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Posts posted by bwilliams

  1. Yeah, really!


    Little side note - -He use to own a farm (may still own it, don't know) up in N.GA. that grew all sorts of wild flowers and speciality flowers.  The florist for our wedding used his farm for all the fresh-flowers we had.  :D  So, I've always had a special liking of Ken Cook!!!

    I think he still does own that farm.. I recall recently seeing an advertisement for his tomatos or something on his network... I may be hallucinating, but I know what you're talking about! LOL :wacko:

  2. In my humble opinion, El Jalapeno is the most tasteless food I ever ate.  I like both Tequila locations, Hiram & Dallas.



    I agree.. I love both Tequila locations. I'm a huge fan of Mexican food, and had been spoiled by some downtown close to where I lived (near peidmont) but I was so happy to find Tequila...


    I liked El Jalapeno ok, the atmosphere and the decor was lovely, but I always managed to come in when they were having REALLY LOUD LIVE MUSIC NIGHT and it was very distracting, etc.


    my .02!





  3. The weather channel is reporting that wind speeds will increase the closer then center of the storm gets.


    Also said that the higher the wind speed, the more likely damage is.


    Gotta fill the air time.  :p



    (mini hijack)

    I love their way of filling air time sometimes.. its hilarious what totally basic information they'll give - and it makes them sound like they're talking to 4 year olds..

    "Remember folks, Trains have the right of way." Yeah, they said it.. I laughed for days. Definately another "DUH!?" moment for the news...




  4. Can you belive it? the one time we get on tv nationally as a county, we're known for being the place where this guy has his sign and business..


    ::shakes head::



  5. b, whats the name of the new mothers book, my DIL would love that one. Shes fixing to be a new mother with  a 4 year old. Would this be a good book for her?


    Its called "little earthquakes" and it just came out in paperback. I got my copy at Target but I saw it at the Wallyworld for cheaper.

    I thought it was a great book.. half the time I was asking myself if this woman knew me because it hit so close to home!


    I'd recommend it a thousand times :)



  6. Jennifer Weiner is really good. The one that I just finished was more geared towards a group of new mothers and how they coped with family life around them, so that was really right up my alley. Well worth it. I'm so glad I finally found it in paperback!!


    Im looking for other stuff to read, but I'm so picky. I love the Potter books, and used to be a big historical romance fan, but my taste changed somewhere.. to what, I have no clue.


  7. I didnt know what to put down.. I love the Harry Potter books so much. (yes, I know Im 31, shhh.) I also finished a great novel by Jennifer Weiner called "Little Earthquakes." It was the fasted I've read a book in manyyyyy years.. Just two nights and I was done.. Now I can't wait for the new Potter book to come out so I can also have another reason to get the only Jennifer Weiner book I dont have! lol

    Then, that'll probably stock me up for books for the next 6 months. I read things so slowly.



  8. Actually the Blue Law regarding Sodomy was taken out of the Georgia Law books back in 1998 or 1999..


    (I remember having a party that my household wasnt full of felons anymore LOL)





    Step 1


    The Supreme Court Overturns Sodomy Laws in Landmark Case


    Soulforce Press Release On Supreme Court Case



    [ Return to Top ]


    Washington, DC-November 23, 1998


    The National Gay and Lesbian Task Force today celebrates a 6-1 vote by the Georgia Supreme Court to repeal that state's sodomy law. The Court ruled that the law violates the Georgia Constitution's guarantee of a right to privacy.


    "Sodomy laws are the linchpin in attacks against the gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgendered community," said Kerry Lobel, executive director of the National Gay and Lesbian Task Force. "They are used to criminalize our behavior and are the basis for discrimination in employment, housing, health care and against families. We applaud the Court for its vote today and also salute the tireless work of Georgia activists who have helped change the climate in the state."


    The Georgia law has been the basis of two U.S. Supreme Court cases. The first was the landmark Bowers v. Hardwick in 1986, when it found no constitutional right to privacy for same-gender conduct. And earlier this year, the Court refused to hear the case of attorney Robin Shahar, whose job offer from then-Attorney General Michael Bowers was rescinded after discovering she was planning a commitment ceremony with her partner. Bowers claimed her lesbian relationship violated the Georgia sodomy law, which he himself defended in Bowers v. Hardwick.


    "We must be vigilant not only in the passage of civil rights laws, but also in the repeal of sodomy laws," continued Lobel. "Even though they are rarely enforced, they are frequently used as the basis for other forms of discrimination - in the workplace, in the schools, and with the custody of our children."


    With the Georgia law now invalid, thirty-one states and the District of Columbia will have no laws forbidding same gender sexual relations. Of the nineteen states that will have sodomy laws in place, six state's laws apply only to same-gender activity - Kansas, Missouri, Oklahoma, Texas, Arkansas, and Maryland. Thirteen other states have an opposite and same-gender sodomy law - Idaho, Utah, Arizona, Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, Florida, South Carolina, North Carolina, Virginia, Massachusetts, Michigan and Minnesota.

  9. I'm a big fan of running around the house with a can of Raid, like someone carrying the olympic torch.    :D



    hahaha.. I used to do that too in a very icky apartment I usd to live in Smyrna... However I went one step further and lit the Raid with a lighter..

    Big black polka dots on the walls WONT get you your security deposit back, but the bugs were DEAD!!!!

  10. 112277_3.jpg


    Im intrigued by not having to spend 60 smackers on someone to come spray my house for buggies.. but Im curious to find out if anyone has used this.. If the picture doesn't show, Im asking about the Ortho Home Defense Max bug spray for the usual random house bugs.. roaches, ants, spiders, etc.


    Have you used this or something like it?

    would you reccommend it?


    danke in advance.



  11. if I had a dime from all the snarky comments I've read about the existance of other religions in the world from this website alone I'd be rich, or have bail money for when one of them decided to have the cajones to actually say this in public to anyone around me. LOL



  12. When asked what he beliefs spiritully, he'll most of the time say "G.O.D. --- the Great-Out-Doors" :D

    Soapmom, I love your hubby's description--hit the nail on the head for me too.


    Thanks for posting the UU information. That led me to do some more research and I am very interested in checking out one of the congregations in the area.


    If I am not mistaken at one time there was a UU church at the corner of Piedmont Road and Canton Highway. I will search and post if I find any info on this.


    Please keep us (or me) posted! lol


    I'll post anything that I find out too..


    b. :D

  13. At that time the church was moving --- and let's just say things got pretty darn political, and my husband and I were really turned off by some of the leader's actions at that point in time.  I would still recommend it in the long run though, many nice folks there.


    I like the UU belief system very much --  Have you read these yet?  These speak volumes to me, and were part of the reason why my husband and I were so attracted to it as a belief system for our family.



    We, the member congregations of the Unitarian Universalist Association, covenant to affirm and promote


        * The inherent worth and dignity of every person;

        * Justice, equity and compassion in human relations;

        * Acceptance of one another and encouragement to spiritual growth in our congregations;

        * A free and responsible search for truth and meaning;

        * The right of conscience and the use of the democratic process within our congregations and in society at large;

        * The goal of world community with peace, liberty, and justice for all;

        * Respect for the interdependent web of all existence of which we are a part.


    The living tradition which we share draws from many sources:


        * Direct experience of that transcending mystery and wonder, affirmed in all cultures, which moves us to a renewal of the spirit and an openness to the forces which create and uphold life;

        * Words and deeds of prophetic women and men which challenge us to confront powers and structures of evil with justice, compassion, and the transforming power of love;

        * Wisdom from the world's religions which inspires us in our ethical and spiritual life;

        * Jewish and Christian teachings which call us to respond to God's love by loving our neighbors as ourselves;

        * Humanist teachings which counsel us to heed the guidance of reason and the results of science, and warn us against idolatries of the mind and spirit.

        * Spiritual teachings of earth-centered traditions which celebrate the sacred circle of life and instruct us to live in harmony with the rhythms of nature.


    Grateful for the religious pluralism which enriches and ennobles our faith, we are inspired to deepen our understanding and expand our vision. As free congregations we enter into this covenant, promising to one another our mutual trust and support.


    The Purposes of the Unitarian Universalist Association


        The Unitarian Universalist Association shall devote its resources to and exercise its corporate powers for religious, educational and humanitarian purposes. The primary purpose of the Association is to serve the needs of its member congregations, organize new congregations, extend and strengthen Unitarian Universalist institutions and implement its principles.


        The Association declares and affirms its special responsibility, and that of its member societies and organizations, to promote the full participation of persons in all of its and their activities and in the full range of human endeavor without regard to race, color, sex, disability, affectional or sexual orientation, age, or national origin and without requiring adherence to any particular interpretation of religion or to any particular religious belief or creed.


        Nothing herein shall be deemed to infringe upon the individual freedom of belief which is inherent in the Universalist and Unitarian heritages or to conflict with any statement of purpose, covenant, or bond of union used by any society unless such is used as a creedal test.


    Yes, thank you for finding this for me.. I had read through parts of it from one of the links that was provided (above) and was very drawn to it.

    I have a very ecclectic faith system and knew that the UU accepted this.. Im also trying to raise an openminded, accepting child and I find what they say they are teaching is what message I would love to have her embrace.




  14. No. There is not a Unitarian Universalist congregation in Paulding. Too bad, as we'd most likely be members if there was one here.  We use to attend the one in Marietta.


    Not to be too nosy, but did you stop attending for some action that happened with the church or was it a general thing?

    just curious only because I'm thinking about attending one of these and since you had been there, I thought you might have some insight.


    thanks :)



  15. No. There is not a Unitarian Universalist congregation in Paulding. Too bad, as we'd most likely be members if there was one here.  We use to attend the one in Marietta.

    well that just sucks. Did there used to be one around here? I could have sworn I saw one when i was driving around in the area when I first moved in. hrm.

    maybe Im daydreaming ;)


    thanks :)



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