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Everything posted by CitizenCain

  1. Actually Social Security has been working just fine for the last sixty years and I'd say half the old coggers on this site are collecting it as we speak and would be out in the streets without it. Medicare is insuring the elderly that your "market driven" insurance companies wouldn't otherwise touch with a 10' pole . Medicaid, well Medicaid is an act of decency and compassion, something you will never comprehend. So what would the Repubs do instead ? bring back poorhouses and debtors prisons don't answer that I get the idea, Repub's would just kick the elderly, the disabled to the side of t
  2. I had a parrot once but all he could say was "market driven solutions" So I killed the SOB and feed him to my more open minded cat.
  3. Too funny not to share. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UwsYeyLTcPw
  4. No, I think they are holding up the entire industrialized World ?
  5. I did a quick search on the author of your link, John C Goodman. Turns out he runs a free market "Think Tank" and a big supporter of Health savings accounts. No bias or possibility for an agenda there. John C. Goodman (1946– ) is a libertarian economist and the founding president of the Dallas-based, free-market think-tank the National Center for Policy Analysis and Senior Fellow at the non-partisan, scholarly Independent Institute.[1] The Wall Street Journal and The National Journal have called Goodman the "father of Health Savings Accounts". https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/John_C._Good
  6. Why because the Neo Conservatives in America worship at the altar of the "Free Market" to whom all prayers are answered and from where all blessings come. Can I get an Amen Brother !
  7. Never the less you did make that statement and you do call most anyone that doesn't agree with you and tow the conservative line a commie. Right ?
  8. So disagreeing with the statement America's mortality rate has nothing to do with healthcare makes me a "commie" Or isn't that just the way you dismiss everyone that sheds light on some of your ignorant remarks ?
  9. Adult and infant mortality (compared to other nations) has nothing to do with the quality of healthcare in America ? Woe, GD listen to yourself, I think you have lost it, maybe a mini stroke or something perhaps you should schedule an appointment to see a doctor although if there's any truth to this article you might just be wasting your money.
  10. And that's why you get better healthcare if you live in New Zealand.
  11. Do you provide healthcare services for your employees ? And by health care I don't mean that first aid kit in your glove box.
  12. Just what every school needs a high school gym coach with a 9mm. Count lot's of collateral damage from "friendly" fire.
  13. Despite spending almost twice as much as every other industrialized nation we receive the worse care. United Kingdom with it "socialized" health care system ranked highest. US continues its losing streak in health care quality comparison The U.S. spends the most of any country on its health care system, and yet it ranked the lowest out of 11 industrialized nations in overall healthcare quality, according to a report published Monday by the Commonwealth Fund.http://finance.yahoo.com/news/u-s--ranks-last-out-of-11-countries-in-health-care-quality-162331309.html
  14. I think KFC answered your question the moment they offered the girl 30k for doctor bills.
  15. I think it's the perfect size. It just right to cover up that old Romney/Ryan for President bumper sticker.
  16. While we might disagree. I respect Your opinion. As Flawed And biassed As it might Be.
  17. Like I didn't see that coming it's the Republican motto " Take credit for everything accept responsibility for nothing". ( I do like you dramatic use of the triple space though.)
  18. Nothing more than a cheap PR move probably advised by their lawyers to soften the coming lawsuits.
  19. And yet it was Bill Clinton a DEMOCRAT not a REPUBLICAN that signed the Welfare Reform bill in 1996 that sat lifetime limits on how long a person can collect welfare.
  20. Well "frankly" I'm insulted by your constant characterization that Democrats are all looking for nothing more than a handout from the government and it's only the noble conservative that supports this country. As someone that paid taxes and worked his ass off for every penny he's ever had in his life I find it especially absurd if not outright hypocritical when the fact is Republican ran Red States like Tennessee, Alabama, Mississippi and Texas consume more in Federal handouts than most Blue States combined. My friendly advice is until Republicans are willing to walk the walk instead of just
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