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Posts posted by katcol

  1. Bless your heart. We just had to put our two older dogs (14 &15) down last spring. It was one of the hardest things I've had to do.


    I have to say, though, I stayed with them both. As soon as the first one was "let go" I knew we had done the right thing. I guess we just didn't realize how stressed his big ole body had become. When he "relaxed"...(I'm so sorry for writing this) it immediately made me remember how long it had been since he had been really relaxed. He used to be able to play hard and then just "melt" into a nap. I guess I had just forgotten......just our experience. :(


    So sorry you're having to make this decision. At least you can come here and talk if you need to.

  2. also it could be coming up through the floor , due to all the rain , is her plot really sloping ?, steve


    It's somewhat level in the back with the rear of the basment mostly below grade. The front is quite a large slope but that's draining away from the house. I'll pass on the info about the joint or floor.


    I have seen several advertise basement sealing in the area. I think I have seen some vans with it on the side.


    Thanks. If Steve can't help them then I'll let them know to look for someone to seal it.

  3. where is the water coming in ? , does the basement have a sump in it ?, steve


    No sump, they can't figure out where it's coming from. I thought the walls were allowing it to come through but they swear the walls are dry. Just 2-3" of water to slosh around in on the floor. :huh:


    Sorry I didn't get to meet you today. Had to run off to work.


  4. Help! Do you guys know who to call? My sister's basement is flooded. Sounds really bad. She says the basement walls are completely dry. What could be causing this? French drain must not be working.?


    She has no idea who to call on this. House is five years old. Would she call someone who deals with foundations? Would homeowners' cover it? (guess not since she doesn't have flood insurance-yikes!)


    Bless her heart, they just have the worst luck! :(


    Any advice?

  5. Just wanted to ask you to keep my 5 year old granddaugher, Erin, in your prayers. She has surgery scheduled today at Scottish Rite at 1:30. Erin has Cystic Fibrosis and we have been extremely blessed she is as healthy as she is!!!! She had surgery a month ago to irrigate her sinuses - the mucus caused by CF is too thick and becomes a problem. This follow-up surgery is to remove the dissolvable packing that did not dissolve and scar tissue. It is minor but she will still be put to sleep and is un-nerving for us adults. She is a trooper and takes it much better than we do!



    Prayers sent! :(

  6. Contact ~CAKE~, and yes she has a paypal account, or you can send a check, and they are $1 each, and it goes to Lily. :p



    Thanks for the info. I don't know why folks don't like you. (2 dislikes) You seem really nice. :lol:

  7. A million trillion thank you's to Bumplett for coming to the rescue!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! She on the way to go get my son and take him to school.

    Wow, the things that some folks will do for a neighbor!!!


    Ah, she just wants another ribbon. J/Kidding! :p


    That's so sweet, Bumplett!

  8. Sounds like you may need something larger than these but . .


    I have 2 in Florida that may be available if you are interested:


    Santa Rosa Beach - Destin Sleeps 4


    Panama City Beach Sleeps 6

    (those are the links to the Rental Management companies. Ours is not on a rental program so the rates would be much cheaper ;) )


    Thank you. I wish we could. We're staying on the east coast to visit with family while we're there.

  9. We found a wonderful timeshare unit that someone was auctioning for Thanksgiving week. They couldn't bank it and wanted to get $ out of it. As soon as we paid she was to call and reserve it in our name. Supposedly when she called they said they had rented it out for the week. WTH?


    I think something's fishy. She said they offered to give us two one bedroom units instead of the 3 bedroom w/lockout apartment but we have little ones and cannot be spread out across the place. We are supposed to leave on FRIDAY!!!!


    Anyone have advice? My Mom is telling her to get the money back to us immediately (I sent it by paypal) so that we can scramble to find something else. This was a $2,000/wk. unit and we bid $440 and won. I think they just told her they could rent it out for more $! I realize it was the bargain of the century but we were very careful to contact her and make sure why she was willing to have the reserve at $350, etc. before we even placed a bid on it.


    This was in Orlando. Actually, we would almost prefer to be in Daytona or New Smyrna Beach. I know there are sites on the internet where we can find last minute deals from folks who know what they're doing. Anyone used them? Hopefully someone will have ideas. :(

  10. Has anyone spoken with a Dallas New Era person? I called this morning and Joli said as far as she knows they are not covering the story but would be happy to.


    She said we can write up the story, attach the picture to it and just email it to her.


    I didn't want to duplicate Lily's story w/the Era so I thought I'd better check here first. Thought I saw where the Era and another paulding paper were supposed to cover the story yesterday. Did anyone show up?


    Pauldingbabe, REV, Meltid, are any of you working with Becky on this by chance?


    Maybe we should contact the AJC as well. Any coverage is great!


    Let me know. If I don't hear from anyone I'll just go forward and send something in to Joli at the Era.

  11. kat ~ The shelter is always OPEN on Friday, but thank you for that generous offer. The only day the shelter is closed is Wednesday each week.


    E-mails are coming in, too, this morning for information! :)


    Meltid, thanks for the info. For some reason I thought Friday was the closed day. BTW, you know me from recent past. We don't sell Girl Scout cookies anymore :D . My daughter still loves her bedroom furniture! I'll see you sometime in the next month or two to volunteer. QueenB and her daughter have been inviting me for awhile. :blush:

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