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About fmcadams2716

  • Rank
    Paulding Com member
  • Birthday 11/18/1988

Previous Fields

  • Place of Residence
    Dallas City

Profile Information

  • Gender
  • Interests
    taking care of my two little kids, spending time with my hubby
  1. do you use their online bill pay? i was looking into switching to them
  2. The only heat we have used is our wood burning fire place
  3. He was a great guy that helped out anyone who needed it! Prayers for his family and wife and baby boy!
  4. we are planning on closing our account friday when we have time to go up there. they of course charged us twice for one bill and one didnt even go to the right place. now to find a new bank!
  5. My son was also spiderman and someone came up to us and asked us if we lost a mask, but we didnt so we just told them no sorry. it was a teenage guy. im sorry your little man lost it
  6. we are in the next neighborhood over. i noticed this happening alot. i just hope no one getsin an accident because o these little punks
  7. My grandfather passed away from there 2 weeks ago. They were wonderful and made the saddest times in our life a little less painful. They have to be some of the nicest ladies i have ever met. I love the quilts that they give out to the family also. it made my grandmother feel very loved and at ease with where he was staying even though he was only there 2 days.
  8. its 2.99 for 25 yards at michaels and you can use the %40 off coupons with it. or you can get some off ebay for pretty cheap too.
  9. how long does it take to recive a refund or them lower the payment?
  10. you can also use the lil cupcake cups to make them too.
  11. yes the website has a bunch of cute ideas!
  12. you can make a wreath out of coffee filters , you can get the brown ones or you can dye the ones you have a color. and the dollar store has the little wreaths to put them on for a dollar. there is a link to it somewhere i will try and find it for ya here ya go
  13. i just switched to direct from comcast. i dont have any complaints i have had it about a month. if you do get it you can get 10 off your bill for 10 months if you use a referral code
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