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Everything posted by CitizenCain

  1. At the recent Faith and Freedom Coalition conference Republican Governor and presidential hopeful Bobby Jindal seems to be calling for a Jihad against the Federal government. Jindal says rebellion brewing against Washington WASHINGTON (AP) — Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal on Saturday night accused President Barack Obama and other Democrats of waging wars against religious liberty and education and said that a rebellion is brewing in the U.S. with people ready for "a hostile takeover" of the nation's capital. "I can sense right now a rebellion brewing amongst these United States," Jin
  2. I received a NIXLE message at 3pm to avoid Davis Mill Rd and Mustang Dr for next few hours due to down trees blocking the road.
  3. I get the feeling you don't believe Americans can compete with these newcomers. ?
  4. That should double the cost from the current 28 billion a year to 56 billion. Is there any point at which you would admit sealing a two thousand mile border is just not cost effective ? BTW That's just our southern border, when do we begin construction on our northern border ?
  5. "Can't be done? ... have very many North Koreans crossed into South Korea in the past 50 years." Are you in favor of landmines and machine guns to seal the border ? * Show me a 30 foot wall and I'll show you a 35 foot ladder.
  6. Number one that was written back in 2006. Number two it was written by Charles Krauthammer....
  7. Sealing the U.S. Border Would Cost an Additional $28 Billion a Year A new study from my colleagues at Bloomberg Government estimates what that cost would be: $28 billion per year—or roughly the same amount taxpayers spend on the Department of Justice’s annual budget. According to the study, even with that extra $16 billion a year, the border wouldn’t be secured until 2019 http://www.businessweek.com/articles/2013-03-13/the-price-tag-for-sealing-the-u-dot-s-dot-border-isnt-pretty https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XHjKBjM1ngw
  8. Of course that would be had it not be for the fact that more have been deported under Obama than all the other presidencies .
  9. And at what point after sealing off our southern borders ( which is virtually impossible ) when do we start sealing off our northern border with Canada ? The California coastline and the East Coast ? And just how much in American tax dollars are you prepared to spend on this project ?
  10. Solutions ? Youre asking the wrong guy but I will tell some of the ideas I've seen that appeals to me. I like, as some have suggested the idea of an open border, where people can come here for a brief period of time , like during the harvest season, get a temporary visa and go home when the season has ended. Although I'm not sure how you can insure that they do go home at the end. Perhaps just knowing they can come back the following year will be enough. I like the idea of a pathway to citizenship (amnesty) for those that have been here for 10,15 years or more. If they have been he
  11. I thought you would approve. If them nasty assed disease ridden Mexican children get hungry enough they will either starve or go back where they belong !
  12. The problem is Food Stamps and Medicaid. In the past whenever we had a glut of poor people hunger and disease would take over and the problem would correct itself. Then along came those bleeding heart liberals who began feeding them and giving them medical care. All we need here is to go back to good sound conservative core values. Stop feeding them, stop medical care and the market albeit over time, will eventually correct itself and we can go back to the proper levels of poor and hungry children.
  13. Your blood sugar is getting low, you should eat a candy bar.
  14. You have a very short memory Mr. Wonderful. Georgia’s New Immigration Law Leading To Crops Rotting In Farmers’ FieldsWEDNESDAY, JUNE 22, 2011 During the last legislative session, Georgia adopted a harsh new immigration law modeled on the law passed last year by Arizona. Now, it seems they’re getting a little lesson in the law of unintended consequences: http://www.outsidethebeltway.com/georgias-new-immigration-law-leading-to-crops-rotting-in-farmers-fields/
  15. You make these claims but you know or you just won't admit that if all these workers left tomorrow food prices would double overnight, that is if we could even manage to keep any from rotting in the fields. Half the poultry plants in America would shut down overnight and the construction industry would fold like house made of cards. You can deny this until you're blue in the face but you know it's true. To put it mildly the economy would tank inflation and the price of goods would skyrocket and you would really have something to complain about.
  16. Well if it ends up being a bad thermostat invest in a programmable one it's worth the money.
  17. Youre so wonderful and smart to ! ( I know its true cause I read it on the internet)
  18. Maybe because it can take between 10 to 15 years to go through the process ? ( Thus the call for reform )
  19. What you may not realize Sherlock is it's not just pine straw spreading Mexicans involve here. Brilliant minds trained at Caltech and MIT from places like India are being thrown out the moment they graduate from our colleges. One of the reasons that people like Bill Gates has called for reform.
  20. I just saw an interesting story that I thought I would share with everyone. But as a realist I do know the economy would be crippled if we tried to deport them.
  21. Chairman of News Corp and co owner of Fox News says immigration reform cannot wait another year. News Corp Chairman and CEO Rupert Murdoch Rupert Murdoch said his "heart sank" after he learned of House Majority Leader Eric Cantor's stunning Republican primary loss last week, because he believes Congress needs to tackle the issue of immigration reform this year. Maybe, as someone who came here as an immigrant, I have more faith in the compassion and fortitude of the American people, and in their ability to reject extreme views on either side of the political spectrum. Or maybe, as a b
  22. Alcatraz Ghost Caught On Camera, Couple Claims http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2014/06/18/alcatraz-ghost_n_5505985.html
  23. If ethnic cleansing bothers you then you should have been in favor of the war in Kosovo. Or do you only support Republican wars ? Sent from my free "Obama Phone".
  24. Whatever floats your boat masked man.
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