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Posts posted by JBrigman

  1. Come on people, how about some real advice for her?


    First be sure to keep his nails trimmed, try softpaws and get the cat plenty of toys. Try some interactive cat pole toys, so the LIL man can walk around holding them, dragging the toy and let them play a fun game of chase.


    Keep in mind that LIL man will be a LIL man for a very short time, the cat on the other hand, has the next 20 years or so. A temporary problem requires a temporary solution.

  2. We went last Monday, last week was the last week they were open and it was terrific! The fast pass would have been useless for us. Many rides we just stayed on and rode again because their was no line. The only true line we stood was for 30-45 minutes and that was Thunder River because everyone was trying to beat the heat!


    We also went to White Water Thursday which was great too! I would never ever attempt to go to any park like that on a weekend, I'd rather stay home and clean the house than to stand in those riduculously long lines.


    But have fun and take advantage of those free cups of icewater or a large bottle of water is almost $4!

  3. Sounds like a serial killer in training to me and it's not the end of the world to have a litterbox inside for the safety and well-being of your cat's life. We believe all cats should be indoors where they are safe from cars, people, stray animals, fleas, ticks, diseases, etc.

  4. Southern Belle you would correct that the leash law pertains to cats and

    dogs. Unfortunately most people don't get it and think cats don't apply.


    I LOVE all animals, however we had the same thing happen where we used to live. We sometimes did loose a dog it would run loose until I caught it which made the neighbors mad and I understand that and always apologized when I saw them. But they saw nothing wrong with letting their cats poop in our pinestraw, walk on our cars and our guests cars and bring dead things it would kill like lizards or mice and leave them for us.


    Animal Control will say they are only breaking the law if their animal leaves their yard, so if her cat is in her yard and being abused then the pet owners have no done anything wrong.

  5. If your belongings are more important that your cats' feet and overall health, please folks, buy a stuffed one.


    I think a better to end such a topic is: You can't fix stupid!


    And IMO if you're unwilling to educate yourself, well..........

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