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Everything posted by Danaerys

  1. It doesn't mean that at all. I expect my hard work to pay off as in I live comfortably with only a little strife. Nothing works out, ever.
  2. All of my circumstance and no breaks, proves it to me. I think it is different to each person. The same way faith is to those who believe.
  3. My generation is getting screwed too. I NEVER said kill off our offspring. I said PREVENT the unwanted ones, like I was. I didn't say I am for or against aboortzion, that is between a woman and her doctor, no one else (end of that part of the conversation). I can't, no insurance. Oh and I can't afford it either. They should be grateful and appreciative. I never said I wasn't grateful or appreciative...if you look at my prior posts I have said that I am both (do you not read?). They didn't have to and I am glad they did. WTF do my grandparents have to do with this, I don't know wh
  4. Given all the crap that has been thrown at me and how I can't catch a break at all. Howe everyone would be better without me, yes.
  5. She did try to abort me thank you very much. Somehow I survived.
  6. You really really don't understand. It was either me or nothing. Something is always better than nothing. Those kids should be grateful that their parents took responsibilities for their actions and raised them and should be grateful they have biological family so they know where they came from, their family history, their family medical history, so on and so forth. Don't even get me started, there are far more important things. I would not wish my feelings or circumstances on anyone. If I can help prevent an unwanted pregnancy, I will. Btw, your generation did ruin SS for my genera
  7. Gog8tors, it will not let me quote you. So allow me to address you this way...I was unloved and unwanted by my birth parents. I actually have documentation from the agency saying my birth father refused to claim me as his own and then giving up whatever rights he may or may not have if it got me adopted. It was signed by him. That messes with someone's psycy(sp?) for the rest of their lives. I know this because I live with it every day, wondering if what little I do have is going to be taken from me with in a blink of an eye. I was lucky, and I was adopted, and I appreciate what my parent
  8. No where did I say everyone would take advantage of birth control but with the proper education IN SCHOOLS and access to BC, we can diminish the number of unwanted children and having to pay for them their entire life. DiehardKy, I am adopted, I was unwanted, I was unloved, so if I can spare the travesty of all that dumped on a child that did not invite it, I will . Give them BC. Not all are going to use it, not all are going to use it properly, but it is a start, saves a money in the long run, and diminishes the amount of grief, loss, disbelief, hatred, lack of love to children who would
  9. Does that prevent kids? Does that prevent us from having to support these people for the rest of their lives? Put it this way, do you want hundreds of unwanted children (that will be all sorts of messed up due to abandonment issues) that you will have to support with hundreds of thousands of dollars? Or would you rather spend a few thousand dollars on BC and save yourself money and a lifetime?
  10. I am speaking of the insurance, not the company. The company has the right to not provide BC, the insurance does not. If the company does not pay for it, the insurance company must. Or there needs to be a way that doctors can send information to the government to get paid and still give out BC.
  11. It already did. This is what happens when it is cold and snowy outside.
  12. I would rather have birth control free and prevent pregnancies than not prevent pregnancies and have to support these people the rest of their lives. Regardless if the business wants to provide BC or not, the insurance companies should have to.
  13. Snow here in Dallas, on Main street.
  14. As much as I don't want it, I do because it brings jobs and I need one.
  15. Danaerys


    We go above 300, normally about 350 each month.
  16. Danaerys


    It does not go through a cable box as we don't have that capability. It goes through our computers.
  17. Danaerys


    Most of Xfinity's shows on their website are HD. This is between two huge gamers (several games are 3D) that stream videos and movies all the time.
  18. Danaerys


    It is not a lot of data if you are streaming movies, shows, and gaming in MMO games.
  19. All shopping and holidays have been canceled in my house. So no, I will not be shopping (even if I was it would not be in the stores).
  20. That is what I was doing. The only one that called me back was officeteam and they are the ones that I was working with.
  21. Only time will tell if I am ok. I must report back to the ER tomorrow for more tests. I have no intention of letting people know exactly what is going on until I know and even then, potential employers don't need to know. If they ask, as far as I know it was a one time incident. I will look into all that was suggested. Thank you all.
  22. What little work I did have was cut off today as I was let go because I had to go to the ER for myself. So I am in desperate need a job. Part-time/Full-time, just something. If you know of anyone hiring, please send me a PM.
  23. That is exactly what I meant. Either way, water under the bridge, it was yesterday. Carry on.
  24. How they hold their body leads me to believe it is a male.
  25. Yes, I did read it before I posted and it makes sense if you read what I quoted. There was no intent to slant either way if that is what you are trying to get at. Either way, this is not going to become an argument and I have no idea why it seems you want to argue with me. I am not arguing. I have no intention of doing so. I added my two cents and I am leaving it at that.
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