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Everything posted by WHITEY

  1. I think he should step down also,It is hard for me to understand the thoughts of the Local Republican party in this matter,expecially since most of the top contenders for the Republican party nomination for governor have voiced their disproval of his actions and asked that he step aside. Wonder why ya'll do not consider this as "kicking him when he is down"?????????????????
  2. I believe I have stuck to the issues as it relates to the speaker,unfortunely it does deal in part with his private life,Since the SPEAKER and his WIFE injected this into the news media THEMSELVES, Not me, that has in my opinion opened it up for public discussion. I have and will complain about lobbiest and law makers having extramartial affairs,When bill's are before the Legislature,Is there something wrong with this?? What should the people of Paulding County do?,Accept this as a normal political event,stick their heads in the sand and let it blow over??? I have also said prayers
  3. Beach Bum If you are referring to me as a hater of Glen Richardson,Then you are 100% wrong, I hate no one. Having said that I do expect my elected officials to act in a manner that does not bring shame to the office that they have been elected to,Most of the defenders of the speaker in this thread openly blast elected officials of the other party in the "Political Forum" on a regular basis,They also have friends, Spouses, And children yet it is okay to drag them through the ringer. I have never claimed to be Lily White,And I am not an elected official,Most people..... have some thin
  4. Naturegirl I thought that you were in the leadership of the local Republican Party,Sorry that I was wrong, Since you appear to be a ardent friend of the speaker I guess it is okay to support him in his alleged acti0ons, However I do know that several posters, Some of which claim to be prescint captains appear to condone the actions of the speaker,And at the same time posting daily diatribe against the opposing party WTH A crook is a crook makes no difference which party they belong to or who the friends are
  5. I stated on this forum a few years back that a Grand Jury needs to be impaneled to look into the way that this county is being ran,I still stand by that statement today, The feds really need to get involved ASAP Care to share what discussions have been held ??
  6. Am I reading this right?The leadership of the Paulding County Republican Party,Is going to stand by him??????
  7. Will the Republican Party do what is right?? Why has no one from the Paulding County Republican Party spoken out on the issue,Here is a spokes person from Cobb County http://blogs.ajc.com/gold-dome-live/2009/12/03/house-republican-there-will-be-new-leadership-shortly/?cxntfid=blogs_gold_dome_live
  8. I agree with you feelip, Let's not forget that the good ole boy system also includes the Paulding County School District. Bring on the Fed's,Let's see who can stand the heat?
  9. My My a little testy this morning aren't we????? I have a little suggestion, The Republican party of Paulding should do a little research on this issue,And come forth with a full report ro the readers of this forum,Explianing the parties position on the allegations contained in this news report. If found to be factful, The local Republican party should ask for his resignation. Here is some more information on the matter http://blogs.ajc.com/gold-dome-live/2009/11/30/richardsons-wife-speakers-suicide-attempt-aimed-at-controlling-her/ I have said a prayer for the ex wife and the k
  10. Stayed Tuned folks,This is going to get very interesting,In my opinion. Surepip to answer your question,On what Glen Richardson has done for the voters of Paulding County, Here is a list of his acomplishments. 1- 000000000000000000000000000000, Now that was easy to research Was BB formely employed by the Speaker???????
  11. A watch party is being hosted tonight By the Democratic Party of Paulding County, Everyone is welcome, so come join us as President Obama, addresses a Joint session of congress, On the issue of a National Healthcare program. Details in the link http://my.barackobama.com/page/event/detail/gpkwvt
  12. That does not work, I gave him some tomatoes, and Squash, And only got a thank you
  13. Is this the same freebird that was on this message board a few years ago,Spewing out information about how we need to vote for the fire tax levy? Yep,a little over 400 voters were responsible for the 2 mil tax increase that was passed in the primary that year,And we will have to pay that for the rest of our days that we live in Paulding County. Still a little ironic to me as to why over 400 ballots were not counted that election And BTW have you received the Home owners insurance reduction,That was promised if the fire tax levy passed I have no plans to make a tearful plea b
  14. SG the year following the year that you turn 65 all School tax is halved, which includes the bond payment. The year following the year that you turn age 70, You are exempt from paying all school taxes. Also this year you will not receive the Home Owners Tax relief credit which will increase your taxes between $200 to $300,over last years
  15. You are really quite amazing with your answers to some post, And seem to blame Obama for all of the problems that this Country is Facing, You very readily overlook many facts that are posted in a thread in an attempt to discredit Obama and the Democratic party. You listed six items in your post and only one has been implemented,(cigarettee tax) Now less look at some of the things that are causing our taxes to increase locally Surepip posted that the county has paid $749,215.50 for a defense against a law suit that he has brought and it has not even gone to court yet WTH, are y
  16. No not really.reassessments due out any day now,Public hearings probably scheduled for June or July, Millage rates set in July or August. But of course AKA D-dawg you already knew this, I simply answered a question.
  17. It means that the State will not pay the County the tax dollars, therefore the County will have to find a way to make up the lost tax revenue, Which in all likelyhood means your property tax will increase this year by $200.00 Plus, Just for this item. I also expect to begin paying for the $65 million dollar courthouse this year, You know the one we did not have a chance to vote for Do not be suprised to see a school tax increase also.
  18. No Perdue did not change the HomeStead exemption, However the legislature failed to budget for the Home owners relief act thereby costing most home owners $200.00 Plus this year
  19. Mr Chairman Given the fact that you were defeated very soundly in the past election, What do you contribute to your fall from grace from the voters of Paulding County? Did p.com play a large role in the election? What would you have done differently?
  20. Johnny J My prayers go out to you and your family During this sad time, Prayers for all the family. If there is anything I can do please let me know.
  21. Try this link http://www.paulding.gov/files/pdf/November...e%20Ballots.pdf
  22. He has offered to meet with all of ya'll What more do you want?
  23. The real way to have ones opinions expressed, Is with a debate. Maybe Pubby can get a debate set up on P.com??
  24. Yep I am up in arms, Every time I go by the stinky fields on Bill Carruth Parkway It reminds me of Larry ragsdale voting for thousands of homes, Which has overloaded the sewer plant in his post SHAME ON LARRY RAGSDALE, for doing this to the voters in his Post
  25. I agree to a point The school taxes went up because of the need for more schools, buses, teachers Bus drivers etc. Now what caused this need??? Yep if you said growth, then you are correct. Total massive uncontrolled growth that will be with us for years to come, Along with the higher taxes that comes with the uncontrolled growth. Over 1/3 of your 2007 tax increase came from the reassessment of your property and the new fire tax both approved by the Board of Commissioners/ Along with Larry Ragsdale This Board of Commissioners have raised taxes every year of this admins
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