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Everything posted by SOTDOC

  1. Come in to see me a consultation is free and if necessary I will refer you to another provider if that is what you need.
  2. "You don't have to be great to get started but you have to get started to be great." Les Brown
  3. It is far cheaper to be well. There is less money and less pain. If you have more life, more energy, and also have more money everyone around you benefits. Let me help with the transition.
  4. http://www.thefruitpages.com/ripefruits.shtml This is a helpful article.
  5. To ofset the problem effective today all active duty military personal are free in our clinic! President Obama has proposed a 1.4% pay increase for active duty military in 2011. This is THE LOWEST SINCE 1973! Nice to know that during a time of rampant inflation, while war is fought in 2 theaters, our men and women in uniform get A LOWER PAY INCREASE THAN WELFARE RECIPIENTS!!! Please repost if you support our troops
  6. We have helped M.S. patients in our office. There where also many M.S. patients that found help at the University Clinic when I was and intern. Watch this and share it with anyone who needs help.
  7. “A wise and frugal government, which shall leave men free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned - this is the sum of good government.” Thomas Jefferson
  8. Joe you and Rosemary are doing a wonderful service over there. Best wishes and a safe trip.
  9. Not all supplements are safe and effective. Synthetic and mass produced supplements can have poor quality control. Fish oils can have mercury and other toxins. They may also be rancid. The company I use is STANDARD PROCESS. They have amazing products. They are safe and effective. Read this story and watch the video. http://abcnews.go.com/GMA/ConsumerNews/truth-fish-oil-concerns/story?id=9994049
  10. I posted the article and video but it is gone. http://shine.yahoo.com/event/makeover/the-5-foods-you-should-eat-every-day-710199/ Here it is! The video is here now.
  11. My family is looking forward to our trip. You do a great job and save us money!!!!!!!!
  12. Many of us struggle with weight loss. The simply truth is if you burn more calories than you eat you will lose weight. If eat more calories than you burn you will gain weight. For most americans junk foods and heavily processed foods are the problem. Diet and nutrition are two different things. We are all on a diet good or bad. Our nutritional status is another issue. Portion control and exercise is vital even if you have good dietary habits. Eat whole fresh foods! The following video and article gives good advice. http://shine.yahoo.com/event/makeover/the-5-foods-you-should-eat-every-day-
  13. We have had a lot of success in our office with migraines and headaches. Imagine your life without headaches. Here are some patients and videos to help you decide if you want chiropractic.
  14. Medical advice from the internet is risky. I have patients come in and say their liver hurts. I ask them to point to their pain. They point to a place where there is no liver. Signs and symptoms can be confusing. At most check your pulse, temp, and blood pressure. If your vital signs are not within normal limits. Get to a health care professional at once. Walgreen's and publix have affordable rates and the nurse practitioners do a good job. They also write prescriptions.
  15. These are great videos about helping children with Chiropractic care. V
  16. http://www.drchair.com/ergonomic/Ergonomic-Chair-v1.html?gclid=CPDm4MqjlaACFZhf2godP1sOeQ
  17. Ergonomics is an important and multifaceted subject. Most of the expensive chairs are good. Some of the less expensive chairs are good. I found a chair for around two hundred. The office supply carry some good chairs. There are many other factors to consider. Computer screen height, desk height posture, micro breaks, and therapeutic exercise all play a role. After all this a healthy spine still must be maintained. If you are subluxated you need a chiropractor.
  18. This is very dangerous. GMO are very likely a major health concern. Monsanto and other large companies control production farming. Wacth the movie Food Inc. it is a real eye opener. http://www.foodincmovie.com/ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5eKYyD14d_0
  19. I eat chicken. We should not have a state bird that we cut up and fry.
  20. There are several natural products that really help!
  21. Most of the time you need a referral. There are some safe natural products that will help.
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