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Status Updates posted by lowrider

  1. Man, these folks aren't kind to the jumping man.......

    I love you, Man!!! LOL

  2. Thank you! That's my 2005 lowrider and it's beautiful!! This will be my fourth year riding, not bad for an old broad, huh?

  3. *star prints* for you too!


  5. Hey girlie, I had a great week-end, thank you. Hope you did too, and thanks for the heads up about the lunar eclipse, it otta be real skerry around there 'bout Tuesday!!!!


  6. It was good to see you on today!!

  7. Praying for Nathan and your family....gave you a *star* too!

  8. Hey girl, thanks for calling me friend!

  9. Left you a bunch of *stars*, haven't seen you on here much.

  10. Hit you with a *star* LOL

  11. waiting on that 5000th post!! LOL

  12. Left you a *star* print! LOL

  13. Hey Eddie, I bumped you up a *star*!

  14. Just dropped by to say "hi" and Happy Holidays!


  15. I like Blazing Saddles.....glad you changed your name

  16. Just wanted to let you know you and your family and your Maw Maw are in my prayers. It's really hard to lose your granny. Praying for peace in your heart and soul, you had her for a long time and she sounds like she was wonderful!

  17. Is this who I think it is?


  18. just dropped by to say 'HI! and Happy New Year's!!"

  19. Left you some star dust! LOL

  20. Back at you buddy, gave you a *STAR* bump!


  21. Back at you girl *STAR BUMP"


  22. We just did the bump!!LOL

  23. Bumped you a couple of *****

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