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Posts posted by katcol

  1. This may never be a comfortable situation for you. I hate to say it but the sooner you get past it the better. I've lived with a similar situation being the child of divorced parents who had animosity towards one another. As I became an adult I realized more and more how selfish it has been of one "side" to continue to harbor these feelings. I have so much respect for the parent who chose to get over it! To this day I am still supposed to cater to hurt feelings and discomfort from over 25 years ago. If you plan to have any honest relationship with the rest of the family I'd have to say getting past it would take you a lot further. I love all of my family but the ones who continue to make it uncomfortable force me to keep my distance.


    Also, getting past it means getting past it. I'd advise a lot of prayer and maybe even counceling if that's what it takes. The person that will be affected the most by your "decision" one way or the other is you. All this coming from someone who used to be incredibly jealous.....it's just not worth it. All of that hurt, anger and fear (yes, fear) is just too draining. Life has so much more to offer! Don't let this take up any more of your time or energy. Focus on what's important.


    Just offering my experience.

    Best of luck to you

  2. SO sorry to hear this. We have two 13-14 year old dogs and wonder every day if this is the week, the day, etc. They are large and shouldn't have made it this far.


    I'm sorry you didn't have more time with your precious pup. That was a very short life for such a sweet soul.



  3. Dr. Chaddha in Douglasville (near Douglas Hosp. but he uses Cobb). I had severe endometriosis. Group of women Dr.s kept me jumping through hoops for months. Switched to him and was in laproscopic surgery within two weeks!!! One of the worst cases he'd seen. I was so relieved to have someone listen to ME!

  4. Does anyone use T-Mobile? I've got Cingular and the coverage is pretty good but the rates are just ok. I'm thinking of switching to T-Mobile for the rates.

    Do any of you guys know if the coverage area is ok? I have to use the phone for work so if coverage stinks it won't be worth switching.


    Thanks for your help!

  5. IDidntDoIt


    Bravo! You have obviously been involved on a much larger scale than the rest of us with these children.


    Thank you so much for your comments.


    Those of you who have "problem children"....I'm truly sorry for what you are going through. Certainly I would not want to cast stones. I have quite a strong willed fellow of my own. There have been times I felt there was nothing I could do to help him.


    Having said that, should my child become that disturbed, I would hope that I could realize the threat he would pose to others. If that day comes I predict removing him from the public school system and homeschooling him. Why would I allow my child to create a dangerous situation for other children? In the meantime what he needs is much more than what the public school system can provide. This is where homeschooling could really make a huge difference. Not only to that child and the kids at school, but also to society in general when it ends up with a much better citizen.


    Where in the world would we get the idea that anything less than doing everything in our power to help our child is acceptable? Bottom line is, if our child is that violent, we'd have to come to grips with the fact that God has entrusted us with this child. It would be our responsibility to remove our child from the situation, create an environment that would be conducive to anger management or whatever the issue is. We are adamantly opposed to medicating children. I've said I will NEVER do it. Well, if it came down to it I suppose I would have to. If the only way our child could co-exist with our family was to be medicated, we would have to venture down that road.


    I agree with IDidn'tDoIt. The child creating the issue or violence is probably hurting more than we know. It angers me to think my child would have to be in school with violence. It also angers me that no one is helping the child boiling over with this violence. They need saving, too. We as parents need to do WHATEVER it takes.


    For parents who leave it to the school to figure out, please don't put your child in that position. They need help. Quite frankly, we all do at one time or another. Times are not simple. Even for adults the boundaries and guidelines are confusing. Let's please help our children!!!


    People look at me like I'm crazy when I snatch mine up for any little wrong move. This happens to be what he deserves....my loving him enough to figure out what works for him. That works for him. Any variation and he starts losing control.


    Be there for your kids. If you think you just don't have the time....what makes you think anyone else will?


    At any rate, school MUST be a safe place for children, even if that means some children cannot attend.


    Bash away.

  6. Ok. We go to a chiropractor in Austell. The hours continue to conflict with our schedule. We would love to find someone closer to home...South Paulding. Our concern is wasting a lot of money trying to find someone great.


    Currently we pay a monthly rate for the entire family to go as much as necessary. She has even adjusted our 14 year old dogs. One has severe arthritis. Also, she gets us in and out quickly. No long waits. When we do go through the trouble of driving out there to get adjusted we know it will help.


    Wish we could stay with her but our schedules are getting harder to work with. She has odd hours.


    Do any of you p.commers know of someone in our area that would be comparable?



  7. So what would the solution be, exactly? So staff is everywhere. Do the middle schools have it? Elementary? Private schools? Has this always been a problem and it's just now getting noticed?


    Are there any high schools that do not have this problem? If so, what are they doing differently?


    At the very minimum I would hope that information has been sent home to the families. Understandably this is something that needs to be handled from more than one angle.


    I do not have children in high school so I'm not sure what has been communicated to the parents. The BOE cannot handle the situation alone. However they definitely have a responsibility to make parents aware of the situation. They also have the responsibility to do whatever it takes (on their part) to correct the situation. Maybe it's education. Maybe it's decontamination. Maybe spot checks for availability of soap, etc. would be necessary. Maybe they'll have to man the bathrooms. You know, these measures always sound so extreme until your child is the one clinging to life.


    Has anyone truly spoken with the board on this? Have they consulted with hospitals that have to deal with these sick teens? Maybe they would have some answers as to what could be done.


    If the BOE honestly and truly has an "attitude" about correcting this......when is the next election? We need to ban together and toss them out on their cans. I doubt this is the case. Honestly, if it is, the residents of this county have to demand better.


    Staff may be in schools everywhere. I guess each state/county, etc. has to determine if it is acceptable or if they will not tolerate putting their children at such a risk.


    Not sure what the answer is but I'd hate to think that it could be cleared up with one phone call to a network. If so, allow me to be one of the first to call!!! At that point I'd be the first one to vote as well! :angry2:

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