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Everything posted by Wineguy

  1. Some people on Twitter were saying they dont find him funny, I think he is hilarious.
  2. I have the whole thing recording in 3D so I can watch it even better tomorrow.
  3. In case anyone has been living under a rock, the Opening Ceremonies is starting on NBC.
  4. That is my next step now that I have found out the Secretary of State doesn't care about any of it and can hide behind the ruling of a technicality.
  5. Since the SoS doesn't care to help us, I wish I knew a better way to spread the word.
  6. Seriously? That is a little uncalled for.
  7. But how do you really feel? lol. I have no firsthand knowledge in this race, but I remember the news story about him a few months ago.
  8. As a voting member of the Georgia legislature the election of any member in the state has an impact on laws statewide. Therefore it is in the interest of all citizens of Georgia as to who represents us.
  9. Ok, somewhere in the last 3-7 posts I have completely gotten lost as to what is being talked about here. Porn Thread? Double Standards? Personal Axe to grind? Who and what are y'all even talking about?
  10. The one thing I do value in the race between Mr. Austin and Mr. Crowe is that it has been a clean race between the candidates. I have respect for both gentlemen for this and I do wish I could hear the two of them debate or discuss their views among each other. This is a very important race and I regret it is one that we have received very little information about one of the candidates.
  11. As the Secretary of State he can make the ruling at any point. He has made final his decision on the challenge that I made, but he has said nothing of the complaints coming from everyone else. It is fully within his power to make a call on the election at any point he would like. But I also am feeling pretty good about the votes cast thus far on this site in District 19 in the poll. And before you start crying foul and bias and favoritism (this is not aimed at any one person but at anyone who would like to argue), I do understand that the people on this site have been influenced greatly
  12. I am glad that is how you entrust the running of things in your life. I would maybe put some faith in the fact there are so many people in one place scared to have a person running their district their must be some merit to it.
  13. That starts when the rest of the Health Care Law goes into effect. Until then any plans grandfathered in do not have to if they choose as long as the child is offered insurance through a different company.
  14. You have to remember, your employer will explain it the way the insurance company explains it. The insurance company will explain it however will make them look best. I am not saying they are not correct, I just know that insurance is many times as shady as used cars.
  15. Exactly, it is not a part of the new plan, it is a temporary loophole that his company is taking advantage of in order to not have to cover him. It doesnt say that the child has to take the other coverage, but that they have the option to not offer coverage at their discretion until 2014. So technically your issue is that the Obamacare isnt happening quick enough, lol.
  16. I do have to say I know of VERY FEW jobs that offer group insurance coverage to part time employees. If a student is going to school full time, rarely are they able to work full time somewhere and eligible for insurance. I am not saying everyone of course. I went to college, lived at home, and worked full time and had insurance. But I only took 3 classes a semester because of work.
  17. Young Adult Healthcare coverage under new law Young Adult Coverage Under the Affordable Care Act, if your plan covers children, you can now add or keep your children on your health insurance policy until they turn 26 years old. What This Means for You Before the health care law, insurance companies could remove enrolled children usually at age 19, sometimes older for full-time students. Now, most health plans that cover children must make coverage available to children up to age 26. By allowing children to stay on a parent's plan, the law makes it easier and more affordable for young
  18. I think it is referring to if the child is working full time and is offered benefits from the employer, they must accept those benefits. I have heard of this from insurance companies about spouses, but never children. I know I got my own insurance as soon as it was available to me even though I was making $10 an hour. But it was available to me through my father's insurance until I believe 21 or 23. The new law i believe allows you to stay on until 26, but I do not know what the conditions are for this.
  19. I know where the intentions were with the comment, but it did come out as a quest for interviews without prior knowledge. I agree it is legal, but I also see where some might find it unethical. Either way I would like to hear the campaign views of all of the candidates, Mr. Crowe included
  20. I of course do not support Rep. Braddock, but I also agree any use of negative adjectives will only detract from the focus on the matters that should be focused on. I try to use the proper term of Rep. Braddock whenever I refer to the Representative.
  21. Ok, I am not quite sure how you have read all this and still think I have any affiliation with the website. I found out about it for the first time on Paulding.com, and I even went as far as looking for registry information on the site and came up with nothing. I have zero idea about who made it. As for your other statement, I have put in just as much effort to support my candidate in the physical realm as I have put forth in my broadcasting of the facts in the online realm. I am sorry you do not understand how someone can devote their time to a cause they believe in and trying to restor
  22. I know Surepip has some. I have already put all of mine out.
  23. I agree. I know he would have moved us forward, but I feel the same about his race as I do Paulette's, but I wasn't going to take on Bill and Bill both. Lady Raider, thank you so much for reposting.
  24. I will be honest I had no thoughts on this race until this. I am happy with his answers and even if he might have known the questions, I am happy with the quality of the answers. I do not care about the dictation but the content. And the content matched my views on how the questions should have been answered. I am glad I voted for him.
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