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dallas nana

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Everything posted by dallas nana

  1. Stores in Georgia are still selling the stuff. They just word it differently now to get around the law. I have never smoked pot but at this point it is a lot safer for kids than the legal crap they are selling.
  2. Many prayers for the Ramsey family.
  3. I can't believe no one has posted with more information, especially if there was a fatality.
  4. So where does the money in the buckets go at Christmas time? Hopefully, the money stays in Paulding but I would really like to know for sure.
  5. Is there anything else that we can do in addition to prayer?
  6. I have no words to describe this. http://acworth.11alive.com/news/news/92506-syringes-found-inside-clothes-cartersville-walmart-store#.TtaTKIZKeX0.email
  7. On the main road was a fire and rescue truck, as you turn into the 1st street on the left, a sheriff was putting something in his trunk. Less than 5 minutes later I drove back and an ambulance was where the sheriff's car had been. I can't imagine what was going on. Anyone know?
  8. I went to Walmart last night about 12:30, parked right at the door and got a great tv buy. They had already sold out of the ps3 for $199.99. I need it deseparately.
  9. But of course, I have u-verse.
  10. They don't broadcast it on their regular channel.
  11. East Paulding vs Northgate on station 5 live, tonight
  12. Am I the only one interested????
  13. What channel will the game be on tonight? Comcast and U-Verse
  14. I was in Walmart checking out and they made all of us go to the back for about 20 minutes. You can only imagine my frozen food. I was checking out at Walmart and they made everyone go to the back of the store for about 20 minutes. You can imagine my frozen food.
  15. dallas nana


    where is that neighborhood?
  16. Which ipod touch should I purchase for my 11 year old grandson?
  17. I replace all of my appliances with them. I love that place!
  18. Need more info, there are only about a few hundred that match that description.
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