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Posts posted by Chelle

  1. This is just nuts... I figured I might get 10 replies, at best!


    My sis-in-law (3rd grader's Mom) is supposed to call me when she gets home, but I won't be able to post until around 5 or 6:00. I just have this sinking feeling that the question is flawed. It's a 3rd grade question... and out of all the people who are trying to figure this out, no one has come up with an answer that truly fits.


    If y'all just like word riddles, I'll put some together (that actually have answers, lol) and spend an evening trying to entertain y'all. :D

  2. My money is on:

    The pathological liar killed her daughter, either through malice or neglect, stowed the body in the trunk, drove around for a month, stole/borrowed gas cans and a shovel, then burned and buried the body before going to party her ass off.


    EXACTLY what I have been thinking.


  3. An elementary school class started a class project to make planters to take home to their parents.


    They wanted to have a plant in it that was easy to take care of, so they decided to use cactus plants.


    The students were given green-ware po ttery planters in the shape of clowns which they painted with glaze.


    The clown planters were professionally fired at a class outing so they could see the process..


    It was great fun!


    They planted cactus seeds in the finished planters and they grew nicely, but unfortunately, the children were not allowed to take them home.


    The cactus plants were removed and small ivy replaced them and the children were then allowed to take them home instead.


    The teacher said cactus seemed like a good idea at the time!

































  4. I think she is beautiful also. So what.....she had one bad hair day!!!! Who hasn't?! And I think that what she says is as important as what anyone else has to say. You may not agree with her, and that is fine. But that doesn't mean that whatever she says is not important.

    Why is it that women get treated like this? Remember all the bad pictures and comments about Hillary? I have even recently seen some on Palin, although not as many.

    I do realize that anyone in the public eye will be done this way....men and woman.

    And besides........one of the world most brilliant minds had bad hair days all the time. Nothing on the outside, your hair, clothes, jewelry, ect. have anything to do with what is on the inside.

    For me, it's not so much the hair... but the crazed look in her eyes.

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