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Posts posted by Chelle

  1. I've been the receiver and the giver. Both feel good! I know from experience that the best way to bring yourself up out of a bad day is to do something nice, no matter how small, for someone else. Focus on someone outside of yourself....it leaves less time to focus on the negatives in your life. :)

    So true, so true!


    I'm so glad there are people in this world that not only understand that, but live it as well. I just wish there were more.

  2. I work in a real estate office and one of our Agents is truly a ray of sunshine. He's one of those people that can walk into a room and make people smile. :D He always has something nice to say and always seems so happy. He randomly brings little things to the office for me, such as a pack of candy, a coke, lunch, etc. Well, today he stopped in with the sweetest card with a visa gift card enclosed, with written words of thanks for all I do. It's so refreshing to have someone so sweet and thoughtful pop in the office to brighten my day, which he does even when he just has kind words to say.


    Make someone smile today. It really doesn't take much effort, but it can make a huge difference in their day. :D


    With all the venting that goes on around here, I thought I'd share something nice.

  3. For those of you who know me, I am NEVER up, outta bed or online at 7AM. But, I kept hearing my husband get in and out the car outside by bedroom window. So, I got up and then - there he was in the hallway. The car WILL NOT START! Won't click, turn over or anything! Of course, our jumper cables are at DD house. DARN............what a bad way to start the day. He works in Buckhead and today is one of his early days...........WON'T be today! :(


    Hope your day is BETTER!!!!!!

    I had this problem on Tuesday and had to miss a day of work... something I really cannot afford to do. My problem turned out to be the starter. Apparently I need a new one, but for now, hubby showed me where to hit it with a hammer to get it started. :unknw:

  4. It makes no sound whatsoever. Doesn't crank. No clicking sound. Nothing. :(


    Thank you for the suggestion.


    Hopefully Hubby will be able to figure out the problem when he gets home... and I sure do hope it's an easy & inexpensive fix.


    enjoy your day cleaning LOL

    lol, well... I'm trying to tackle the laundry... I think it's winning though.

  5. If the back door won't close all the way, maybe the inside light was on, and ran the battery down. I don't know, just thinking out loud!!


    Sorry about the rear-ending and the car damage!

    I don't think it's the battery. The doors latch at the top and bottom, which are the only parts of the doors that line up right now, so the latches acually work. Up where the spare tire holder attaches to the door is where most of the damage is... and the gap runs up and down from there. I was also in and out of the house last night and would have noticed the light if it was on. I do appreciate the excellent input... and you still may be right. I just know very little about vehicles.


    Thank you. :)

  6. I left work a little early yesterday so I could find gas and get enough to last me all week. I wouldn't have even had enough to get me to work today. After I left the gas station, I got rear ended (by a really sweet young lady... I actually felt bad for her.) Now I have to hope it doesn't rain because the back door is dented in and the gap is big enough the let a lot of water in.


    Anyhow, I got in the van to leave for work this morning and it won't start. :( I don't think it's related to being rear ended yesterday... just bad luck... or something's trying to keep me off the roads today... dunno. I do feel fortunate that it decided not to start at home, rather than getting stranded somewhere else.


    Guess I have to go clean the house or something. It really needs it.

  7. I'm sorry you're feeling bad, LR. You described eactly what I had a few weeks ago. I felt horrible for 2 or 3 days, then it got much better. I'm still not 100%, but I'm just happy that the worst of it was gone rather quickly. I hope you feel better soon.

  8. I wish I could help. I have not been out today, except for this morning when I filled up at Kroger on Dallas Acworth Highway. I don't want to use up any more than I have to. Hubby said he was getting some at Scott's Store if you are close to there. I am not familiar with that area, but he has been working out there this week.


    Good Luck, and congrats on the new baby.

    I was just at the Scott's on Gold Mine and they were out.

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