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Eddie Bennett

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Everything posted by Eddie Bennett

  1. Ask your dad about it, Mr. Dis! I'm sure he has seen the report. So take a minute while you are over there edging. Representation was seriously lacking, for GA tax payers, that evening, when the camera men got kicked out of their rooms by the armed guards.
  2. Some husbands don't think women belong to themselves. They are owned. So it doesn't matter if there is a female aphrodisiac or not. Christian men are that way; are they not? https://youtu.be/3YXINEYdnkY .
  3. What do they think about the armed guards, down in Savannah, GA, kicking out reporters from their own hotel room, because of private negotiations, in a meeting room, between ALEC and Georgia law makers?
  4. Look, WHITEY, EZ is a Federalist! His federation is to wipe out labor unions, even in the North. I need not say anymore than that, to you, because you know the rest of the story.
  5. Did ALEC have anything to do with this update, where law makers meet with them in the back rooms of hotels, like the deal in Savannah GA, a couple of weeks ago. Armed guards had 11 Alive kicked out of their hotel room, because they were asking questions.
  6. Yes, but by God, Moses had better come back, ABR! How do you think the American people are going to look, in a few more years of no representation? You don't like government unless it negotiates with ALEC, to make you some laws, behind closed doors. You don't like American workers to be represented by their own union's, Now, you might like martial law, if the guns, and artillery, is on your side.
  7. Moses was a union representative, way back in ancient Egypt. If we don't have union representation we get ruled by the government, which means union lobbyist's and ALEC, will negotiate contract laws. Moses parted the red sea, according to the Bible, but what do you really think. Do you think God helped him part the red sea, and what else did God help Moses with. What about the 10 commandments? Fox News doesn't like Moses, and gets a Preacher to side with them. https://youtu.be/ACf4eHht-a4
  8. Did you know that ALEC (union, or lobbying negotiators, whichever) have responded to the 11 Alive report in Savannah? We still don't know what law the armed guards were using to to get 11 Alive reporters kicked out of their hotel room. https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=1&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0CB4QFjAA&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.11alive.com%2Fstory%2Fnews%2Flocal%2Finvestigations%2F2015%2F06%2F02%2Falec-responds-to-11alive-investigators-report%2F28366637%2F&ei=_cNzVaiAIMTEsAX7voF4&usg=AFQjCNGFfdm9puEwbCKKP2qrYtijzXO78A&
  9. This is the second most dangerous weapon, to cops, behind Pubby's spoiler. : Pubby, probably has one of these. He knows how impressive it is, in the hands of a good journalist.
  10. I know that people think currency is about money, in dollars and cents, but I'm talking about sense. Sense is the same thing as dollars and cents, but it's way more than that, too! Take TAX, for an example, Tax is a duty. Let me define DUTY, for you. Duty is something you have to do, in order to get what you want out of life, and from your efforts. Duty is what you do on your job, at your church, for your community, and for your country. If you are not represented by a central manager, you have no plan, no strategy, and you are subject to whatever someone else's plans, and strate
  11. Union hypocrites are all over this country. They pay money to get their agents to back them in their quests for whatever they decide they want, bad enough, to hire representatives to go after. Some unions can afford armed guards to keep unwanted guest at bay while they negotiate serious contracts, which will affect people who are not at the gathering they hold in private rooms, across this country. Millions, and even billions, of dollars exchanges hands, while they create those negotiated contracts.They then make a book, so people can flip through the pages to find what has been negoti
  12. Having armed guards to intimidate you, for filming police, would be a thing of the past. Ans, there would be less need for expensive forensic science, in a lot of filmed cases. I still like a telephoto lens, on my camera, when filming police. I am the kind of person that won't let my window down to much, too, when I get stopped. I hope this Colorado law is like the Colorado medical marijuana law, in spreading news.
  13. I don't think your solution will work near as well as going ahead and allowing employers to hire all the illegals they want to hire, and then unionize them. That will result in ALEC meeting with Law Makers to provider better legislation about employers hiring their workers.
  14. Fraud is also whether doctors, and hospitals, are allowed to cheat, by CMS. CMS employees will be the mane people to keep check on. Medical personnel, and CMA employees, an do things behind closed doors, like Georgia lawmakers did with ALEC, down in Savannah GA, last week. ALEC, could even be involved in CMS activities, because it's identified as the American Legislative Exchange Council. A lot of money changes hands, at behind closed door meetings like this.
  15. Ignoring reality is the problem, coming and going. We lie to our kids about Santa Clause. When I was a kid, Storks brought my two sisters. When I found out the truth, I was mad as hell. I still don't like to be lied to, nor about. I used to play hanky panky with everybody else that had been lied to. I thought my daddy was kidding when one of my sisters was born. He told my mother, "next time you poop a turd like that, pinch its head off." He was being more realistic than my mother in regard to the Stork. A lie is a lie, in my book. Food, is the biggest lie that marketing ever had anyt
  16. Yes, low! At least it's a start. Some people, men too, can take a pill consisting of powdered sugar, flower, or whatever, and it works, simply because they knew they took a pill. I don't have to take a pill, Dear, because you are pill enough for me. Now, let me retract that for the purpose of this being a public message board. And, the fact that you, and I, are only friends and not lovers, allows us to talk on this subject without prejudice. I love you for being an open minded person, low! But, there is no opportunity to exercise any physical activity. I would get into serious tro
  17. We could go back to a time when there were no labor unions, and People like J.D. Rockefeller, and Andrew Carnegie, could once again have free reign on the labor market. These were good men, but they greedy. https://youtu.be/9vuqR3e0uKU
  18. Flibanserin, a drug dubbed the "female Viagra," is aimed at helping women who've lost their sex drive. ... cleared a key hurdle Thursday, winning backing from an FDA panel. https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=1&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0CCIQqQIwAA&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.cnn.com%2F2015%2F06%2F04%2Fhealth%2Ffemale-viagra-sex-drive-drug-flibanserin%2F&ei=lsdxVc-IOMH3sAXbyYOwBw&usg=AFQjCNHazTceddwni-i5jAedY_INdRYIjQ&sig2=3PVjnactPBcaaB5Ow7LxUA&bvm=bv.95039771,d.b2w https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&
  19. Low, you wouldn't believe how much woman I, indeed, have in me. Like I say, the best man for the job is a woman. When I have a job to do, I think WO man, put on your best manners, first. I think you know me, low!
  20. I don't think so, ABR. It's not liberal who are so constipated with old fashion BS, that they have no foresight. Conservatives rely to much on hindsight. Their arse keeps getting in their way of seeing reality.
  21. I have actually looked at that possibility, mojo, and even though I like big butts, it didn't ring a bell in my Amygdala's, which would have cause fight or flight. In fact it had the opposite affect, on me. . I think it should be labeled, midbrane-constipation, as a result of severe back up. .
  22. I was going to just edit, to add this, but getting below the picture was not allowed, and that is important. My cursor would push the picture down, like I hadn't shown it before adding print. So, what we see is not always what we get. That might be due to fecal materials blocking our vision, to a degree. We just think we have our eyes open while we are actually half asleep, That in turn could cause us to go off half cocked, to much. Some of us just hall arse, like the elephant who's front legs were doing thirty miles per hour. We know his back legs had to be hauling arse; don't we? G
  23. There's a lot of us, here on P.com, who have bad nerves. I suppose we are no different than anyone else in the state of Georgia, or even in this country, who have bad nerves, but it's P.commers who concern me the most, because we are in the P.com union. The nerves in some of our eyeballs have somehow gotten tangled up with the nerves in our butt holes, and it causes us to have a chity outlook. Now, I don't know how the hell that has happened guys, but it is quiet annoying, even to the ones who's nerves are where they should be. Now, I have been doing some research, to see if I can figu
  24. The U-word is just a label, and people connect it to labor. But there has been a lot of good to come out of the labor force that was very taxing to the people who did the work. They should have had more representation, not less. Taxation without representation is not what this Union (The United States of America) is all about. We want our tax payers to be represented. People who thinks taxes, in this country, are in $ alone are stupid. Taxes are paid by illegal aliens, who pick the crops you see as fruits and vegetables at the grocery store. Taxes are paid by all sorts of unions (groups o
  25. Yes! And, it can go instantly, on live cam. Nobody would be able to tamper with the original film. I can't see why police wouldn't like to have that kind of back up against the criminals they deal with.
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