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Eddie Bennett

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Everything posted by Eddie Bennett

  1. I hope Hillary doesn't go along with the TPP (Trans Pacific Partnership). Maybe Burnie Sanders has enough influence on her, during his campaign, to help her decision not to participate in the TPP.
  2. Any whistle blower, with information that will help hold the powerful accountable. Judges have a powerful job, and should not be allowed to make public evidence just dissapear. It happened to me, in Paulding county, but my name was not Brendan Keefe, and 11 Alive was not backing me. They used to redo court transcripts, in Paulding County, and change the wording, before you could buy a copy of it.
  3. Here I sit all broken hearted, it's Gard Dad's birthday, and I just farted.
  4. He wants citizens lives not to matter, when it comes to his satisfaction, D V b P!
  5. I love Bosco. Bosco is for me. Mama puts it in my milk for sunshine vitimen C. My stars, how does Mars make such wonderful candy bars? Dr. Pepper is the friendly Pepper Upper, It'll never, ever, ever, let you down.
  6. Update on tropical storm activity, 8/29/2016. Tropical Depression 9, to become a tropical storm in the gulf. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c95a9Aaha5U
  7. I certainly hope the hazardous conditions that can occur, outside of the cone, stays south of Woodstock GA, MGS!
  8. I think you are a Republican, D R, who want a crazy man in the White House.
  9. Talking about nothing important to citizens is the very thing our citizens have been dumbed down to do. Do you remember history classes that didn't teach you not to pick us a book. I went to a few of those classes. They never said anything about the fact that some of us had been restricted from even owning a book. I was not taught much on the truth, but a lot about our brave and powerful leaders.
  10. Political - Of or relating to citizens. I'm not a citizen, so anything I say means nothing. But, what can I talk about? Probably nothing with any importants to citizens.
  11. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l1mC1NORnZQ
  12. It looks like, at least one forecaster puts it coming through South Georgia, or very close.
  13. I think anything a person wants to talk about, as long as it is about politics, is a good thing. Sitting idly by and not discussing issues that mean something, to so many people, is just no way to get anything going, nor stopped, whichever needs to be done. What about Georgia being number 35 from the top in the best to worst school system ranking, measured on Aug. 1, of this year. Is that good enough? https://wallethub.com/edu/states-with-the-best-schools/5335/
  14. I can only wish I had the ability to be as reasonable as you are, CC! Sometimes my emotions over rule my ability to debate with logic, and common sernse, like you do. Thank you, for being who you are! You inspire me.
  15. You are thinking logicly, Pubby! How are highly emotional people going to cooperate and compromise? As long as people only use a small part of their brain, which is fight or flight, they are going to create more chaos at a roundabout.
  16. OMG, The Postman Has Been Doing Some Thinking! But, I've also been doing some studying. What stirs an audience? Have you ever tried to persuade an emotional person with logic? Well, you can't stir an audience with logic, in my way of thinking. I think fear can stir an audience much more than any logic can ever make sense to a P.com audience. I've seen the owner of this website try to be as logical as he could be, but very few people are stired by that logic. What seems to stir them, most, is their emotions about his logic. Maybe it is a persons ability to maintain
  17. Published on Aug 28, 2016 A big surprise, for this week, has exploded over water off the coast og North Carolina. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bUaGZDnQ0QI
  18. Police are criminals, CC! When you are a smart killer, you study to become a police officer. And if you don't like black people, that goes right along with your education. If I'm lying I'm dying!
  19. Those three were just like that kid who ran a redlight, and then took off to his grandmother's houise, DR, black as the ace of spades.
  20. They are not concerned about their 84 year old mothers, and grandmothers, jenilyn! WHY, because it just doesn't happen like that, if their mothers, and grandmothers, love them enough to be at the kitchen table worrying about them.
  21. Lo, I think they should name one of the storms, NELLYBELLE! Do you remember NELLYBELLE? WOOOO NELLYBELLE!
  22. Did you notice what is behind it. The 8 PM report said look at the size of the storm behind it. Go to about 1:30 on the video.
  23. It seems to me that the kid was tazed as quick as the cop got it out of his mouth. He had his hands up, already in surrender mode. What else are you supposed to do, Lo? What takes the cake, however, is going into an old lady's house, and pepper spraying her at her kitchen table!
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