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Still Steve

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Everything posted by Still Steve

  1. The best thing that could ever happen to Hiram is the opportunity to dis-incorporate it. The citizens should have the right to vote on that very question. The level of mismanagement, infighting, and predatory behavior within that place should be enough to make such a vote a landslide, "Hell yeah!"
  2. Sports Authority is indeed closing. They should turn that strip mall and the entire area in back of it into a mall. There are only so many big boxes worth shopping at these days.
  3. Heck, I've got an $80 million facility not too far away from me that has plenty of space inside. Just built actually... and since you paid for it... well... I'll let you have any of the top bunks. Seriously... we should have an organized protest in Paulding for all the county government pork barrel spending.
  4. Sure, here's an old one... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tnTnC8-FHws&feature=related
  5. We need more title pawns... and payday lenders.
  6. A chicken ranch! A trailer park designed by Disney (or HBO). Another Hooters! A college that would require more than a pulse for admission. A specialty store for fiddles, banjos, jugs, saws, overalls and 'tooth care'. A city government that is continually embroiled in scandal (oh wait... we have a couple of those). A pool hall. A gambling joint called 'Porky's' Another church! Wait a sec... I think I finally have it. Paulding needs jobs, right? I say we start actively recruiting highly skilled professionals from a variety of fields with an advertising cam
  7. Are they going to cut down on parapros as well?
  8. Most folks use it for overseas calls. I tried to have it for local calls. It just didn't catch on in the same way. Google Voice is also having the same pickle. I don't think that VOIP services like Skype will have any traction with domestic phone coverage until the market place offers dedicated cell phones for Skype/Voice and complete Wifi-style coverage. Whether it's Wifi, Wimax, or some other technology remains to be seen. But without the coverage these technologies have very limited practicality.
  9. I'm thinking about taking a house on a very busy road and using it as a showcase for Freecycle. Every month various items would be picked up nearby and used to furnish the home. At the final Saturday of every month, folks could go in and look at the interior decorating done and take note of what items they like. A donation to Freecycle wouldn't be required, but it would be available to those who would want to help out. The items would all be offered at the end of the day. A volunteer would take note of who came and there would be a limit of no more than three items per household
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