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Everything posted by angela.harp09

  1. My thoughts and prayers are with this precious angels family.
  2. Since no one has said it yet I will tell you that Northside Baptist Church has new and old hymns,has childrens church and a nursery if you have little ones. I praise God every time i get to go because its such a blessing. www.northside-baptist-church.com Look forward to seeing you. God Bless you
  3. you guys are to funny....its already been answered but when I pulled in to get my bf I was wondering the same thing...lol
  4. Sorry to hear of your loss. My prayers are with you. My email is on my profile please let me know if there's anything I can do to help as well. I have a large church family and they are also full of love.
  5. Your family will be in my prayers. Im sorry to hear of your loss.
  6. Does anyone know where the funeral will be at? My mother is devastated.
  7. Thank you for clearing all this up. my honey came home and said that. I was like ummmm no their not because that wouldnt be safe...lol have a good night
  8. Im here....kids are acting wild...lol
  9. lol...ill go to the website and then give you a call. What do you have to buy to start? Email me please when you get time. Thanks
  10. no not alone I do the same thing and my bf is like what are you doing are you cheating. I said yep with some grapes....lol
  11. yes and she is a wonderful tattoo artist
  12. I got let go from J P Morgan Chase June 1st of this year. I got severence but it ran out. Ive been serching for a job since June 2nd. If anyone knows of anything let me know. Until I find something then I am a SAHM to my 10 mnth old and LOVE it!! I never knew how nice it would be. I just wish I could afford to do it till she started pre-k. Do you like working for dish network? They have job openings for working at home but I didnt know if it was for real or not.
  13. Thanks sooo much eberyone. I just realized you welcomed me...lol
  14. I got mine at Best Buy. Its a toshiba and it was only $299.00 It woukd have been with tax around $340.00 but I got it tax free weekend. Its awesome. Thats what I would recommend.
  15. I knew Michelle as well. I dated John her brother for a short time but I knew her before that. She was an extremely lovable person. I remember when Jacob was born. Michelle and Josh were so happy. I found out about Michelle after reading it in the paper. I havent seen her in about a year when I ran into her at Kroger or Walmart one. If im not mistaken she gave me a business card. Michelle will be missed. Ive known her and her family for about 12 years but sparse contact through the years. I also worked with Mike at Briar patch about 11 years ago. I will always keep the family in my prayers. Pl
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