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Everything posted by gtfamily

  1. This is awful!! I wonder if that little boy goes to Northside. Bless his heart!!
  2. On the way to school this morning I looked for a sign of where the accident happened. But I didnt really see anything. I hope they release the names soon, I am so worried. This is awful!
  3. Can someone tell me how to get to the scanner archives please?
  4. Ok so it is b-4 dabbs bridge road on hwy 61, I got it. Thanks for the help.The pull out off of the road where Reids plantation is is AWFUL!! I cant recall the name of the road across from Hickory Heights baptist church but you cannot see when pulling out and it sounds ike they are right next to reids plantation.
  5. NEw Farm Road is on the right after you turn on DBR, and Hickory Heights church in on the left. I cant recall a Cochran road off of DBR.
  6. I live rignt next to Dabbs bridge, Just wanting kinda a more specific location, after 4- way or b-4. My BIL lives off of DBR. HOW SCARY!!
  7. RIP Family Friend, Gene Thomason & Family
  8. I hope he does it again, and they can find him, wouldn't he be surprized when the POPO showed up at his door!! Sick ASs!!!!
  9. Lots of POPO but they havent needed to pull me over, I m skeered now, I dont go past 60 MPH>
  10. I am sorry that you lost a dear friend of yours. I am sorry that you read this thread and assumed that we didnt know what happened. I for one know for certian that it looked as if this lady was trying to pass another vehicle because the person that she tried to pass was 2 of our men from our business. They had no way of knowing that she was suffering a stroke, and they assumed that she had tried to pass them. One of our men that was driving was the first to check on her before the police or paramedics even arrived on the scene. HE opened her door and saw her slumped over the wheel and leaned h
  11. We are close to this family, very sad that she passed away, but she is no longer suffering. RIP Mrs. Osborne
  12. No they have not, and I do not and would not want to release them or their ages in fear that a loved one might be reading this post.
  13. I am also frightened when driving nowadays!!! you have to always be aware of who is around you. Hwy 61 is an awful road to pass on and passing should be outlawed. If you dont like how slow the person in front of you is going then sorry, deal with it, maybe it is for a reason. Today after the accident my husband called me from from work scared to death wanting to make sure I was at home safe. He said that this Lady had tried to pass one of our plumbing trucks and that she had tried to pass several times all along Hwy 61 and each time it was at a unsafe zone. Finally at "sambos" stor
  14. Because people dont think before passing, this was on a hill. Apparently the person that passed was in a huge hurry, that ended in tradegy, I hate it that this happened, but people need to learn from this and be more cautious!
  15. Yes this accident was a double fatility. The people who stopped and checked on the other passangers said they were deceased.
  16. NO THIS IS NOT A SCHOOL BUS ACCIDENT< this is only 2 vehicles involved near Northside Elementary School on Hwy 61. Head on collision.
  17. there was an accident possibly and it was a car trying to pass another one again!!! I hope not. I hope eveeryone is safe.
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