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Posts posted by DOT

  1. Well I was one who voted against it. I'll explain why.


    First I heard about the SPECIAL ELECTION... hmmm right before a general election as I recall, something like this year, was a homemade sign in someone's yard recommending a no vote. If PCOM was even around then, I hadn't found it and was unable to find out anything about the project.


    But the final factor was that they put it in a special election all by itself, TRYING to get a low voter turnout so their people could vote it in.


    Sorry, that's sneaky tactics and I HATE sneaky tactics. Esp if it's a waste of money like a special election 6 weeks from a general one.


    So they got a no vote because they tried to hide it.


    If I don't get some information from the BOE on the Bond Ref, they are going to get a no vote again just out of spite.


    You know, Pubby's brainchild here is a perfectly good place to publish information. All they have to do is send an email to Pubby and I feel quite sure it would be all over the fast read page 20 nanoseconds later.


    But NOOOOOOOOO.... we get squat. Can't even find any information on the BOE site about it.


    I don't think so.



    SG I saw some home made signs today,do you know who is putting these signs up,I need one?

  2. What she said... someone please address. :) I have little ones in school, as well.


    Why hasn't something like this been posted on channel 16 explaining the severity of the vote for this?


    Why aren't they "campaining" for this in the newspaper and/or mail if our kids could be faced with these options?


    I too would like to know who the "private donations" are collected from?


    The way that the Q&A reads immediately sends you into a panic of "of my gosh, this has to pass!"



    I can address this for you but you will not like my response.


    With over 40,000 new homes already approved for Paulding County,and only a few of these homes,presently being lived in, my math tells me, we will be having at the minimum of 25,000 kids entering the school system once these developements are completed.


    This bond issue by no means provides classrooms for this many kids,and unless these mega Corporations Pony up the $$$$$$$$$$ Double sessions,is the only solution,tax $$$$$ can not be raised fast enough to cover the needed classrooms and other infrastructure needs. THAT IS THE REAL WORLD THAT WE ARE LIVING IN.


    Welcome to Paulding County the most progressive tax and spend community in the USA.

  3. Interesting that 160 Confederate Ave is the Regions Bank in Dallas.


    What makes this more interesting,is this is also the address of the Board of Commissioners,and if you were to check the Financial Disclosures,of some of the Commissioners,You would find that some are heavily invested in this Institution...........HMMMMMMM naw could not be a conflict of Interest.


    Mrs. Brock are you the same Mrs. Brock That is a member of the Planing and Zoning Board? If so would you Please explain how you worked very closely with Mrs. Sowar, and explain how many of these Mega Developements that YOU turned down,and how Many you Approved?and how you and Mrs. Sowar discussed the impact on the school System, and the solutions that you two came up with to help the school system?


    Are you the same Susan Brock that is on the Committe to pay for this Bond Referendum?


    Is the Bond Referendum the Solution that you and Mrs.Sowar worked so closely on,to provide help for the School problem?


    Do you stand to Gain anyway finanically if this bond issue Passes?


    As a member of the Planing and zoning board have you recommended any changes to the Board of Commissionrs, that would help with the cost of building the schools, other than through tax $$$$$ ?


    Were you thinking about the KIDS,FAMILIES,when you voted to approve these Mega Developements?


    I am very sorry Mrs.Brock I will be voting NO, Because I have already been taxed to death this year,with the three tax increases already passed along to me,With at least three more on the Horizion,for the sewerage system,Courthouse,and WMA land,I have already had enough,Please go back to your friends and ask them if they would be willing to Pony up this $125 million? After all if you want to play you gotta pay.


    BTW how many trailers will this bond issue remove from the existing schools,Or will it add some,I just can not figure out where this $125 million is to be spent.What new schools are to be built with this tax $$$$$


    Since you have worked so closely with mrs Sowar can you explain where the SPLOST $$$$$ that the schools began collecting in April of this year,are being spent on,and how much is being projected from this SPLOST tax over the next five years?

  4. I truly respect Whity for donating his time and money to get this message out to those who would blindly go about the business of voting yes for this issue. Well, those who would consider voting at all.


    I wish I could donate some money for his efforts but alas, I'm saving for my taxes next year. <_<


    I may eat these words next year but..... I don’t think we will go to double sessions, which would be a major deterrent to future homebuyers and those already living here. Not to mention the added expense of more teachers of which we don’t have enough of now. And how about added textbooks? Some students can’t take home books now because there aren’t enough. Busses and drivers? Y'all get the point.....


    I believe this is the reason why the builders sponsored the vote for the added money for the BOE. They see what is coming down the line and they don’t want to hurt their bottom line. No bucks no buck rogers.


    If we do go to double sessions I believe we will see a mass exodus from Paulding. Then we wont have to worry about overcrowded schools.


    What I would like to know is why those who are in favor of this vote cant give reason why. Don’t just say, "Do the research". If you are passionate about what you believe pony up the research on here with links, statistics, etc. Don’t just blindly say, "You should vote yes". If you have a point to prove, then be proud of it and post it now. Please convince me with more than "its for the children". Imho, this increase isn’t for the children. Its for the builders who are fixing to get their behinds spanked for all the development/money they have made off of the people of Paulding county. The reason I think this way is with the condition of the current infrastructure and the rumor of double sessions home sales are going to drop like a hot rock. And justly so. Greed is a terrible thing that usually comes around to bite you when you least expect it. If the builders had just gone ahead and done the decent thing by giving an amount of $$$ for each house they/we wouldn’t be in this situation and the builders could have gone on business as usual. They would have just tacked the money on to the price of the house anyway. Who would have been hurt? Certainly not the builders. And please, I’m not talking about all builders out there. There are decent ones I’m told.

    To the BOC/Builders of Paulding County:


    You kick someone long enough you will bring out his or her anger and bitterness. Be honest in your business dealings and forthcoming in your spending/budgets. Run an honest business with your customers in mind. And lets be clear, government is a business no matter how you look at it.


    I love Paulding County and have been out here since 1987 in one way or another but do not doubt that I will sell my home and take my taxes (business, home, and retail) to another community before I let my children suffer the consequences of your decisions on the management and welfare of Paulding County. And I’m quite sure that I’m not alone. The growth of Paulding has been clear for some time now and to me the planning on your part when it concerns building has been poor. I don’t want to hear why you can’t fix things here; I want to know what you can do. I don’t want y'all to shirk the responsibility or pass the buck to another govt agency. I don’t want excuses. We hired you to do your jobs and ladies and gentlemen you have dropped the ball. People will remember at the polls. All we hear is what you can't do. I now would like to hear what you COULD do. Please speak up and educate us.... tell us WHY you can't do what we need to fix these major problems. Because I do not want to take my children away from Paulding where they have lived all of their lives because of poor planning on your part. I don’t want to move them away from their friends, family, the only life they have ever known because you don’t want to piss off developers that have robbed the people of this fine county.

    Flame away.....

    I agree with you completely,very good post of the Facts.


    Did you look at the presentation on the sewer study? still running channell 16,Who is going to pay for this $600 + million dollar improvements?


    If your answer is the Tax Payers,then ask yourself why should we be Funding sewerage that will add to the Developers,only building more homes>


    If your answer is the developers/builders Then ask yourself why would they spend $600 million dollars to upgrade the sewer system,that would only add to the overcrowding of the Schools,and not spend the Same amount for the school system?


    TO THE BOC, I do not want any of my tax dollars to be spent on upgrading the sewer system,Unless you include in the tap in fee, the same amount of money for schools. If we have to provide the sewerage plants,they should provide the schools.


    And BTW I see bids out right now for Infrastructure provided by tax dollars to assist the developers. WHY

  5. I think our elected officials of the BOC have to do that.


    How about a petition?

    I talked with the probates Judge Office recently and Inquired as to how a Item such as Impact fee's and Repeal of the Fire Tax levy,could be placed on the November Ballot,and was advised it woild have to come through the Board of Commissioners,or the Board of Education.


    A petition to the Board of Commissioners asking them to do this may work,But if they refuse to let the citizens vote on this Issue in a general election,I would certainly help in getting a petition for a recall election,and throw them out and get some Commissioners who care about the Kids.

    This past week a citizen presented to the commissioners several Pictures of the Conditions of some of the School in there district,Take a look at the response that the Commissioners showed Comcast 16 and listen to the remarks that was made,that is what is wrong with the school system,and no amount of Tax dollars will correct this problem.

  6. Simply ask. Attend BOE meetings and be involved in the schools, you will then know the answers to many of you questions and know that MANY of your statements on here are unfounded and simply not true.



    I notice that some of you are quick to say that there are untrue statements being made,but never point them out.


    Maybe you can answer the Question on SPLOST II funds,This money was earmarked ,in Part ,to address the Needs of the School System, as it relates to new construction for schools,is part of this money being diverted to the M&O budget that should have been paid out of the budget passed on August 8,2006


    Where is the Money that the State reimburses for new class room construction being spent?


    I believe these Questions have previously been asked on previous post but never answered?


    BTW if you will watch comcast #16 friday you will hear and see why the $500 has never been received by the BOARD

  7. Simply ask. Attend BOE meetings and be involved in the schools, you will then know the answers to many of you questions and know that MANY of your statements on here are unfounded and simply not true.



    I notice that some of you are quick to say that there are untrue statements being made,but never point them out.


    Maybe you can answer the Question on SPLOST II funds,This money was earmarked ,in Part ,to address the Needs of the School System, as it relates to new construction for schools,is part of this money being diverted to the M&O budget that should have been paid out of the budget passed on August 8,2006


    Where is the Money that the State reimburses for new class room construction being spent?


    I believe these Questions have previously been asked on previous post but never answered?

  8. You keep making wild statements, but you seem unwilling to back them up with facts or actions. You keep trying to put the burden on others based on your opinions.


    YOU are the one who is saying the school is unsafe. If you REALLY believe this, why have you not already contacted the appropriate authorities at the state level and requested an investigation? If they really are unsafe, and you are one of the few who see it and do nothing, you are as guilty as anyone else on the matter.


    If it were really unsafe, you should have no problem getting one of the TV news reporters to cover the problem. Why don't you call them, maybe you can be the hero for all our kids!



    Also, I may have missed it, but I'm still waiting on what illegal activity you want a grand jury to investigate.





    I was at the BOC meeting Tuesday and whitey did raise the Issue at the Hershel Jones Middle School and even produced some Pictures,of the conditions at this School,EPHS, and HHS I saw those picture after the Meeting was over with,and I agree that the schools have a problem.


    Has whitey said that there was illegal activity,or has he stated that a Grand Jury should do a investigation,you may want to read his post on the fast read page

  9. That is what is trying to be discussed here Facts,Since you are the School Board member in District 2 Hiram,WILL you please get the facts out on SPLOST II.

    If I under stand SPLOST II this Money was going to Begin to be collected in April,2006. and was this not suppose to take care of the Schools Needs Through the expiration date of SPLOST II For new school construction?



    Is there some reason that you jump on p.com make some statements,but never answer any of the hard questions posed to you?

  10. Vote No and how will the kids in this county like going to double sessions. How about school 6 days a week?

    Half a school district going Mon., Wen.,Fri. and the other half going Tues..Thurs, Sat.. for the first part of the year then flipping after Christmas. Oh they would be going longer days and for a longer school year. Double sessions are no fun. But if we do not pass this bond I can tellyou right now it will happen in just a year or two.

    Please come to more than one meeting a year or so, people need to come to the Town Hall Meetings that the System put on a couple times a year also. Please find out the facts before you speak.



    Is this what the BOE is proposing? Are they saying if we vote for this bond issue they will not be any double sessions.


    What was said at the neeting of the plans to handle the other 40,000 + students once the homes that have already been approved,are built and occupied,this should hit within the next five years?


    Do you know how many students are in trailers/modular units County Wide?

  11. I saw the orange re-zoning sign at the old, old house on Ridge Rd, and I had to pull into the driveway and read the sign. It's a little East of Mill Creek Rd. It will be up for Zoning at the BOC Meeting tonight. Re-zoned from A-1 Agricultural to Suburban Residential. I have been in Paulding County for almost 10 yrs and I have seen approximately 35-40 subdivisions go up, either directly on or just off of, Ridge Rd. Now, keep in mind Ridge Rd is only about 9 miles long. I know these people have the right to do what ever they want to with their land but, enough is enough. WE HAVE PLENTY OF NEW SUBDIVISIONS!! WE DO NOT NEED ANYMORE!!


    JMHO :ninja: :ninja:

    the real hearing is at 2:00 am the boc just rubber stamps the P&Z approval/

  12. MD,

    I have been staying out of these, but for you to compare us to Gwinnett is absurd at best. We could almost survive on their sales tax and non-industrial tax base.


    Why don't you go on and compare us to Fulton, or Jacksonville, or for that matter NYC.


    The issue at hand is simple.....who pays ? The developers or the individual property owner ?



    surepip md says a lot of absurb things just trying to get ones mind off the intent of the thread.


    yes the issue is simple who is going to pay.


    you are the first poster in a long time that has brought the topic back on track


    So all of you that are for this tax and spend menality less here from you but stay on topic.


    Whitey has had many meetings with officials that have answered his questions, yet he ignores the facts. I'm torn between making sure the truth is known vs. the time wasted on “selective” ignorance.



    Start with this one freebird



    I was at the BOE meeting held in JULY,remember me I was the citizen that supported the tax Increase in the M&O Budget Remember?


    I was the citizen that asked how much of the money that the Builders/Developers had pledged had actually been Received Remember?


    I was the same Citizen that most of the Board Members shook My hand During the Break and told Ne how Much they appreciated the comments That I made Remember? Were you at this meeting?


    I was the same citizen that asked ya'll to come to the next Board of commissioners meeting and support me and raise the issue in public remember Don't put none of that Bull Crap on me When I got to that meeting How many of ya'll showed face?


    And yes I was the same citizen that was deceived by everyone of ya'll at that meeting,You knew fully well that you had already put together a Committee Headed up by one of the largest developers in this County to place on a special election the Largest tax Increase ever imposed on the citizens of Paulding County By the Board Of Education.I remember this to well.


    Maybe all the others that support this tax increase should Step forward and openly make themselves known,How about posting the names of the Committe that was selected by the BOE to sponsor this Tax Increase,Why not let the people know who wants our taxes Increased,Better yet put it in your Presentation just who is sponsoring this special.


    Just what BOE Meeting Was this tax increase talked about and voted on By the elected Board Members,And what month was this meeting Held,and When did the School board members Select this Committee? I certainly would like to read the minutes on this one

    :unsure: :angry2: :D :o

  13. Actually, I'm wondering that myself.


    The lack of understanding of basic civics, local government and basic property rights is overwhelming.



    Well everyone like freebird and yourself do not feel that we can tax ourselves out of this mess,I heard some good ideas on this thread,why don't you and freebird go back to the begining of this thread and re read it and help us out of the largest tax increase ever imposed By THE BOE :D


    Oh I know your answer so I will post it for you Can't do that courts ruled, state has this responsibility,Or maybe even violation of ones property rights,Darn why not even throw in gotta help the kids get a new trailer?


    Since it appears that ya'll are on some kind of tax us to death committe do ya'll plan on putting out a lot of campaign signs to get out the vote :D

  14. It appears that for some it is not as easy as that surepip. While I make an effort to understand an opposing point of view for others if the el chieftain speaks it must be right. Sometimes they do make good points but unfortunately they do not fit the scenario at least for me they don't. Whitey, you are banging your head up a brick wall. It does not matter whether you have a valid point or not. I wonder why when mr chairman was here he did not offer an opinion. I wonder why Mr chairman has made several misstatements such 100% compliance on these donations when the records clearly show less than 30%. I wonder why he says he supports impact fees as a regular citizen but not as county commissioner. I wonder why he felt a vacation was more important than being present for a meeting dealing with taxes. I wonder why he will allow developers to speak off topic but not taxpayers. I wonder why the acting chairman during the tax hearing meeting stated impact fees were illegal in georgia? Yes I have a lot of questions and you should too. They are doing a tap dance all around us but you choose not to see it. That is your decision. Me, I choose to go to the meeting tommorro and ask the commissioner about these descrepancies but I won't fool myself into thinking they may actually answer. Our future is already mapped out so they don't have too. After all, it is just a few of us crazies asking, no one else is foolish enough to question their wisdom or motivations.



    You go girl do not let the tax and spend markdavd,and freebird dampen your spirts,they will probably be the sponsoring committe for the new bond issue coming up for the new courthouse/civic center/complex etc. after all we got to have a new court house,on 61 acres,crap it is only our money,that they are spending.


    I will be there to support you tomorrow,give them hell.

  15. markdavd


    I have took a few hours to go back and review your post on this item,and some other current Items,and for the most part you seem to be a very intelligent,and well educated person,however,I have not seen you post anything on the tax items that indicate that you were willing to keep taxes lower in Paulding County.


    I know that none of our elected leaders, have done anything to keep taxes lower,the fact is they have already been raised three times this year,and the only response is, that is something that the State Controls and you have basically said the same thing in your post.


    in fact if I read just your post I would have thrown up my hands long ago and got out my check book signed a blank check, sent it in, and told them to make it out for whatever this may cost me.


    You seem very adept at blaming all the woes of the tax payer,as being something that the County has no control over? So much in fact that you sound very much like one of our county commissioners?


    Could it be that you are really one of our county commissioners that is secretely hiding behind the shield of a p.com member,to really express your views and remain anonymous?

  16. Let me type real slow . . .


    State law does not allow building schools based on projections.


    I repeat


    State law does not allow building schools based on projections.




    State law does not allow building schools based on projections.



    Does that mean the BOE is asking for the $125 million,based on the needs right now,and this will take all the trailers/modular units off the campus.


    I am really confused here can you explain? How do we get the kids in real classrooms,with real desk,and the needed books ETC

  17. Cherokee impact fees justified

    Atlanta Journal-Constitution editorial, June 24, 2002


    "The expense of extending public services to sprawling new subdivisions in metro Atlanta unfairly

    falls on the rest of the community rather than the developer and home buyer.


    In Cherokee County, for example, new residential development costs the county $2.23 for every

    dollar of revenue it generates. That striking disparity led Cherokee to impose impact fees, a onetime

    tax on new construction to cover the expense of furnishing basic services. The Cherokee

    impact fees average $1,800 per new house.


    Terrified of diminished profits, the Greater Atlanta Homebuilders Association sued Cherokee

    County, claiming the impact fees are unfair and unconstitutional.

    The county prevailed this month when the Georgia Court of Appeals upheld Cherokee's impact

    fee program. Judge Yvette Miller ruled that the county “acted rationally and reasonably in imposing

    impact fees.” The association is appealing the decision to the Georgia Supreme Court.

    If the high court looks at the facts, the Cherokee ordinance will be vindicated again.


    A county should not be compelled to supply a government subsidy for private development.

    In essence, builders want the rest of us to underwrite the construction of roads, schools, water

    and sewer lines, and the expansion of police and fire protection required by new developments.

    Clearly, these costs belong on the builders and home buyers who benefit from the new growth.

    Georgia law permits fees to cover seven types of impact: water treatment and supply; wastewater

    treatment; roads, streets and bridges; storm water systems; parks, open space and recreation areas;

    public-safety facilities; and libraries.


    Because the real estate lobby has killed any effort to apply impact fees to schools, taxpayers pay

    for new schools to serve new subdivisions even when builders stick up hundreds of houses in the

    middle of nowhere. Developers looking for cheap land don't have to worry about whether there's

    a nearby school. It's the taxpayers' obligation to provide one.


    Most local ordinances – created at a time when there were more cows than residents – presume

    that all growth is good and that government should not stand in its way. As a result, metro Atlanta

    is suffering from packed schools, congested roads and strained resources. Yet developers

    balk at such a simple and mild remedy as impact fees. Their greed is audacious, and Cherokee

    should be commended for refusing to capitulate to it."


    Vote NO on the school bond, make the Developers pay their FAIR SHARE !



    Well said mrs Howard, I just do not understand,why the ones that causes these problems,could not at least chip in a few Dollars, When all the Land is Built Out these MEGA CORPORATIONS will move to the next county,Elect a commission that will give them every thing that they want and leave the tax payers to foot the bill.

  18. I think I am getting the Picture pretty clear now,Freebird,#1 papa,Etc,are you the same people that confused the issue on the Fire Tax,and heavily supported,the highest tax on the people of Paulding County,When will you start your campaign,on the new civic center,court house complex.Sewer system,new Jail house.MARTA, you amaze me how you can cloud the issue,and take the onus off the people that has created this mess and place it on the Backs of the tax payers?


    were you aware when you supported the fire tax,that this was coming next? are you aware of the Bond issue on the New Court House/civic complex?


    Oh, I ,know lets keep the people in the dark on all these other bond issues,we will get them one at the time. would you care to explain,why the MEGA DEVELOPERS IN THIS COUNTY ARE NOT BEING ASKED TO HELP OUT seems you and the others would be asking this Question of them?

  19. I have just one question for now,Whitey how many children do you currently have in school????



    At 88 years old,Iwould not think that he would have any but who Knows?

    I know he has two grand Kids in the school system.

  20. flowers, again either check your facts or stop spreading mis-information. The bond for green space is NOT for 45 million.



    Freebird do you by any chance know how much the bond issue for the new Government Complex is going to be for?


    and when that will be brought up for a vote,by the taxpayers?

  21. I would not comment if I didn't know first hand that the BOE is doing EVERYTHING in their power to build schools and keep the existing ones in the business of educating our children to the very best of their ability. Schools are in the works already for five maybe even eight to ten years down the road. And, as MarkDavd said, the state only gives the local school board monies for the previous years student numbers. In a fast growing county such as ours that just doesn't cut it. And I also know first hand that there are people at the BOE and otherwise at the capitol doing everything they can to change this and help us to get more $$$.

    This is my money we're talking about as well, but these children are our FUTURE.

    You weren't condemning Mrs. Sowar and the BOE here? Just playful sarcasm maybe?

    I do not think it was playful sarcasm, I think it was a good legitimate question,unless of course the BOE is going to come Back every year for more Bond Money?


    I realize that the BOE has a major problem on their hands,and the planning and zoning committee and the Board of commissioners are not reacting to the problems as they should.


    It has already been said in previous post that no one has addressed the Board Of Commissioners in open session from the BOE, Having said that I am of the opinion that the BOE Is content with passing along to the tax payers the woes of the commissioners,and trying to Blame it on then But never facing them in Public with the Problem.

    Heck if just 1/10 of the employees of the BOE turned out and spoke at the rest of the meetings this year,I believe you would see a change,the BOE is the largest employee in Paulding County 0ver 3,000 employees,

    How many have been and said as much as (I do not agree with what is going on).Have you? well it is time for the blame game to stop,come and stand up for the Kids where it counts Tuesday 8/22/06 7:00 pm

  22. You obviously don't have a clue how the budget and building works with the BOE. Educate yourself before you condemn them!!!



    Condemn :excl: WHOA LADY,most of us do not know, and we are trying to educate ourselves would you care to answer some of the questions on the previous post,or maybe try and inform us how the system works,I know what has caused the problem,I am not sure that the BOE is in tune with the problem though

    .Some times the boss is not always right and they use the most political correct solution After all forgiiven44 this is my money you are talking about :D

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