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Posts posted by Chelle

  1. It is ridiclous that you would say that this mother will go from saying Hell to F--- to her child. How do you know this? I used the word Hell with my kids but never F___. One thing does not lead to the other. You are making judgements about someone you don't even know based merely on the fact that she told her child to shut the hell up your embarassing me. Ever hear this one? JUDGE NOT LEAST YE ALSO BR JUDGED. This may be a very good mother who had just gotten fed up.

    As stated in my post (please refer to the 2nd paragraph), I am not judging or accusing anyone.


    Also, nowhere did I say anything about that Mother as fact. That was written as question (note the question mark) merely to ask at what point does a parent draw the line and that some will not know where to draw the line.


    This is why I hate posting sometimes. Text gets misinterpreted way too often.

  2. OH JEEZE....there is a difference between HITTING and SPANKING....i never spank my child anywhere but on the butt...and spanking is a last resort...after a warning and time out unless the situation is just way out of hand.

    Good for you if you didn't have to bribe or EVER spank your kid but i hardly believe that is true.

    kids are kids. they all throw tantrums.


    In my mind, hitting and spanking are the same thing. I would agree that a pop on the butt is more appropriate than a pop on the mouth... which leads me to my biggest concern... which is different people's interpretations of discipline versus physical or verbal abuse. If a Mother tells her child to "Shut up, your embarrassing the hell out of me," at what point does she draw the line? At what point does it become verbal abuse? Is this likely to escalate over time? In time will she be telling her child to "Shut the F*** up," as she becomes desensitized to her own words? All abuse starts somewhere... and oftentimes it starts small and doesn't seem like a big deal... but it ends up with a child with esteem, confidence and socialization issues. Same goes with the physical abuse. I'm not saying that there's never a time or place for spanking, I'm saying that *I* don't believe it should be a part of everyday discipline and should only be used as a last resort in extreme situations, although I don't see myself ever going there. And please don't think that I'm saying that everyone who spanks their child on occasion will go on to physically abuse their child... that's NOT what I'm saying. I'm saying why even open the door to that possibility with so many other disciplinary options available? Most abusers don't even realize when they became abusers and some don't even realize that they are abusers... but there sure are a lot of them out there. Do you think they just woke up one day and thought... hey, I want to be an abuser? Don't think so.


    I realize that what I have in my head just doesn't seem to come out right in a post. So just know, I'm not accusing anyone of anything, nor am I judging anyone. I'm not close enough to anyone here to even have a clue what goes on behind their closed doors, and I won't pretend to.

  3. but i will not be that parent standing next to a child having a tantrum bribing them with toys or a reward if they will stop. my children act like they are supposed to and i receive many compliments on their behavior so maybe your way isn't the only way that works

    And I will not be that parent who's child is afraid to open their mouth for fear of being hit. My children act like they are supposed to and I receive many compliments on their behavior so maybe your way isn't the only way that works... and I didn't have to spank OR bribe mine to make them behave.


  4. I have found 9 times out of 10 .. if you explain to a kid " why " they can't have something or why they need to be in the cart .. that's all it takes to calm them down. I show my kids respect. I explain things to adults .. Why not my kids ? Just because they are smaller than me, doesn't make them any less worthy. I never say " Because I said so " or " just because " .. I wouldn't say that to a grown adult. I also wouldn't smack a grown adult or expect them to read my mind. It's all about communication. I must have done something right .. I have some pretty amazingly behaved grown kiddo's :wub: I never reward bad behavior .. but then I rarely have to deal with bad behavior.

    You're right on!


    Before someone comes in and says that you can't explain things to a 2 or 3 year old child, I'm here to say that, in most cases, it does work. Unfortunately I didn't exercise explaining & reasoning until my middle son was about 4, but I started with my youngest very early. Not only did this make him easier to deal with then, it set the stage for the years to come. My youngest son is still my easiest to reason with and when I explain what can or can't be done and why, he's good with it. If he has questions, I do my best to answer them. If he has a different view, he'll share it with me and I'm often impressed by his perspective. He's 8 now and has never really had a tantrum or given me any problems.


    Talk to your kids and start early... even if you don't think they can understand you yet.

  5. oh my gosh! We just got back from eating at Wallace's in Yorkville. YUM! Their BBQ is delicious. I had a BBQ sandwich, with onion rings and brunswick stew. Everything was wonderful. I am soooo excited to have a good sit down restaurant in Yorkville. I have already invited her sister and family to come out to eat with us there this weekend! I am from Douglasville and they remind me so much of Hudson's. The bbq and the brunswick stew both taste like Hudson's . I will definitely be going back very soon. My mom had a hickory salad that was really good also. Yeah for Yorkville!

    SO glad to hear this.



  6. A lot of folks looking at us, nobody bothered us.

    Hoping for a larger crowd next time!!

    Yep, give some notice and I'll walk over there for lunch. I won't be able to bring a table or chair... but I'll happily park my butt right on the sidewalk... maybe I'll even bring a big sign that reads "I wish I had a table & chair. My butt hurts." lol

  7. I was going to vote, but after waiting a few minutes for the page to load, a window popped up with a script problem in Flash and I couldn't close the window. I had to open the task manager to close the window... but it closed all of my windows. :(

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