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Posts posted by NewHope

  1. 2600 Army Rangers were killed or wounded at Omaha Beach and almost 6600 Americans were killed or wounded in the attack....One of the most notable casualties actually died of a heart attack- General Teddy Roosevelt Jr. son of the former President.

  2. Wont post right




    Let us never forget the heroes who gave their lives on this date to LIBERATE Europe. Nearly one million Allied Forces took part in the invasion to rid the world of Hitler and his Nazi rule. We should all be thankful no matter what our political views or religion might be for the sacrfices of those brave troops.

    One of those men is a VERY dear friend of mine, Carl Beck. Carl was in the 101st airborne and landed in the early morning hours miles from his landing spot. He spent the next two weeks evading the SS and living with a very brave French family. Carl later fought through the hell of Bastogne, and the "Bridge too Far" in Holland. One of his last jobs was to clean up Hitler's Eagles Nest. Carl recieved two bronze stars, and three purple hearts for his actions in Europe. He is a humble man who loves to tell the stories of his friends and those brave 17, 18, and 19, year old men who lay at rest in Europe. To him they are the heroes. They are forever young and never experienced the joys and sorrows of this world.

    Carl jumped back into Normandy On June 6, 1994 as part of celebrations of D Day plus 50. On top of that at age Eighty Carl was one of three Americans who jumped onto France on June, 6 2004 as part of D Day PLUS 60!!! There at a celebration he recieved the French Cross for Bravery. Carl loves to tell the youth of today about the youth of long ago. NEVER, NEVER, EVER let us forget that Greatest Genration "Blue Skies" Carl I love ya!

  3. Ronnie was a good friend and an amazing man. I had the pleasure to become friends while working with him at Hiram, and he was truly a great and FUNNY man. I saw Ronnie at the EPHS-Cherokee football game this fall and he was truly loving his job at Etowah. He was truly a tough guy with the kids, but he really cared and treated them all equally.He will be missed, and we at Hiram will miss him.

  4. yeah if you can get them through the first summer they do awesome in a drought. Some of the better trees. You are either talking about sagos or sabal minors. Probably the same ones, with a few extra varities.

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