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cookies are sweet

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Everything posted by cookies are sweet

  1. My house is like a roach motel, guns check in, but they never check out. ETA: Sorry for being so "snippy" this morning. I have reasons but they do not matter, I shouldn't have been ugly. Sarcastic I am ok with, ugly I shouldn't be.
  2. I lied, not the last. I know of no law stating that you have to be a certain age to by TP at anytime. As The Great and Powerfull former member says; state your law.
  3. Unless something has changed in the past two years, I have never had to show ID for any of the above except Sudafed and that is because of criminals. But that is ok, because since that law went into effect the meth trade is almost gone. Uhhh...what did you say? The law about showing ID for Sudafed did not stop the mest trade? It just creats more paperwork and expense for the goverment, pharmacies and the consumer? Why sir! That is impposible! It was a law to help stop meth! Of cousrse it works, just like more gun laws will help stop crime, please understand, more laws, less law breakers.
  4. Again, those pesky guns and those pesky gun owners. What do think they can do, just treat their own propetry anyway they want, just give their own property to anyone they want to! How dare they. None of my guns can be traced, by paperwork, to me. More goverment, thats what we need. Go Big Goverment. Excuse me sir, you did not fill out the proper paperwork to buy toilet paper, please use leaves. And some wonder why this country is in the shape it is in. So many are afraid of being responcable for their own live. Please Mr. Goverment, tell me how to live and protect me from the bad (any
  5. ETA: My post didn't make the save. Last one as you are not changing my opinion and I am not changing your. When I was a kid, we had play guns that looked and felt just like real guns and none of this crap was going on then. It is not about play guns or real guns. We are reaping the seeds of the liberal world we have created over th past 50 years, it is that simple. By the way, I have never had to show ID to buy toilet paper or shaving cream at any time in my life. But maybe you use a special kind of TP that does require ID. I need to know what that is as I need the best I can get
  6. I agree. We also need a seperate store for every item in the world. A knife only store, a spray paint can store,ooooo a glue only store. Sorry this has just gotten to weird for me.
  7. We cool, I just didn't want you to think it was directed at you or for that matter, at anyone else in particular.
  8. Yep, it's the guns and the gun lovers. I know what; let's shoot em! That will teach those lousy gun lovers.
  9. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: Assault weapon is a political term, often used by gun control advocates, typically referring to firearms "designed for rapidly firing at human targets from close range," sometimes described as military-style features useful in combat. I do not mean this to be a put down as I know there are many, many things that I do not know anything about as I either have no interest in them or have not cared to learn about them. When ever I hear anyone use the term "assault weapons", I know they do not know very much about guns. The "assault weapon" ban did,
  10. Bullcrap, I have seen Jack sold at a Dairy Queen in one state. It's not where or who buys em, it's what we teach as a society and this one is broke and getting worse. Sorry, I'm not a morning person.
  11. First, it was not directed at anyone poster, just a little humor. (or at least an attempt) Second, feel free to listen to any conversation between me and my ex, because if she calls me a "nutjob" just because of my beliefs and disagreeing with her. And then accuses ME of being mean, I would think she is trying to sweet talk me into getting back together. Because that would have been the nicest thing she has said to me in years. Again, a little humor. (you may each decide how little, I don't expect high ratings, because as we all know .... wait for it.....this is.....a.....tough cr
  12. Ohhh Great and Powerful former member, she who is all seeing and all knowing. Please tell us oh Great One, what is your educational history. Please list all of your many academic records so that we; the unwashed, unread, uneducated masses; may marvel at all of your accomplishments. In other words, list your real name and your educational background with dates for verification or quit asking, over and over, for others to do what you refuse to do. As we used to say when we were kids, put up or shut up.
  13. That was Charles Whitman, ex-marine and a heck of a shot, sadly for many people. He had a brain tumor, and killed his wife and mother before going up in the tower. There have been others throught history, but they were fewer and further between than they are now. I have to believe that some of what is going on now is because society has gotten to impersonal in many ways. I said, that is some of the cause, not all of the cause.
  14. Just so I am clear, because I am sure I wasn't. (not sarcasm) I am against all littering of any type. I spend more time in a car than most people and I always put my trash in the passenger floorboard and then I always "empty" the floorboard at every gas or hotel stop. But I am not as worried about cigarette butts as I am other pieces of trash. I do not have an issue with having the person that threw out a butt pick theirs up and a few others around if stopped. If they do not wish to do that, then give them ticket. Same goes with other small (very small) pieces of trash. Just my opinion a
  15. You gotta love the "turn your guns in or I will shoot you" mentality. Hang in there TP.
  16. Nah, this time it has been fun. They are down to grading my posts for grammer. I can tell you, I barely passed that one in high school, I ain't gonna get a good grade on it now. But it keeps em busy and makes em happy. And my point has been proved, again. Edited for spelling. I am already getting a C on grammer.
  17. And proved again. (I lived it, I doubt you did) Awww, has the Great and Powerful former member been reduced to grading posts for grammer? Say it ain't so Joe! ETA: Before you take off points for the "hep" in another post, that one was on purpose.
  18. "It's a shame there are so many educated idiots in this country." Let me hep you here, 2012 - 50 = 1962
  19. How about you read the post, PAST 50 YEARS, nothing about Colonial America era. Sorry, Great and all knowing former member. Please let me have a brain, a heart, a home, some courage; if I bring you the witches broom. Edited due to dbl post.
  20. All Hail The GREAT and POWERFULL former member! All knowing, all seeing, all full of.....
  21. I posted this a while back and most wanted to nitpick it. A few things I have noticed over the past 50+ years. Graphic violence in the movies and on TV: It was said that depicting graphic violence in the movies and on TV would lead to more violence in America. Proponents of the depicting graphic violence in the movies and on TV said this would not happen. Is there more violence in America today than there was 50 years ago? Yes. Graphic violence in video games: It was said that depicting graphic violence in the video games would lead to children being desensitized to violence
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