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Posts posted by katcol

  1. Pictures on the way.


    The black one looks like she has daschund..(sp?) in her. She was trying to get me to pick her up but I stopped when she yelped. She seems to have a little tenderness.


    The beagle mix is very friendly and so sweet. She is a little intimidated by the Dane, though. I'm sure she'll be glad to be back home!


    Did the pics come through ok? They're showing up on my end. I'll try to post more.

  2. Thanks to all who gave suggestions. Made it fairly easy to find their home.



    These two sweetie pies were walking in the middle of Sweetwater Church Rd. and were headed for the intersection of 92 and Sweetwater/Brownsville.


    I just couldn't stand the thought of them making it to the intersection so I swiped 'em. They eagerly got into the back of the van and came home with me. I'm off Baker's Bridge...not far away.


    Please PM me asap if you know who these two belong to. One is little and black. The other is medium, possibly beagle mix. Sweet and well cared for. They obviosly belong to someone.




    Ok. The two dogs (that were picked up) got into a raging fight while I was in the shower. Little dog has a few nasty lacerations. Thank God I took my dogs to our room with me. I would've died if mine had been involved. Now the little one will probably need a few stitches!!!


    Ok fellow P.commers, what do I do??????

  3. Yeah, I'm having loads of trouble getting two or three pictures up. I should've just tried to re-arrange the statements to make since instead of re-posting the photos. Now it doesn't want to let me post both. I'll try the spaz one more time....


    Here's her dalmation side...lol.

  4. They're cutie pies. I hear ya about the nookie, Rambo cost me 2 months of whenever nookie :lol:



    Isn't that funny. I guess it's a good thing that this is such a priority for them. Some of them lack the capacity to do the right thing on their own. That's why they come with a stick so that you can guide them a little easier. :o

  5. Ok. You guys are killing me. The puppies are huge! They are the most adorable things. We have wanted a mastiff forever and darned if Lily's babies don't truely seem to have some mastiff in them! I knew they were just too cute but now I want one of them sooooo bad. :wub:


    Maybe one of you lucky folks will have pity on me and just let us come play with them some time. Or we could babysit. Keep us in mind when they get huge. Our dalm/lab and Dane would be great playmates!

  6. Matt thinks they are Bull Mastiff because of her stance. Since their tails are docked they have some sort of bulldog in them.





    Wow, I was just wondering if poor Lily had given birth to mastiff puppies before I even scrolled down to this post!! We've been wanting a mastiff for years.


    Both babies are so beautiful!

  7. Well, I guess we'll be following you down. We leave Sat. morning! Looks like the weather is going to be perfect for Disney. Maybe even a little chilly at night. We won't be there at night, though. I understand that's only for the resort stayers. Maybe we'll try that next time.

  8. This is a sad fact of life today, but didn't they have nuclear attack drills in the 50s as the cold war was raging?


    They probably did. Hubby has a hobby (unfortunately) of collecting old school "movies". It's pretty funny to watch some of them. One of them is a "Duck and Cover" movie from the nuclear drills. Knowing what we know now, they all would've just been killed, I guess. :(

  9. "What time am I supposed to be at the Shelter?

    Don't you dare tell me early"


    Girl, I knew I liked you. I just don't understand the 'crack of dawn' thing.


    I am so upset that I'll miss seeing these sweeties on Saturday! We'll be leaving early that morning. :(

    Just as well. I wouldn't want to contribute to the madness. Sounds like you'll have LOTS of helpers.


    Glad to hear that the news station is coming back out. I knew it couldn't last forever but I was dissapointed to see nothing about Lily on Fox's web site. I figured it was over. Just love that Atlantans want to be kept updated on Lily. Says a lot about our city and the hearts that reside here.


    Sniff, sniff.


    Always here if you need me. (until Sat. morning...lol). We'll be back next Fri. Hubby is staying home so he'll be around.

  10. Nanatrue, try New Georgia Animal Hospital...770-505-7387...I am positive Dr. Lugar will fit her in somehow! She is one of the most compassionate people I know.


    I second that. Dr. Lugar was the one who helped our babies go peacefully. Maybe it's because she went through so much with us but she really teared up with me. I can't imagine having her job.


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