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Proud Independent

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Everything posted by Proud Independent

  1. So you're no fan of small business, the backbone of America?
  2. Let's see. Hundereds of people come in for weeks at a time. Help local businesses by spending huge amounts of money while here. The county collects sales tax from the money the crews spend. The debt service gets paid on the studio and maybe makes money because it's booked throughout the year. Yet your worrried about people working there? No one ever said the studio itself was going to have permanent employees. That's not what is was intended to do. The studio; however, will create a permanent cluster of film related companies that will move to Paulding such as Haddad, lighting and grip operato
  3. The movie "42" which is the story of Jackie Robinson and starring Harrison Ford will be filmed there for seven weeks. Most of the editing work will be done a the studio offices rather than shipped back to L.A. During the filming hundreds of production crew memebers will be staying, eating and buying goods and services from local retailers. Haddad is the company that will be moving to Paulding. They are a Pittsburgh based company that provides film support units such as makeup, hairstyling, gyms and other units used by the actors and the crews. Will hire diesel mechanics, drivers and a few othe
  4. $9.5 million is what MGI will SPEND OF THEIR OWN MONEY on new equipment and an addition to the building. Thanks for clarifying that. I honestly didn't think it was that confusing.
  5. The largest manufacturers in Paulding are: 1. MG International(MGI) 170employees 2. Metromont Corporation 152 employees 3. Cadillac Products 65 employees 4. Aerospace Fabricators of GA 40employees 5. Dallas Millwork 40 employees 6. Simmons Engineering 30 employees 6. MGI Expansion 30 employees If the MGI expansion was a NEW company they would be Paulding's 6th largest manufacturer. In 2012 Paulding had 846 manufacturing jobs in the county. MGI represented
  6. All of the jobs will be employees of MGI not staffing agencies. 27 of the 30 jobs are production. 3 are engineers. Go to Kia, Mercedez, Hitachi, BMW, Hyundai or most large international companies and you will find the management is from the home country. MGI is not unique.
  7. Pubby: You are correct in that it's about establishing momentum and putting Paulding on the list of locations companies should consider for their future locations or expansions. I will point out to you that while the opporunity zone is a huge boost to Paulding and we have some unique properties within in it that other communities don't have the creation of these zones continues to increase monthly and there are many zones now in Metro Atlanta and more are coming. What those locations don't have is a combination of a skilled workforce, county owned industrial sites that are being planned and de
  8. It is important to realize that economic development covers three areas: existing industry expansion, business retention and business attraction. The MGI project is both expansion and retention. Make no mistake about it there are many communities in Georgia and the surrounding states that would love to have MGI and their 170 jobs. Current employment is as important as new jobs. It's important to understand that in many cases companies are required to upgrade and reinvest in their operations and facilities just to remain competitive with businesses operating in China and Mexico. Bringin
  9. The envelope company is on Cleburne Parkway and doing well. I think Paulding.com covered that.
  10. Our current inventory of buildings are awful. They are old, small, outdated and in horrbile shape. Very few companies want them. Several new business parks are planned to address the demand being generated for companies wanting to come to Paulding and a major announcment is expected in a few weeks for a project that will locate in the county's newest park. You won't believe what Paulding is capable of achieving with good industrial sites, strong leadership and people busting their butts to make Paulding the best it can be.
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