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Everything posted by mrshoward

  1. America’s Top Cities for Homicides Are on Track for Historic Rates in 2017 : https://www.thetrace.org/2017/07/gun-homicide-rates-baltimore-st-lous-detroit/
  2. Ah... so the real problem in these communities is not rampant violent crime and horrific conditions, it is with law enforcement risking their lives to protect the public and engage / arrest violent criminals. (I've seen St.Louis... it ain't pretty. They need help... not misguided outrage and riots.) Gotcha... black lives matter.
  3. Have you ever been to East St. Louis or Northwest downtown ? ? ? I have... many times. It's a third world hellhole where life is cheap. Weird that we never see any protesters for the inoocent folks being murdered there every single day by drug dealers and gang bangers...
  4. The police officer was held accountable by the justice system... he was found not guilty by a court of law. They are protesting the death of a violent heroin dealer.
  5. Okay, four "nights" of Antifa riots in St.Louis and now Atlanta.
  6. Four days of Antifa riots in St. Louis and now Atlanta...
  7. Here's another enlightening essay by Jamaican immigrant : https://www.commentarymagazine.com/articles/open-letter-ta-nehisi-coates/ Powerful testimony...
  8. I would hope that her views on non violence, free expression, and civility would align with most folks...
  9. Today, DeVos recognized a basic and obvious truth that every objective chronicler of the college rape crisis already knows: The Obama-era modifications to Title IX utterly failed to bring justice to campuses. https://reason.com/blog/2017/09/07/devos-title-ix-example-cases-rape Lawyers and law professors all across the country have condemned these kangaroo courts...
  10. You should see all the outrage over the police shooting that tiger this morning...
  11. The DHS report has been posted 3 times now... I wonder if they will ever bother to read it ? ? ?
  12. I get my news from a wide variety of sources. And I have no need to lie about who I am...
  13. Tha bullcheeze in this thread is neck deep. Hey Pubby, you might try reading your own website...
  14. Energy Department taps petroleum reserve : http://www.politico.com/story/2017/08/31/energy-department-petroleum-reserve-hurricane-harvey-242206?cmpid=sf
  15. Port Arthur is going under... refineries inundated. Many people trapped in high water and begging for rescue on Twitter. This is heartbreaking... boats needed ! ! ! The situation is dire... this is not over.
  16. Nancy Pelosi sics Antifa on Patriot Prayer rally : http://hotair.com/archives/2017/08/24/pelosi-calls-banning-patriot-prayer-rally-public-park-cant-shout-wolf-crowded-theater/
  17. I do not even like Noam Chomsky... but that was very good presentation.
  18. It was a slam dunk from the very first post where he equated violent criminals with a SWAT team...
  19. Right wing opinion piece from a Communist Left wing NYU Professor of Liberal studies ? ? ? Instead of attacking the source... try reading his actual words.
  20. Liberal Professer Warns Of Dangerous Antifa Ideology : http://www.lifezette.com/polizette/deplorable-nyu-professor-slams-peers-embrace-antifa-violence/ Spot on...
  21. The Left has begun to eat their own... BLM v. Antifa : https://twitter.com/UncleChangNYC/status/899373007621246976?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw&ref_url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.ace.mu.nu%2F Antifa v. Antifa : https://twitter.com/thedonaldreddit/status/900403601238925312?ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw&ref_url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.ace.mu.nu%2F And my favorite... Woke Left bashes the ACLU for tweeting an innocent pic of an adorable child. The ACLU then apologizes for "white supremacy" and checks their privilege : https://twitter.com/ACLU/status/900472710354128896
  22. The blame lies solely with those who perpetrate violence. Donald J. Trump is President of the United States.. It is foolish to suggest that his speech be silenced by the heckler's veto...
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