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Posts posted by hotwheels

  1. I think it is too late now, but I would appeal it next year. We are appealing ours. I can provide you with the comps you need if they request them. Hopefully the newly elected officials we have will do something about this increase!!!! Ours went up a great deal also!


    (Glad you are liking Dallas!)



    I filed an appeal letter on my assessment but have not received a response to date. Has anyone received a response on their appeal yet? Just curious. I thought they would have a legal obligation to respond within 30 days.

  2. 8O0 milligrams of motrin is prescription strength and what the dentist I worked for would prescribe or tell patients they could take OTC for pain. PLEASE DO NOT take more often than every 8 hours though, not to exceed 2400 mg in 24 hours. You need to be very careful self medicating, even with OTC motrin! Hope you feel better soon.

  3. I think there may be something deeper bothering him. How does he respond verbally when confronted about lying? Perhaps he has some type of problem where he can't control his lying. I used to have a friend who lied all the time about simple things that there was no reason to lie about. He didn't even realize he had lied. I don't think he could control it.


    Kroger and Ingles double everyday.. If you watch the sale ads Ingles will triple on certain weeks.. But you have to have a minimum in order to use a certain number of coupons.





  5. Just remember that at Publix you don't have to actually buy 2 of the products for their buy 1 get 1. If you only really need one, get it for half price. That's always a big savings.

    I clip most of my coupons from the newspaper/sale circular that is dropped in my driveway every Thursday. Also, Target has online coupons you can print out.

  6. Perhaps you missed the point.


    Why is it okay for teachers to spend thier own personal money to fill in the blanks, but not okay for you to spend yours?


    No, I get your point. You stated it VERY clearly.


    I do spend my money! I send supplies throughout the school year each and every year and I always have! You made it a point to indicate that I do not when you made several blanket statements referring to the "CITIZENS" of Paulding County. I resent your remarks and your attitude! I am sorry you "happen to be districted with a bunch of trailer parks." Like I said, why don't you take a hike and find you some greener grass, seeing how you sound so miserable and disappointed with all the "CITIZENS of Paulding County." I'm sure you can probably find a county somewhere that will supply you with staples.


  7. I agree, but in the mean time I'M paying for it. The TEACHERS are paying for it. My students don't do without any resource I can reasonably get my hands on. However, $10 here and $30 there adds up to several hundred dollars a year.



    Since the CITIZENS of Paulding county won't support any sort of increase that will enhance our school systems, because the CITIZENS of Paulding county don't want to donate supplies to classrooms because they feel that supplies should be provided, and since the CITIZENS of Paulding county have had enough then perhaps the TEACHERS of Paulding county should take the same approach. Perhaps the TEACHERS of Paulding county should refuse to spend any of our own money on students or our classrooms. Perhaps the TEACHERS of Paulding county should refuse to take on the financial burdens of an overtaxed citizentry. Perhaps the TEACHERS of Paulding county, who probably don't all live in Paulding county, should allow the CITIZENS of Paulding county to endure the concequences of ill-educated youth. I'm sure the costs of housing future felons far outweigh the costs of this tax increase.




    What makes you think another tax increase is going to get you the things you say you are not getting now?


    PERHAPS it's time for you to try teaching in another county. I wouldn't want someone with your attitude teaching my child! Go find you some greener grass.


  8. I love unique names. My daughter is Ariana (we pronounce it airy-on-a)

    Our son is Aidan Asher.

    Not many with those names.






    I don't know whether or nor you're planing more children but I was going to name my son Afton had he been a girl. I could have named him that as a biy but I've always thought of it as just a girl's name. I've seen it in print before but it's also in the song Mandolin Rain by Bruce Hornsby. I LOVE it!

  9. My daughter used to put popcorn kernels up her nose. Did it one day and rushd her to the doc. They tried for over an hour to get it out a then referred me to a ENT. Just then an older nurse came in he room and told me to blow into her mouth to try and get it out. So I lean over, cover her mouth with mine and blew a short quick breath......ping....right in my cheek....kernel comes flying out!



    I wish someone had been smart enough to advise me to ty this! We had to have out patient surgery to remove a lego from my son's sinus cavity. Not to mention the trauma of the ER doc digging around trying to get it out. Took 7 or 8 of us to hold him down. He didn't ever put anyhting else up his nose after that though. He had previously put a bean up his nose. I closed the nostril on the opposite side and had him blow. That one came right out at home.


    Mine also ate a piece of glass one time. Tiny, apparently, because nothing showed up on the xray. I did however have to check his chit for 2-3 days afterwards. It was right after we had seen The Grinch. I explained to him that the Grinch had not really eaten real glass in the movie. He said "I know that mommy but Jim Carey did!" :wacko: :rofl:

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