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Mama Carol

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Posts posted by Mama Carol

  1. If I hear "you were our second choice" one more time I think I'll scream!! Or if I hear "can we keep you in mind if the person we hired doesn't work out?"


    Nearly all of mine have come from Craigslist as well. The competition is tough. I go away almost positive that I have landed the job... and then... not. There are so many qualified candidates for employers to choose from now. It's rough.

  2. Almost all of my interviews have come from CL listings. I think one from the Marietta paper, one from the DOL, one from Douglasjobs.com (which no longer is active). All 15 of the others have come from CL listings.


    Thanks!! I believe that I have applied for both of those already, but I will check.


    I've gotten quite a few emails back that I suspected as scams. Craigslist can be shady, but I know a lot of legit employers use it too because it's free.

  3. Most of the time, a leasing agent is supposed to be licensed. I looked into that myself (not there but prior to the real estate bust).


    Thanks Mysterious... I've applied there before, but I will give it another try. I think they were previously looking for someone with a real estate license, which I don't have. It wasn't required at my previous company, and when the market crashed, I opted not to get it yet.


    Thanks again!!

  4. Here's one in Lithia Springs, on Bankhead Highway just west of "downtown" Lithia Springs.




    Little hint: DO NOT bother responding to the "bookkeeper--flexible hours" listing in Lithia Springs. That is posted every couple of weeks and must not be a real job.


    Here's one in Austell:





    Another hint: if you get an e-mail back from someone and it starts out with something similar to: I say it's a go. DELETE IT IMMEDIATELY!! It is a scam and you should not respond back to them. RUN as fast and as far as possible from that one.

  5. When I went to file for unemployment, the wait was several hours just to get to the "class" you had to attend. I think I was there for over 3 hours. That was in November 2009!


    Yep, try looking at the jobs by city instead of job and you can weed out the ones that are too far away.


    I know... it's just terrible. I was at the unemployment office today with my daughter who just lost her job and that place was packed!! It's sad that our country is in the shape that it's in. We are all going to be in the soup line if something doesn't change soon.


    I have been posting to a lot of the jobs on Craigslist, but mostly by job and not city, so I will try that.



  6. We made sure that the Google Nexus would work on either AT&T or T-mobile. We had AT&T at the time but weren't tied to it. One reason why neither of us ever had the desire for an iPhone. We were close to being at the end of our contract with AT&T and wanted to be free to go elsewhere and still use the phone.


    Now if I could just figure out how to use my AT&T phone on T-Mobile, I'd be a happy camper.


    But you have the GSM Google Nexus. This is why it works on T-Mobile. They made their GSM phone work with T-Mobile. Apple on the other hand makes 1 phone that works on international GSM bands, so it doesn't support 3G on T-Mobile as they use an exclusive band that no one in the world uses besides them.

  7. With my sister in law's brother, he had had a troubled childhood and early adult years. We were both in our mid-30s when he committed suicide. He had not threatened it previously.


    I remember when my daughter went through counseling, the counselor told me that the most likely time a person would commit suicide was after they started making improvements in their depression. As a general rule, deeply depressed people don't have the necessary get-up-and-go to follow through.


    It's often the ones who have neither hinted at it who do it and often the ones you wouldn't expect.


    I agree with you. It changes those left behind. My cousin's children, now all well into their adult years, have never been the same, of course that was a murder-suicide. Neither has my sister in law been the same. She felt so responsible for her brother, not necessarily because he committed suicide but because she felt responsible for him since they were very close. And my casual friend was never the same. I do need to see if I can locate her and see how she's doing.


    I am so very sorry! :(


    My younger brother had two friends commit suicide while he was in high school. One was a childhood friend and he never once mentioned suicide, totally unexpected, S was very close to our family and there were never any signs that he ever wanted to kill himself.:( he was happy go lucky, class clown and all around great kid.


    The other kid was like part of our familyalso. He was the son of a very prominent doctor in Cobb. I will call the child D, the initial of his first name.

    D was a straight a student, very well thought of and respected by his peers. D was a perfectionist. He would cry if he made a B on a test, he would get very emotional when he didn't get a perfect score or

    liftt the most weight out of everyone else in weight training. He put all of this pressure on himself, we really don't think it was put upon him by his family.

    Prom night, his girfriend called at the last minute to announce she changed her mind about going to prom. D found a gun and stood on his deck outside while calling his parents out to the back yard where the deck was located. He told them he was going to kil himself and the parents, of course, begged and pleaded with him for about an hour. Just as they thought they had talked him out of it, he points the gun to his head and shoots himself right there in front of his parents and brother. Even though he had a few problems with being perfect, no one ever dreamed he would ever harm hinself. It was devastating, he was such a sweet, snart kid who seeminglyhad everything going for him.


    I didn;t understand it then and I still don't understand to this day.:( What is so scarey is that most of the time, there are no outward indications of people wanting to commit suicide. I do wish more was known about why people do this. :( It mentally changes those of us left behind forever. I just always think about how sad and hopless they must feel and very alone. Very sad.

  8. It was a casual friend who found her husband after he shot himself in the head. It was my sister in law who was on the phone with her younger brother BEGGING him not to when he shot himself. I knew both people who committed suicide and actually knew them pretty well, even going to the funeral of the friend's husband but not the other due to it being in another state. Also, my cousin's husband shot her and then killed himself. :(


    Are these personal experiences that you speak of, if you don't mind me asking?

  9. I saw an ad for something similar to that today. I'll see if I can find it. Well, crap. I can't find it. It must have been taken down because I didn't see anything that looked like it. I will keep my eyes open.


    I did find this, though. http://atlanta.craigslist.org/nat/ofc/3189439545.html


    I am so sorry. I guess that would help. I am just so upset I dont know what to say.


    I was a dispatch manager for 4 1/2 years. I had a team of 10 under me. We were mainly customer service and computer skills such as excel, word, multitasking, multiple phone lines etc.



    At this point I am willing to do anything..

  10. She was 7 days older than my precious granddaughter Starr, who I will hug extra next time I see her.


    I cannot imagine what the parents and grandparents are going through.


    Hugs, loving thoughts and prayers to all of them. :wub:


    This just hurts my heart. This sweet precious angel was 6 days older than our Ellie Grace and I just cannot imagine the grief this family is going through right now. We will keep all of them in our prayers. :(

  11. Would it be tacky to point out that "Bright From The Start" is not necessarily JUST Pre-k? It is a program that deals with day care as well.


    This is from their website:


    Bright from the Start administers the nationally recognized Georgia’s Pre-K Program, licenses child care centers and home-based child care, administers federal nutrition programs, and manages voluntary quality enhancement programs.

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