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Everything posted by tona

  1. Ya'll gang up and go to the Homespun thing in Rockmart.
  2. Could HE be someones PAY BACK
  3. I'm glad you feel like posting. If I can help you just let me know. Feel better real soon. But now gets some rest and take care of yourself.
  4. Congrats and good luck, maybe you will keep growing.
  5. Will they still have it if is raining tonight.?
  6. Oh gosh I hope I look better than this.
  7. Gimme some music, and watch out.( just don't get sick ) earrings on the floor, bracelet, watch , shoes, Now you have to vote to see any more.
  8. Me either , but maybe I helped.
  9. You can onlya vote once under the same brower but you can vote under dear Hubby's . That's what I did. Thanks for asking
  10. Also VICTORY ROAD will be singing tonight. The one we have been voting for.
  11. Desi just took DGS to the Doc, and he has strep.
  12. I talked to Treva S. and she has had it also.
  13. AWWWWWWWWWW I LOVE MY CHUBBY CHEEKS. But I agree with you on the blinds.
  14. Yes , I have, I felt terrible Wed. and did not do anything and work just piled up. Felt better yesterday, but not like I normally do. Home he feels better soon.
  15. Welcome aboard and have fun. May want to rolled your pant legs up sometimes
  16. I hope she is doing better, If someone talks to her please keep us updated. As a business and a one person operation, I know all to well you can get over whelmed. Tell her if I can help I will do what I can. Get well soon MD.
  17. Here is the places and time that Victory Road will be singing. I'm sure they would love to meet some pcom members if you can make any of this . if you do please let them know you are a pcom member. [/color] We are singing at the park in Rockmart tonight at 7:30 for what they call HOMESPUN. There will be crafts, food things like that. Then tomorrow night at 7pm we will be at Martinsville Baptist Church on Scoggins Rd in Dallas. Sunday morning, 07/19/09 we'll be at Holly Springs Baptist in Rockmart for their Homecoming. It starts at 10:45am. Then the next Sunday, 07/26/09, we'll be at H
  18. I know they are singing tonight in Rockmart ,someshere else tomorrow and somewhere else Sunday, I will find out from Val and post it here. Thanks Jack
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