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Posts posted by UnionMom

  1. A 911 call that brought two city police officers to a home where they were ambushed, and where a third was later killed during a four-hour siege, was precipitated by a fight between the gunman and his mother over a dog urinating in the house.


    The Saturday morning argument between Margaret and Richard Poplawski escalated to the point that she threatened to kick him out and called police to do it, according to a 12-page criminal complaint and affidavit filed late Saturday that contains her account.


    When officers Paul Sciullo III and Stephen Mayhle arrived, Margaret Poplawski opened the door and told them to come in and take her 23-year-old son, apparently unaware that he had grabbed a long rifle and was standing behind her, according to the court papers. She told investigators she heard gunshots, spun around and ran to the basement, shouting, "What the hell have you done?"


    So we've gone from this being over a lost job and worry over losing gun rights to being over a dog peeing and him being kicked out of the house.




  2. It's not paid off, which is irrelevant to some degree since I want to get rid of the dang thing but his name is on the paperwork.

    I believe what some were (at least I was) getting at is if he was only on the loan paperwork but not the ownership it wouldn't make one tiny bit of difference where he is or if he cares what you do. But since it seems that things now (or here, or both) are different from what I used to work with, I'll leave it to folks actually in the know to try to help you out. (Though you may consider calling the finance company and at least hearing what they have to say. You can be sure this isn't a first for them and they likely can advise you.)

  3. The banks!

    It's always been my experience that the bank holds a lien, not actual title ownership. Though I will admit that I haven't had to deal with any of that mess in a while, nor in this state.






  4. He's never made a payment on the car. He and I broke up 2 months after purchasing. My credit was stronger and that's just how the financing worked out. Since we were planning to get married, we wanted it as a joint asset (lesson learned!).


    Since all payment have come out of my bank account, I'm guessing that I could prove it in court -- maybe notifying him via newspaper like those that try to do a divorce without knowing whereabouts?

    What name is the title in?



  5. Wanted to thank yall for the prayers and kind words. I also want to update yall and let ya know that my mom got a job this morning. She is now working at another orto group and making more money and better benifits. I told her to call resurgeons and thank them for laying her off.

    Fantastic news!



  6. Just got an email from Bank of America stating that I needed to update my account by April 3 or my account could be deleted. It provided a link.


    Well since I don't have an account with BOA, I called to report it. They requested I forward it their abuse line since it was an obvious scam.


    Don't click the link.

    If you right click on the link you'll be able to see where it would really take you without actually going there.

  7. Sorry if this has already been mentioned ... there are two different kinds of chiropractors. The bone-crackers, and the non bone-crackers. If the one you are currently using is a bone-cracker and it makes you uncomfortable, try one of the other ones.



  8. And from what I remember, they MAY notify police when they are in the area to repo.

    They MUST report, if they actually take one.


    And while I am feeling less concerned about this situation, I'd still like to know why they give a rat's butt about the SSN.






  9. I don't want to say the woman's name, just in case it is real. I could understand the wrong address IF they had turned off the main road to start with. They were still on the main road. Confusing that for a different road is a little strange. And checking out a Mustang while saying they were looking for a Jeep Cherokee? Or asking for someone's Social Security number instead of the VIN?


    Police are not coming out. They don't seem to think it is strange. Whether they are "real" or not, this is ridiculous! Showing up late at night snooping around people's yards with flashlights is a real good way to get dead quick.

    It is actually fairly common for repo to take place at night. Most people are home then. I just don't get why they were worrying about SSN. Doesn't matter. I also can't believe that LE isn't coming out. It may be perfectly on the up and up but they may also be trying to get information for later activity of the unpleasant kind. Other than "you have the wrong address" and "so-and-so doesn't live here" I hope they didn't tell these guys anything else.



  10. When the term out of pocket is used, what do you think it means?


    Where I am from it can mean 2 things:


    1. money you have to spend


    2. being somewhere that you can't be readily found. (where yu're not suppose to be)

    Never heard it used for #2.



  11. In an email received from the company ...


    ...I am happy to confirm that a new store is coming to your area. This store is scheduled to open in mid to late 2009. I appreciate your interest in our company and I would like to take this opportunity to invite you to shop with us...
  12. One other thing to realize is that these doctors don't want to work in Paulding county. They want to be at a hospital where they can see it all. They want the gun shots and odd ball things that aren't seen nearly as often in suburban hospitals. This is how they keep their skills in demand. The best medical talent will always been seen in the center of cities.

    We weren't discussing Paulding.



  13. You are correct Grady has the highest trauma rating around. But why is a county with just shy of 700,000 residents, and who knows how many extra day time workers, forced to go to another county's hospital for this care?

    Because there's a trauma center in the bigger county right next door. :lol: Of course it would be nice to have one in Cobb, too. Give it a little more time and it may well happen.









    [unrelated comment] And reference my earlier posts ... I do not blame Canadian healthcare for her death. I got caught up in commenting about the differences. [/unrelated comment]

  14. Why isn't it? The GOVT runs it..Not to mention what do you call the medical treatment you receive while Active duty? They do to you what ever you want when you are in the service and you have no say so. You have to get all the shots..Unless you have a horrible reaction first..You have to go into the HOSP you have no choice..And you also get pelvic exams when they aren't even necessary..Oh I could go on...


    And as for the politicians..They seem to have no problem using the Socialized program either ^_^

    Very different from the Canadian system.



  15. You can often wait for up to six months for something as simple as an MRI in Canada. And they absolutely do look at numerous factors before going ahead with a procedure. My grandmother was one of the lucky ones who was permitted by-pass surgery over the age of 80.


    There are those who think that we waste a ton of money in the U.S. on "frivolous" medical expense. But would you be willing to watch your loved one die because they were determined to be too old to be worth the risk and expense?


    I love Canada, don't get me wrong, but I would not want to see U.S. medical care go that route.




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