gaddafi was killed, and blames his brother for that injustice,
  11. Georgia representatives tout energy efficiency by charging its citizens highter taxes on gasolene. If you don't belirve me, watch gas prices drop when you cross the border into either Alabama, or South Cariloina. Here in, Georgia, the tax on gasolene is higher than it is in either Alabama, or South Carolina. It matters not about the ethanol that damages older cars, and small engines. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=neJP7rms4dY
  12. I don't care, T T! Hillary can beat Truimp without a VP!
  13. Trumps finances are fishy, to say the least! http://www.cnn.com/videos/politics/2016/06/21/hillary-clinton-donald-trump-tax-returns-wealth.cnn But, he has a bigger problem that the way he lies about his finances. Look at this situation.
  14. Yes it is, Dana! I love the wonderful work that our protectors, and servers, do! It's outstanding. But what about this silence among them? Why don't they speak up, to the public? Why do they not know why one of their brothers shot the Therapist who was trying to help an Autastic patient? But, this is not moving, at all! (Why don't these wonderful people speak up, DR! They need a voice! When a man asks one of them, "Why Did You Shoot Me?" and the policeman who shot him, says, "I Don't Know!" WHO DOES KNOW, DR?)
  15. Don't be so desperate, mrshoward! Pubby will close this thread when he decides it is a wast of his member's time.
  16. Is nobody interested in why police shoot people? I am having to ask myself this question, because it seems that nobody else wants to know. What kind of people am I souranded by? Even my friends, COWA, CC, Jenilyn, Pubby, and all the others that I use up all my likes on want even talk to me about this? If it's because our prison system is overcrouded, tell me what you think? Why is it okay to jump to such quick conclusions when someone, who may be innocent, is in the midst of what looks like a crime?
  17. Why do you suggest closing this thread, J W? I like it, and evidently you do too!
  18. Why don't these wonderful people speak up, DR! They need a voice! When a man asks one of them, "Why Did You Shoot Me?" and the policeman who shot him, says, "I Don't Know!" WHO DOES KNOW, DR?
  19. Oh, SNAP! I am thinking of voting for Trump, NOW, CC!
  20. Why don't these wonder people, speak up? When you ask one of them; "Why Did You Shoot Me?" and they say, "I Don't Know!" Then Who Does Know? The blue wall of silence needs a voice. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=349hoDAAbwg
  21. He's a whole lot better than Ted Cruze, but he just can't beat the Clinton's. Bill is going to be shining his toenails in the White House Carpet, as he goes from room to room, NEXT YEAR.
  22. Nah, G D, you use to many we's to be doing to much thinking for yourselves. We this, or We that, is your motto. And, if you really did do a lot of thinking, you would use your Visual Cortex more, instead of jumping to conclusions on ISIS, and other crap. I'm not afraid of ISIS! We will do them like we did the Bloody British, two fugging times. They are not going to come onto our shores, in a big enough way to do as much damage at Ben Laden did. Start using a little more of your brain, Sir!
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